Don’t let the deep state cause the division

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Initially, I was busy researching another story entirely, about how the industrial military extra-terrestrial complex (MIEC) and the Intelligence Community (IC) have partnered up with private tech companies, such as Google, since their very inception. However, I then stumbled upon research from a journalist who had done extensive work on the connections between the Department of Defense (DOD) and intelligence agencies like CIA, revealing that both had funded companies like Google and Facebook - just a few examples of startups that have risen to stardom and fame through these funding schemes facilitated by deep state actors. The journalist's research caught my attention, but I was also drawn in by his own background, including some of the articles he wrote, places he appeared, and one article in particular that stood out. So, I will temporarily set aside my ongoing research on privatized public partnerships with DOD and IC and tech giants like Google to explore this detour, which I hope can serve as an illustration for my point: we need to redefine who the real enemy of humanity is.

The journalist's name is Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, and I highly recommend reading his article about how CIA, NSA, and DOD Pentagon helped spawn Google, among others, as effective weapons against their perceived enemies in the war of information. Unfortunately for you and me, these enemies are often the citizens of their own country. In 2020, at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Ahmed was advising Ubisoft, as an expert on social crisis, who was preparing to launch Tom Clancy's video game, The Division. This dystopian-themed game, launched around the timeframe 2013-2014, depicts a reality where society has collapsed after a virus outbreak. It is unclear whether the game specifically mentions bio-engineered and an intentionally released virus or if it’s portrayed as a natural occurrence. If you take the time to read the article and watch the trailer, you can pause it and see that the video game's trailer pans over a television set broadcasting news, featuring an image eerily similar to the COVID-19 virus particle.

What confuses me is how the journalist, mind you who had an advisory role in this game, at the start of the pandemic, fully aligns with the mainstream media narrative being pushed by governments worldwide, without questioning it in the same rigor as his article about Google's funding by DARPA with misaligned intentions for mass surveillance, as later revealed by Snowden in 2013. I find it puzzling that he fails to see how negative factions within the DOD and IC could be behind this planned pandemic that locked down our planet in 2020. Especially when you take into consideration that DARPA, the research branch of the DOD, helped co-create the mRNA platform and as one spokesmen from Moderna said in a conference held by DARPA that they had been partners going all the way back to 2010. And that is only the information the DOD is willing to disclose publicly on their YouTube channel. As a matter of fact, many people, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who will likely play a significant role in the days leading up and following the 2024 election, argue that there was a pandemic simulation held in October 2019, just months before the same individuals presented at Event 201, shut down entire countries, and frightened everyone into a state of panic. I can only interpret this as a deliberate and strategically planned decision to wage psychological warfare on one's own people, which will make sense only if you have the skills, funding and reasons to conduct such operations which the deep state certainly does. It is important to remember that they don’t operate with the same mindset as their citizens, who they swore to protect and serve, as we can glimpse from the Georgia guidestones, detailing depopulation, which the benevolent factions in the US military thankfully blew up. So, the reason why this journalist doesn’t write about this is because I think he is a gatekeeper put out in the battle space that is the internet, where we conduct a lot, if not most, of our public discourse nowadays, to intentionally confuse people and guide them to the wrong conclusions. Otherwise, why else could he not make the same connection as I have with DARPA being instrumental in the covid-19 planned pandemic, when he has illustrated that he is perfectly capable on making those connections between DARPA funding and the tech industry and the problems concerning mass surveillance by our own government?

I admit that this concepts discussed in this article can be challenging for people to comprehend, and the first question that comes to mind - including my own - is how it makes sense that those whose job it is to keep us safe and defend our countries would turn on their own citizens. This is precisely what I'm trying to convey to people. Although it may seem uncomfortable doing so, we must challenge our assumptions and, in my opinion, reevaluate who the real enemy truly is at this time. Is it Russia and Putin, or is it the war in Palestine that we should be focusing on? In my view, it's neither of these. These conflicts would subside if we could identify the real threat to our societies, which I believe can best be described by the term "the deep state." This refers to a network of actors, including think tanks, secret societies, bloodlines, and the military-industrial complex. The MIEC has a history of experimenting on its own people. In San Francisco, for example, bacteria was sprayed without the inhabitants' knowledge or consent, carried by the famous fog that often hugs the city. Initially thought harmless, it actually killed people, and I don't think those affected were too happy about being experimented upon unknowingly by their own government.

The deep state operates under a karmic law that it takes very seriously. It also seeks to assert dominance over its perceived enemies - namely, us - by revealing its plans before they unfold. This tactic bears a resemblance to the Scooby-Doo children's cartoon, where villains, just before being caught, detail their nefarious plans for absolute control, only to be thwarted by the group of friends. Let's hope and pray that this outcome will occur in our case as well. If you examine another trailer for the video game from when it was released, a story trailer goes into greater detail about how a society collapses within just a few days, with an astonishing level of specificity. In fact, the trailer mentions a piece of legislation called Directive 51, which was signed by George Bush on May 4th, 2007, in the event of a catastrophic emergency.

I don't believe this is a coincidence, as many others are pointing out in the comment section. The fact that there was a pandemic simulation in October 2019, months before the real pandemic unfolded, raises further suspicions. Moreover, just recently, another pandemic simulation took place, which eerily echoes the language of Directive 51's "catastrophic emergency" policy which they codenamed “catastrophic contagion”. The video game also provides specific details on how and when this catastrophic contagion would occur. According to the game, it would strike on Black Friday, just after families have gathered for Thanksgiving, with the virus spreading rapidly due to people being busy with holiday shopping, using physical cash as a means of transaction, it would rapidly spread through the banknotes changing hands of the busy customers. This also mirrors the deep state's efforts to eradicate cash in favor of digital transactions, potentially through Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

The problem I hope becomes clear is that someone has foreknowledge of events that will unfold, and individuals like Mark Zuckerberg are so well-informed that he, among others, are building doomsday bunkers in anticipation of these events. To address this issue, we must redefine our focus and shift attention to those seeking to sow division within our societies and the means by which they'll attempt to do so. As I've mentioned, my research has shown that DARPA funds both Google and Facebook, making them tools for invisible influence over our society. These tech giants can stoke tension between different groups, as seen in party politics, with the ultimate goal of igniting a civil war-type scenario that would grant an excuse to deploy military force to restore order. However, I believe this is just a cover for the Freemasons' mantra "order out of chaos," where they want us to willingly step into their new world order. Since no one wants to go willingly, they'll create chaos. The deep state actors have a track record of orchestrating major revolutions throughout history. While all hope may seem lost, positive factions within the US military are actively working against this plan and succeeding, otherwise what was depicted in the video game "The Division”, societal collapse into a dystopian future, would have already happened. This is an important point to pause and reflect on.

I believe our utmost responsibility at this time is to peacefully come together and skillfully navigate this complex information landscape, in which the deep state by their own choice of words are waging war. We don't have to feel or be alone in this fight for humanity's survival. The solution lies in recognizing the real enemy – those who historically play both sides during times of conflict, including the one we're experiencing now. By acknowledging the third player in this war and laying down our pitchforks, we can mobilize our focus and energy to reveal the parasitic forces within the MIEC and intelligence apparatuses like the CIA. By doing so, all other problems – wars on two fronts in continental Europe and the Middle East – will magically subside. By focusing our attention here, where the real enemy of humanity lies, we'll pull at the very root of evil, preventing it from ever taking hold again.

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Daniel Lehmann

Daniel Lehmann

I'm the creator of this news outlet and I hope you like it thus far.

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