Covert and Semi-Overt Mind-Control Applications

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The Application of Mind-Control Technologies in Society Today

There are many of us who are becoming increasingly aware of the mind-control technologies that are being secretly developed and deployed within the greater population. Many people feel that they are being targeted with these technologies in a manner that seems to be meant to do nothing other than inflict physical and mental torture. However, few people are claiming that the more sinister aspects of these technologies are being applied against themselves – those aspects that directly affect and control a person’s thoughts and actions – and this needs to be seriously considered, since these more sophisticated forms of mind-control technologies do indeed exist, and their capabilities far exceed simple torture devices. 

The ultimate purpose of these technologies, given the design capabilities that are at least rumored to exist, is complete and uncompromisable control of a person’s thoughts and actions. The available technical information on how this might be done leaves no room for further doubt that such technologies are quite possible, and the large amount of testimonials and documented evidence reveals that they do indeed exist and are being applied to a greater and greater extent across a broadening spectrum of the population with each passing year. These technologies are becoming sophisticated enough that they are virtually undetectable to the target as much as they are to those around them. 

With the incorporation of trauma, drugs, hypnosis, and electronics, mind control aficionados have a large and varied arsenal of tools and techniques to utilize against their targets. Although trauma and drugs are somewhat more primitive aspects of mind control, they are still used in mind-control programs to a large extent. However, advanced hypnosis techniques and state-of-the-art electronics have largely replaced these in many situations where mind-control is being applied. Where trauma and drugs might leave telltale traces of evidence as to crimes being committed against unwitting targets, hypnotism and electronic technologies remain an invisible weapon against society. 

It has come to a point where anybody might be a target and nobody would ever know it – not even the target. 

The fact that people are coming forward and claiming to be harassed by such technologies is alarming enough, but few seem to realize (or dare to consider) that the problem must extend much deeper. Harassment and even torture through these technologies is one thing, but full-blown control of a person’s thoughts and actions is quite another. Given the general attitude of the greater portion of society (and authorities in particular) towards this subject, who would ever want to admit, should they even suspect it, that they are being mind-controlled to such an extent? 

The Distinction Between Semi-Overt vs. Covert Mind Control

There are distinct semi-overt applications for at least some of these technologies that do not seem to require any great skill in using them. These can include the use of trauma, drugs, and less sophisticated electronics. Because of their less sophisticated capabilities, they are prone to be more noticeable, and therefore they are more often used on the public as weapons for harassing and torturing, rather than for any sort of refined mind control that involves mental programming. For instance, electronic mind-control might be used in a semi-overt situation to cause emotional instability, nausea, fatigue, pain, etc., by merely broadcasting or beaming certain electromagnetic frequencies at intended targets. These are all based on older technologies, and are bound to be more proliferate. As new technologies replace old ones, the old ones get sold off, and eventually end up in the hands of police forces, private corporations, and even organized criminal groups. They become more prevalently applied in the public sector, and often sloppily.

The new, more sophisticated technologies offer more covert applications that involve a more complex understanding of the methodologies used to completely control a person without detection. The semi-overt applications are usually those that we hear about directly from the mouths of those who are targeted, and this is why I say they are semi-overt. The target certainly knows about them, but to everybody else they remain invisible. These semi-overt applications are usually meant to let the targeted individual know that they are being targeted, or at least the target’s awareness of the fact is of little concern to those who are doing the targeting. If, as it appears, a growing number of people are being targeted by these weapons as a means of semi-overt harassment and torture, which only requires the ability to acquire the electronics necessary and to learn some simple instructions on how to use them, then this indicates that these older electronic technologies are proliferating more and more in our society. 

However, we hear far less from those people who are targets of the more sophisticated covert applications, and this is a much more serious issue than we might commonly realize. While the semi-overt applications gain the attention of a certain segment of the population, the more sophisticated covert applications go completely unnoticed. The very attitudes of authorities and public representatives toward those who are a target of such semi-overt harassment and torture is an attitude that has already been purposely conditioned to be one of doubt and denial, and this effectively helps to cover up the fact that these more sophisticated covert applications even exist. This negative attitude has been carefully crafted and largely counted on by the perpetrators of mind control. Not only does it leave many people feeling helpless against these technologies and those who possess and use them, but it makes the very idea of the existence of even more sinister and less detectable technologies and applications seem to be that much more ludicrous to those who are not aware of these technologies at all. 

