Remote Viewing Made Simple

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We all have psychic abilities, but most of us don’t recognize it and disregard this sixth sense, often confusing what comes through our weak psychic faculties as a product of the imagination. Sometimes, when it’s more recognizable for what it really is, we might call it intuition. We’ve become so dependent on our five senses and on using our logical faculties that we fail to notice and properly understand the messages that come through our psychic channels. They are being drowned out by the constant noise of our own thoughts. 

The fact is, we all have the same psychic faculties, but few of us have ever developed them to any extent. It seems as though only the gifted or those who have been practicing for a very long time can do anything that might be significant, so few people make any effort to develop their psychic abilities at all. 

Some people might think that it’s hard to develop these abilities, and requires a lot of time, mental effort, and regimental practice. Nothing could be more false. The best success comes when there is little time taken, minimal mental effort made, and attempts are made spontaneously. All that’s required are a few simple guidelines and enough interest to be willing to make a few attempts. That interest will undoubtedly grow when you soon realize that your psychic abilities are actually much stronger than you had previously thought. 

Remote viewing is a good way to test and develop your psychic abilities. It can be reduced to a very simple procedure that only requires a minimum of effort and involvement. All that’s needed is a pen and paper, a quiet and relaxing place to sit, and someone else who will select a target object to be remotely ‘viewed’. 

Remote viewing is a scientifically developed method of clairvoyance that the US military and intelligence agencies saw enough promise in early on to have continued to secretly fund its research and development for twenty years, and with amazing results. In that time, they worked out all the factors involved and refined the method so that anyone can quickly learn to remote view successfully. Remote viewing uses simple techniques that help a person to more easily and accurately recognize and record information coming from their psychic channels, and offers the ability to measure performance and learn how to improve on it. 

Remote viewing involves a two-stage process: data acquisition, and data analysis. In the first stage, the viewer sits comfortably, relaxes their mind, focuses their attention on the target object, and records on paper whatever mental impressions come up. In the second stage, the results are compared to the target and similarities and differences are noted. The analysis stage is kept until later for a reason. During the first stage, the viewer must avoid all thoughts they might have about the impressions they are recording, so as not to allow for any influence of the intellect or imagination to misinterpret anything. This is crucial to success. 

Once a person learns how to remote-view and makes their first few attempts, they will realize that they have some real psychic talent. With further practice and experience, a person will get a better feel for it and will become more proficient over time. Their psychic channels will become stronger and more in tune with the other mental faculties that otherwise interfere. 

What You Need to Know

In order to remote-view effectively, there are only a few things that should be understood beforehand:

  • The first thing you need to understand is that your mind is most receptive to psychic information when it is relaxed and not occupied with any thoughts. If you sit in a comfortable position and relax to the point that your mind is in this relaxed alpha state, you’ll most easily be able to recognize any psychic impressions that arise. Early on, they’ll usually seem like flashes of nonsense from the imagination, but these spontaneous impressions are telling pieces of information, and these are what you put down on paper.
  • The second thing you need to know is that your intuition is capable of providing accurate information from the subconscious that is not available through the normal senses. This goes against our common understandings of reality, so we tend to eliminate these impressions from our thoughts as soon as they arise, if they even get that far before our preconscious brain processes do it for us.
  • The third thing to understand is that the subconscious responds to our psychic queries instantaneously, so that the psychic impressions we get are often missed because they are overridden by the noise of our louder and more familiar mental activity that comes immediately after, essentially burying the psychic impressions with logical second-guessing.
  • The fourth thing to understand is that, at least early on, psychic impressions tend to come through to conscious awareness in garbled bits and pieces, as the experiments I did that I wrote about earlier have shown. It takes time and practice to develop clear information channels.
  • The fifth thing you need to understand is that feedback is crucial to the development of your psychic faculties. The remote-viewer needs to be able to check the accuracy of their psychic impressions against the actual target in order to improve their skill. Without feedback, they won’t be able to tell where they were accurate and where they were off, which will help them refine their psychic perception. Trying to remote-view something does little good unless it can later be compared with what was picked up mentally. Also, this feedback should come sooner rather than later, so that there is still a clear memory of the mental impressions received at the time of the remote viewing session, and so that the target does not change in the meantime.
  • The sixth thing to understand is that, at least early on, simple targets with only a few outstanding details are much easier to remote-view than complex targets with a lot of detail. Therefore, it helps to begin with relatively uncomplicated targets, such as a simple line drawing or a unique and easily distinguishable but otherwise plain object. A plain decorative vase is good, but a vase with a striking image painted on it might cause details of the image to be picked up rather than the vase itself. I prefer to have someone make a line drawing of something that’s simple and easy to draw. If they can’t draw very well, another idea is to have them select an object that is distinct in its form but otherwise simple in detail, such as a key, a desk fan, a shoe, etc. 

