
  • Bibliotek

    Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, gives his opinion of Dr. Fauci (mid 1990s)
    Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, gives his opinion of Dr. Fauci (mid 1990s)

    Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, gives his opinion of Dr. Fauci (mid 1990s). This also goes to show just how much influence on our perception and opinion forming the mainstream media truly has had over the years. They can turn anyone they wish into a hero or a villain. With this amount of power I think it is only fair to question how it is being used.

    Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, gives his opinion of Dr. Fauci (mid 1990s)
    Dr. Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test, gives his opinion of Dr. Fauci (mid 1990s)
  • Vlog

    VLOG #3 - Søndag, 8. september, 2024
    VLOG #3 - Søndag, 8. september, 2024

    Der har været blevet foretaget forskning omkring grises velbefindende når de udelukkende levede i grise stalde og når de fik mulighed for også at gå på græs. Der fandt man ud af, med mine egne ord og forståelse, at når grisene fik mulighed for at sammenligne livet i staldende og livet på græs blev deres sindtilstand forværret. Dette eksempel bruge jeg som eksempel på mig selv og derefter snakker jeg om opdateringer på avisen, samt projekt blue beam.

    VLOG #3 - Søndag, 8. september, 2024
    VLOG #3 - Søndag, 8. september, 2024
  • Bibliotek

    Mel Gibson and his perspective on Hollywood
    Mel Gibson and his perspective on Hollywood

    The Top of the Peninsula Hotel has a Spa with food and has always been very discreet and only for those in the know. Few doors down is Ralph Lauren's office with young boys and girls that work for him. Across the street on 5th Avenue is the St. Regis hotel...between both of these hotels all major players of Hollywierd and Wall Street stay. The Top of the 666 is now a Private Club $15,000 a year membership for those with plenty of money inclduing Archbishop Timothy Dolan were he goes to smoke his REAL Cuban cigars and mingle with all the power brokers that run NY. Within 1 block you have all the expensive restaurants that cater to these cockroaches...many with secret basements..very expensive so only THEM are able to afford to get in and have their meetings.The Hollywierd crowd can be seen dinning in these very expensive restaurants were they do their deals with their handlers.

    Mel Gibson and his perspective on Hollywood
    Mel Gibson and his perspective on Hollywood
  • Bibliotek

    Wendy Hoffman, a Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Presentation
    Wendy Hoffman, a Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Presentation

    We know that satanic cult perpetrator groups infiltrate the very professions and organizations that survivors turn to for help. Survivors in general often look for therapeutic assistance. Consequently, these criminal groups have set up some of their members to become therapists and to lead therapy groups. Even when we think that we are in a safe environment, what we sometimes find are people re-programming us and closing us down. There are still many safe and competent therapists working in the field of mind control. In this presentation, I will talk about some of the professionals I was sent to, how I was ordered to go and what they did to re-assert barriers in my mind. Being aware of these dangers helps survivors to elude them. The underlying issue of betrayal will also be considered. Audience participation is encouraged.

    Wendy Hoffman, a Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Presentation
    Wendy Hoffman, a Survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Presentation
  • Bibliotek

    Former field case office for the CIA John Stockwell Speaks on the CIA Working in Vietnam & Elsewhere
    Former field case office for the CIA John Stockwell Speaks on the CIA Working in Vietnam & Elsewhere

    John Stock, a former field case office for the CIA, who ran the Angola task force and left in 1977, talks in this interview about the inner workings and influence of the CIA on wars such as the Vietnam war and beyond. This subversive influence is still going on to this day in many countries, not just the United States, with allies in many countries and has not been stopped just yet.

    Former field case office for the CIA John Stockwell Speaks on the CIA Working in Vietnam & Elsewhere
    Former field case office for the CIA John Stockwell Speaks on the CIA Working in Vietnam & Elsewhere
  • Bibliotek

    Royal families of Europe and the transgender ideology
    Royal families of Europe and the transgender ideology

    Royal families of europe and the transgender ideology has roots in satanism. The reason is that everything is turned upside down in satanism. Bad is good and good is bad. A boy is a girl and a girl is a boy. This is what is practiced in secret societies because it is a ritual designed to hurt a human being. And this practice has to be stopped and not accepted into society.

    Royal families of Europe and the transgender ideology
    Royal families of Europe and the transgender ideology
  • Bibliotek

    Gary Web and the CIA's role in drug trafficking into the US
    Gary Web and the CIA's role in drug trafficking into the US

    Gary Stephen Webb August 31, 1955 – December 10, 2004 was an American investigative journalist. The Los Angeles Times and other major papers published articles suggesting the "Dark Alliance" claims were overstated. After an internal review, The Mercury News ultimately published a statement in May 1997 acknowledging shortcomings in the series' reporting and editing. Webb resigned from The Mercury News in December 1997. He became an investigator for the California State Legislature, publishing a book based on the "Dark Alliance" series in 1998, and doing freelance investigative reporting. The "Dark Alliance" series remains controversial. Critics view the series' claims as inaccurate or overstated, while supporters point to the results of a later CIA investigation as vindicating the series. Criticism has also been directed at the follow-up report in the Los Angeles Times and other papers for focusing on problems in the series rather than re-examining the earlier CIA-Contra claims. Webb was found dead in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide by the Sacramento County coroner's office.

    Gary Web and the CIA's role in drug trafficking into the US
    Gary Web and the CIA's role in drug trafficking into the US
  • Bibliotek

    Former Police Officer And Freemason Victor Ramos "EXPOSES" Freemasonry
    Former Police Officer And Freemason Victor Ramos "EXPOSES" Freemasonry

    It is a considerable problem, as I see it, when we have law enforcement, not just in the United States, but also throughout the western world that is part of a secret society. Because the question of concern becomes, where do their loyalties lie? Does it lie with their brothers in the lodge when they inevitably ask for favours or a return of favours? Or rather does it lie with the fellow citizens in their respective countries.

    Former Police Officer And Freemason Victor Ramos "EXPOSES" Freemasonry
    Former Police Officer And Freemason Victor Ramos "EXPOSES" Freemasonry