The point I am trying to make here is not that these technologies exist, since anyone who studies the available literature can easily discover for themselves that they do, but rather that they can and are being developed and used in such a sophisticated manner that renders them virtually invisible to detection – even by the targets. The older, less sophisticated technologies are becoming more commonly heard about, through the claims of those who are targets of them, while those who are targets of the more sophisticated technologies remain silent and unaware. Obviously, this is because the latter are that much more undetectable while offering that much more usefulness to the perpetrators. 

So, we must ask ourselves: who would be the likeliest candidates for targeting by these more sophisticated technologies and their applications? 

Considering the fact that these mind-control technologies were developed by the military and intelligence organs of the government, this gives us a very good insight into the ultimate purpose of their development and application. This, in turn, tells us who the likeliest candidates would be for targeting with the more sophisticated technologies. Early on, during the testing stages of these technologies, the perpetrators are known to select their targets from the military, prison populations, mental institutions, hospitals, immigration centers, etc., but virtually anyone at all who fits a certain criteria who they can get their hands on for a certain amount of time under an acceptable pretext seems to have been fair game in the past. Ultimately, however, the ideal target of the more sophisticated covert mind-control technologies would be people who would be worth manipulating, people in positions of power and authority: politicians, corporate leaders, heads of institutions, etc. Although such technologies might at first be used on foreign targets of this caliber, their use on domestic targets of a similar caliber would secretly run in parallel or else follow soon after, given the very mindset of those who create and use these technologies, and their ultimate agenda.

The perpetrators would also target the average citizen to some extent with the more sophisticated technologies, since this offers them other very useful applications, such as for creating ‘sleeper agents’ for various types of special operations, such as assassins, sex-slaves, spies, and couriers. There are many people who have already or are now waking up to the fact that they have lived a double life without their being consciously aware of the fact, and certain weaknesses of these technologies have allowed blocked memories to surface that can’t otherwise be accounted for. The memories that these people have been able to retrieve indicate that in virtually all cases, they were used in some military or intelligence capacity, or worse, as ‘human toys’ for the sheer entertainment of the perpetrators. 

In considering all of this in terms of the semi-overt applications and the increasing number of people who feel that they are being targeted by them, we can more easily see how this situation is being used to discredit the very real existence of mind-control technologies. Pleas for help are commonly ignored and quickly credited to mental instability, rather than to very real advancements that have been made in science by private research groups. This leaves the arena wide open for the more sophisticated technologies to be used against ‘higher quality’ targets without fear of exposure. 

The Gang-Stalking Factor

It seems that the growing epidemic of gang-stalking is also tied into this scenario. In one sense, it essentially creates the appearance of further mental instability among the population, thus justifying the excuse to ignore the pleas of real targets of these mind-control technologies. The gang-stalking problem may even be a direct reflection of wide-scale mind-control, such as through HAARP, which can affect large populations in a manner that influences their mood to such a degree as to cause confusion, fear, paranoia, aggression, submissiveness, etc. – all of which add to the overall despondency of society and help to engender compliance with the activities of gang-stalking groups (among other things). Many of those who are targets of gang-stalking are also taking part in gang-stalking themselves, often without consciously realizing it. Undoubtedly, this is partly due to the subtle effects of broad-based mind-control applications like HAARP. This is very purposeful, and is ultimately helping to lead to changes in government policies that will usher in an entirely new form of society. What we refer to as gang-stalking is just one part of that ‘new society’. 

The Advent of Deeper Mind-Control Applications

At its worst, this whole situation leads to the ability to apply these technologies far more effectively, and to focus the various technologies on those segments of the population that are the most useful to the perpetrators in achieving their various agendas. Many of these targets will be people in important positions, and in their case, utmost care will be taken to apply these technologies in a manner that these targets would never suspect that anything untoward is occurring. 