The Remote-Viewing Session

Psychic information will come in bits and pieces, so during the remote-viewer just sits quietly and lets the mind do its thing while keeping their attention focused on what they are attempting but without trying to force anything. All random mental impressions that arise are taken note of, either by making quick sketches or by recording short descriptions. Very little time should be given to these activities, since they can easily call up the logical faculties, which need to be avoided at this stage. Any analysis of what is being received should wait until later on. The remote-viewer simply records what they are receiving, and shouldn’t think about any of it when they do. This is what interferes with accurate psychic impressions more than anything else. Just relax, put your mind on the target objective, drop any vocalized thoughts that arise, and wait for a spontaneous mental impression to occur in the short moments when your mind is otherwise inactive. An impression will occur immediately at these moments. Make a quick sketch or jot down a word or two to define the impression, and then go back to relaxing and putting your mind on the target objective while dropping all thoughts. Catch the next impression and make another sketch or write another word or two. 

This stage of the remote viewing shouldn’t take more than a few minutes, since the subconscious will provide information immediately, and anything not received within the first few minutes tends to become more forced and less accurate. Never try to force impressions to come. They will come spontaneously. If you’re not getting any spontaneous impressions, something is wrong with your approach. Usually, it’s because the logical faculties are interfering or the mind is too occupied with other noisy thoughts. Pay attention to whether either of these are causing the interference. 

After having spent a short while recording the spontaneous and seemingly random impressions received while focusing the mind on the target, the remote viewer goes over their sketches and drawings and fills in any further details of their impressions that were missed, but must continue to remain nonjudgmental and not try to interpret anything beyond what they had picked up while engaged in the remote-viewing session. Once this is done, the analysis stage can begin. 

In my own first experiments in remote-viewing (posted earlier), I received virtually all of the basic information contained in the drawings I was using as targets, but this information was expressed in bits and pieces that were totally unrecognizable for what they represented. Only after receiving feedback on my attempts did I see the relationship of my initial psychic impressions to the actual targets, which were expressed more accurately through the sketches I made during the session, even though the information still wasn’t properly ordered. In analyzing my results against the target, I was able to see the similarities and differences, and learn from that. Remembering the initial mental impressions that were received and comparing them to how they were represented on paper can also teach something that the remote-viewer can use to improve their skills. Recognizing the right mental state and the attitude in your approach also helps to understand what works and what doesn’t. 

Evaluating Your Results

Your first results will not likely be perfectly spot-on representations of the target, but they will probably reflect some of the smaller details, even though they will probably be out of order or misinterpreted. There is a certain scale of accuracy that can be measured by the number of details involved. The higher the number of significant details you get accurately, the better. The more properly ordered they are, the better. The less superfluous details there are, the better. The less missing details there are, the better. What comprises a detail depends on the chosen target. Some targets are easier to break down into individual pieces of information, while others are less so. Simple line drawings using distinct shapes are far easier to break down than are drawings using more complex shapes that are not easily recognizable. There should be enough room in selecting the target for variety of detail, however, so that the chances of getting something close to the actual target by sheer luck are reduced as much as possible. Limiting the possible targets to just a few choices invites the ability to guess, so allow the person who chooses the target to be creative. 

