Dr. Rauni Kilde interviewed regarding mind control technology and extra sensory perceptions

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Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde in Ruben Stiller's "Encounters of the 4th Kind" on November 18, 1998. W. English subtitles.

In the interview she discusses among other topics:

A supercomputer, similar to one Al Gore introduced in 2003, is being built in Tel Aviv capable of processing human brain inputs, ie. read people's minds and determine their actions and behaviour. This supercomputer is said to be run be the US NSA (national security agency) and has the mark of the beast (666).

MI5, the british intelligence service, microchipped prince William in case he were to be abducted or go missing they could find and retrieve him. But Dr. Rauni Kilde believes that the chip implanted under the skin of the prince can also control his bodily actions and behaviours.

There are structures on the moon belonging to the Nazi faction that separated and went to space and established bases in Antartica such as base New Berlin. This includes 36000 so called wage slaves and structures such as a swastika can be seen and allegedly Rauni Kilde had obtained photos of these type of structures on the moon.

In 1987 project moon scan was launched.

She goes on to explain how our history needs to be rewritten and how our society needs to integrate the topics and some of the truths she addresses in this interview.

Finally she addresses how she receives communications through automatic writing and how that whole process works.

Daniel Lehmann

Daniel Lehmann

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