To understand how this might be accomplished, we must first understand how the more sophisticated technologies are applied. The days when brute force was used, such as with physical trauma, drugs, and the more detectable forms of electronic manipulation (such as through brain implants), are history. Those methods have become more refined or completely replaced by more subtle approaches that have been developed over the many decades of research conducted in MKULTRA and other secret government programs. Along with this, the conditioning of popular beliefs about such technologies have been manipulated so that most people are entirely ignorant of their existence and do not understand the capabilities of the various technologies and their methods of application. For instance, it’s still widely believed that a person can’t be hypnotized against their will or made to do something that they would normally not do, based on the set of morals that they conduct themselves by. This is entirely false in both cases. In the first case, a highly skilled hypnotist can put almost anyone into a deep trance in only a few seconds. In the second case, it only requires that the person’s belief structure is adjusted enough that such actions that they wouldn’t otherwise do are given reasonable justification. 

It’s also commonly believed that a person’s thoughts can’t be read, altered, or manipulated from a distance, due to the extreme weakness and complexity of brainwave patterns. However, there is growing evidence that this is in fact occurring, and many people who are targets of ‘voice to skull’ (V2K) technologies claim that the perpetrators can also ‘hear’ their thoughts and respond to them. This is better known as ‘synthetic telepathy’, and incorporates what is known as ‘psychotronics’, which is a field of science that is not recognized by mainstream science, having been ignored or under-appreciated as much as any other area of psychic research or consciousness research. 

Although synthetic telepathy is quite an advancement in technology, offering two-way remote interaction between the perpetrators and the target, it appears to be limited in the cases heard of, in that there doesn’t seem to be any ability to affect a target’s thoughts and actions in the manner that more sophisticated technologies will. The fact that these V2K technologies are being deployed in a semi-overt fashion against the public at large suggests that they are no longer the state-of-the-art, and more sophisticated technologies with even greater capabilities now exist, remaining in the hands of the military and intelligence organs.

At the very least, most people who think they are in a position to know whether such sophisticated mind-control technologies are possible will doubt that they can be applied without at least an awareness by the target that something is interfering with their normal thought processes. This is far from the reality of the situation, and only an in-depth study of the scientific literature that would require a great deal of time to fully comprehend would likely change that opinion. This is only to the perpetrators advantage.

The truth is, the mechanics of consciousness in relation to the human brain has been largely ignored or only slowly researched at the public level. However, much has undoubtedly been learned through private or secret research that is not common knowledge. There are no books written by qualified scientists that describe the mechanics of consciousness in terms of the human brain. What is publicly available on this subject is essentially backdated by several decades compared to what is privately known. This leaves a huge gap in understanding that allows those who develop and apply the more sophisticated mind-control technologies to operate virtually free of any possibility of exposure. 

The Incorporation of Hypnosis and Subliminals in Mind Control

A study of hypnosis reveals that the human mind is far more manipulable than we normally realize. Thoughts and suggestions can be implanted and memories blocked, overlaid, or erased completely, so that a person never realizes what has been put into their heads. The effects of these manipulations can be easily reinforced and sustained over great lengths of time – days, months, years, even lifetimes – with very simple procedures that don’t require anything at all out of the ordinary to accomplish. A simple mental trigger applied on a regular basis can be enough to re-establish the full strength of an earlier post-hypnotic command or suggestion. The targeted individual doesn’t need to be re-hypnotized again and again to maintain control of them. 

It doesn’t take much to hypnotize a person and put them into a deep trance where they are totally receptive to suggestions and commands, either. In fact, people who think they are not easy to hypnotize are usually found to be the best subjects. It only takes a few seconds with a person who is unaware of what is taking place to be put into a deep trance, given a few simple post-hypnotic suggestions, and brought back to full conscious awareness without them ever realizing that anything occurred. It’s simply a matter for the hypnotist to preplan the method of approach. Only enough time is needed to give a post-hypnotic command for the targeted individual to make themselves available at a later time and place for further, more in-depth mind-control programming techniques to be applied. 