In my own experiments, my first target was a simple drawing of the Star of David, and the second target was a simple heart shape with a cupid’s arrow piercing it’s center at a forty-five degree angle. These turned out to be good targets, since they both incorporated certain details and omitted others that made the comparisons to my sketches easy to evaluate. The Star of David incorporated only straight lines, certain specific angles between those lines, and had no arcs or circles. If my results had included circles or arcs, or other angles, this would have gone against me. In the second experiment, the target involved different details, and the most complex part of it was the heart shape, which is what I failed to get accurately. However, I drew a large circle to represent the heart shape, rather than a square or triangle or anything else that would have been even less accurate. I had at least discerned that there was roundness to the peripheral part of the drawing. My greatest success was in the fact that I got the straight line of the arrow in the proper central position and at the proper angle, and didn’t add any superfluous detail. Missing minor details is better than overdoing it, since it’s easier to judge if you are getting the basic details even if you aren’t getting every detail in the drawing. 

Further Comments

Although any serious development of psychic abilities should include a great deal of reading up on the subject in order to gain a conceptual understanding of what’s going on and why certain factors are beneficial and others not, this is not necessary if you’re just interested in seeing how well you might do. However, after you discover that you do indeed have some noticeable abilities, you might be encouraged to start researching the subject, and this will help to keep your interest alive and inspire you to keep experimenting from time to time. I encourage anyone who is interested in remote viewing to get a hold of Ingo Swann’s ‘Natural ESP’, which is probably out of print but can still be found in many libraries. Ingo Swann developed the protocols for the US government’s remote-viewing program that started in the early 1970s, and he lays them out in a very thorough and easy to understand manner, explaining the mechanics of what is going on in the mind during remote-viewing and how to avoid the problems that might interfere with accurate results. 

The success rate of remote-viewers is very rarely ever 100%, and the average rate of 65% for those who are skilled at it is normal. However, this success rate can be enhanced to almost 100% by putting a number of remote-viewers on the same target, and evaluating their results together. Those details that are similar among the different results are more likely to be accurate, while those that are dissimilar are more likely to be wrong. 

Remote-viewing is not just about ‘seeing’ distant objects. It can also include more subjective things, such as emotional feelings, smells, tastes, etc. Some people are more in tune with these sorts of things than with purely visual impressions. Even the subject matter of something, such as that of a book, can be picked up. A picture of a university might elicit in the viewer a sense of learning and education, but they may still fail to get the impression of the building in the picture. This is an indication that the viewer picks up this sort of information about targets better than they do physical characteristics, and this should not be discredited. 

Advanced remote-viewing can involve the ability to influence a target, and this is where telekinetics comes into play. Some government remote-viewers are said to have been trained in this in order to affect the health and even the minds of others. 

Some remote-viewers are able to look into the future, but there seems to be a certain limit to the accuracy, based on probabilities. The same limit in accuracy is seen in virtually all psychic events that deal with the future. The further into the future one looks, the less accurate the predictions are. This is due to the increasing number of possible events that can affect the outcome over time. To remote-view tomorrow’s headlines is far easier than to remote-view next year’s headlines, because much of what will culminate in the outcome of tomorrow’s headlines will already be in the process of fulfillment, while next year’s headlines have more of a chance of being influenced by a greater number of intermediate events that could result in a change in outcome. Even the prediction itself can cause a change that will result in it not occurring. In this case, the knowledge of such a possible outcome might be enough to change the events that would have led up to the predicted outcome. This leads us to reconsider many of the stories we hear about people who have premonitory dreams of future catastrophes that never occur. 

Some practiced remote-viewers have described eventually being able to actually astral-travel to the target location, and what they describe during these experiences is exactly the same as what is described by anyone who has astral-traveled. They report having a visceral body and they can move through solid objects and orient themselves at any point in space. They are able to watch events as though being invisible but otherwise fully present. 

It is also possible to sense when you are being remote-viewed, and even to prevent others from invading your privacy in this way. The US government has apparently incorporated this into their security measures at top secret facilities, as have other governments, as a response to their discoveries in this field and the possibility of psychic spying. These security measures are apparently enhanced by psychotronic technologies that were developed separately and are based on the discoveries of such men as Wilhelm Reich and Robert Pavlita. 


Anthony Forwood

Ingen biografi.

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