What is often referred to as "the cabal" or a crime syndicate is a group of entities with aligned interests, including bloodline families (such as the Rothschilds, Duponts, and Rockefellers), secret societies (like the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Jesuits/Vatican), and supranational organizations and think tanks (including NATO, the UN, WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, and the Club of Rome). These entities are actively trying to sow division among groups of people with the ultimate goal of starting a civil war, which would provide the chaos and momentum they need to push the world towards their new world order system. Interestingly, this aligns with the Freemasons' motto: "Ordo ab Chao" (Order out of Chaos). These entities are skilled practitioners of Machiavellian tactics and employ basic divide-and-conquer strategies as the hidden hand or invisible force that drives their agenda for a New World Order through the media, banking, and other sectors.
When I visited the United States in 2011, many people seemed to be indicating that the division between Americans, particularly along party lines (blue or red, Democratic or Republican), was too great and opinions on which direction the country should be led were vastly different. What we're seeing now in the United States is a stark contrast: Democrat-led states like California are being deliberately run into the ground. Again, this can be seen as "order out of chaos." Certain individuals with remaining power still need this chaos to fuel their agenda for modern slavery. They're desperately trying to lead us blindly by systematically shutting down our perception and logic through decades of subtle nudging and programming in the direction they want to take not only the United States but also our entire planetary structure. Thankfully, this won't happen, but the US still serves as a stark example of a place where this cabal – the entities mentioned earlier – is trying to foment a civil war.
Recently, during the summer of 2024, Tommy Robinson led efforts that likely aimed to sow division and rally the British people towards violence, thereby justifying the elite's need to establish police/military control in order to maintain order. This might be what the British press would demand, given their tendency to sensationalize and amplify divisive rhetoric. Notably, Prime Minister Keir Starmer is associated with the World Economic Forum (WEF), which, in my view, is an evil international think tank that serves as a key player in the New World Order push. I describe it as "evil" because it speaks with two tongues, attempting to convince ordinary people that it seeks to help them while its true intentions remain masked. Ultimately, the WEF prioritizes serving its own interests and those of its extraterrestrial masters (or whatever remnants are left at this point).
I firmly believe that the core group of cabal players, along with their minions, are intentionally or unintentionally trying to spark a civil war revolution in many countries. This is why it's crucial to recognize that humanity can transcend this experience if we put down our differences and unite as brothers and sisters who care about the well-being of this planet and its inhabitants. It's essential not to conflate this with the New World Order; they don't have a monopoly on human unity. Instead, we, humanity, will emerge victorious in this spiritual, informational, physical battle that will be etched in our history books as multidimensional in scope, if we resist violence and agitation, avoiding the cabal's trap. Rather, by embracing love and unity, we can transform this experience into an opportunity to come together even stronger than before. When the cabal's evil influence runs out of steam, money, power, and influence, the veil will be lifted, exposing their true nature, and we can begin rebuilding anew.