Subliminal control is also very easy to incorporate into sophisticated mind-control applications, so that messages and commands can be inserted in a target’s mind or triggered from a distance through a variety of methods. A subliminal message embedded in a television broadcast can be tailored to a particular individual or group of individuals without affecting anyone not pre-conditioned to respond. 

But subliminals are not even necessary. A simple word, phrase, sound, symbol, image, etc., can be used to trigger or reinforce pre-established hypnotic suggestions or commands that were inserted through hypnosis. It may very well be that many government employees have been programmed to be triggered by such phrases as ‘gang-stalking’ and ‘electronic harassment’ so that any pleas from targeted individuals are systematically ignored. Hypnosis can greatly enhance the effect of subliminals, and so the two will undoubtedly be used together in many mind-control applications. 

It’s not my intention here to explain how mind-control can be applied, but only to give an idea of the ease with which it can be, and in a completely undetectable manner, initially through hypnosis, followed up with more permanent forms of control, and leaving no trace evidence. The sophistication of the technologies and applications used for controlling a person’s thoughts and actions are extremely hard to detect, if they can be at all, even for those who are the targets. Every possible suspicion that might be raised by a target will have been effectively nullified by the very mind-control programming that is inserted at the earliest stages, so that alternate reasons for their controlled thoughts and actions are pre-established in a way that will fit with their beliefs and not seem out of the ordinary to the target or to those who know them and interact with them. The target’s belief structures will be molded and modified so that they will provide seemingly normal and logical explanations (at least to themselves) for otherwise adverse effects to their usual personality and character. 

The Range of Targeting

Mind-control technologies and applications range from the less sophisticated to the very sophisticated, and it only depends on who is perpetrating the mind control and how proficient they are at it that determines the level that will be applied to a particular target. Those people within the military and intelligence organs who are interested in targeting those people who would be the most useful to them in achieving their ultimate goals, such as people in the most prominent positions of influence and authority, will be subjected to the most sophisticated methods available, and will therefore be the least aware of the fact that they are being controlled. Less important targets are more likely to be subjected to the more proliferate but less sophisticated forms of mind-control if they can be applied without leading to exposure of the perpetrators or their activities. The low man on the totem pole – the ordinary citizen – is the least important target to the perpetrators within the military and intelligence organs, and also the least risky to attack, and so they might very well be left in the hands of second-party perpetrators who have been provided with the older, less sophisticated and more proliferate technologies as they become available. 

This may be the situation regarding the cases we most commonly hear from people who claim to be targets of remote electronic harassment and torture. The perpetrators could be anybody who might know where to purchase the older technologies, have the connections, and can afford the price. These seem to be more commonly those technologies and applications that don’t require any form of physical contact with the target at any time, but there are still many cases of targeted individuals who have what appear to be electronic implants, and this would necessitate physical contact early on. These cases undoubtedly involve police, military, or intelligence organs to some degree, since they have access to implant technology and the means to apply them. What the purposes are for these implants is not certain, but since they appear to be so proliferate among the general population, the possibility that ever more sophisticated technologies are becoming ever more available is obvious, and the trickle-down effect is leading to these more sophisticated technologies to enter into the arsenal of a wider range of perpetrators. 


Older, more primitive mind-control technologies are being turned on the public as a means of semi-overt harassment and torture. Newer, more sophisticated mind-control technologies that offer the ability to directly manipulate the thoughts and actions of a target are not likely to ever be detected, and are ideal weapons to be directed at a more selective pool of targets for more specific types of control. The rise of the gang-stalking epidemic reflects the effects of certain of the older technologies applied in a broad manner to increase the level of fear and aggression among the population, coercing them to act out in ways that ultimately benefit the agendas of the military and intelligence organs of the government, and of those who control them. The silence from authorities and public representatives regarding the pleas of targets of these technologies strongly suggests that some form of deeper mind-control is being applied even to these authorities and public representatives. The future only seems to promise that these more sophisticated technologies will eventually become more widespread and envelope the entire population. When this occurs, there will no longer be any ability whatsoever to detect that we are being controlled, and the voices of targets seeking an end to their plight will be silenced forever. This is the point where we’ll know for certain that total mind-control of the entire population has been achieved

Copyright 2011 © All rights reserved


Anthony Forwood

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