Marvin Minsky who was a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence and laid the groundwork with his research into what he called in his book perceptrons, which later became the bedrock of modern AI, machine learning. In this ted talk, however, he discusses the total amount of people that our planet can sustain which is around 200 million people. The reason I find this important is because he frequented Jeffrey Epstein's Island and the Georgia Guidestones estimated 500 million people to be the optimal carrying capacity for mother earth and it's inhabitants in order to reach an equilibrium you might say. This, and other topics are discussed in his presentation.

FBI's COINTELPRO (Counter intelligence Program) metoder og infiltration af græsrodsbevægelser
FBI har haft et igangværende program der går under betegnelsen COINTELPRO (Counter intelligence Program) der igennem tiderne har infiltreret diverse borgerrettigheds såvel som græsrodsbevægelser. Martin Luther King Jr. og Black Panther bevægelsen er blot nogle af dem. Hvis der i sandhed ikke var noget at skjule eller noget på spil for de reele magthavere, hvorfor er der så til stadighed et behov for disse manøvre der skal forsøge at undergrave og eliminere al modstand, der oprinder fra bunden, indenfor en given problemstilling?