John Stock, a former field case office for the CIA, who ran the Angola task force and left in 1977, talks in this interview about the inner workings and influence of the CIA on wars such as the Vietnam war and beyond. This subversive influence is still going on to this day in many countries, not just the United States, with allies in many countries, and has not been stopped just yet.

George Green presents: "The Big Picture" - A former investment banker speaks out
The truth is that we as humanity have been divided into two camps. The initiated and the uninitiated. George Green was a former investment banker who, behind closed doors, in all the finest company, has insight into how some of our fellow humans, with enormous power influence, planned depopulation, FEMA camps, as forms of modern concentration camps, and general self-annihilation of their own human race. The hope here is that even the initiated, when they heard of these plans, were horrified by them and have actively worked to prevent these plans from coming to fruition. Including, George Green.