The Top of the Peninsula Hotel has a Spa with food and has always been very discreet and only for those in the know. Few doors down is Ralph Lauren's office with young boys and girls that work for him. Across the street on 5th Avenue is the St. Regis hotel...between both of these hotels all major players of Hollywierd and Wall Street stay. The Top of the 666 is now a Private Club $15,000 a year membership for those with plenty of money inclduing Archbishop Timothy Dolan were he goes to smoke his REAL Cuban cigars and mingle with all the power brokers that run NY. Within 1 block you have all the expensive restaurants that cater to these cockroaches...many with secret basements..very expensive so only THEM are able to afford to get in and have their meetings.The Hollywierd crowd can be seen dinning in these very expensive restaurants were they do their deals with their handlers.
Issac Kappy discussing pedophilia and satanism within Hollywood
Issac Kappy a former Hollywood actor went public with first hand accounts of pedophilia crimes happening in and around Hollywood at the time and named names. This garnered him a lot of attention around 2015-2016 where another similar story to this was being given a lot of publicity, namely the Pizzagate scandal.