Issac Kappy discussing pedophilia and satanism within Hollywood

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Issac Kappy a former Hollywood actor went public with first hand accounts of pedophilia crimes happening in and around Hollywood at the time and named names. This garnered him a lot of attention around 2015-2016 where another similar story to this was being given a lot of publicity, namely the Pizzagate scandal.

There's a term, which was made famous with Lenin who was payed by the Germans to start a revolution in mother Russia so that they [the germans] didn't have to fight on two fronts, and that is "Controlled Opposition." This means someone who acts like they are on the side of the people and are telling the truth, but really they're working for the people perpetrating the crimes, such that they can control the outcome of the conversations and perceived public opinion.

This issue has been brought up with Issac Kappy which is why it is important to listen to what he has to say, but also investigate further some of their connections and question, with our guiding internal intuition, whether or not they are telling the truth.

The final piece of information I would like to discuss is Issac Kappy's unfortunate death, where he supposedly "Threw himself off a bridge" down to a busy highway. Allegedly, through a FOIA request made by Cory Daniel alias The Phoenix Enigma, pictures from the crime scene has been obtained.

Graphic Warning, the link contains pictures of alleged and graphic crime scene photos:

Regardless of whether Issac Kappy was telling the truth or not, this topic is so sensitive and important because what is being discussed can be used as blackmail against high profiled people, which I think is what is going on in certain situations with politicians and other important people in high places.

Daniel Lehmann

Daniel Lehmann

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