The Disadvantage of Gang-Stalking Awareness

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Since I’ve become aware of gang-stalking, and have learned about the various methods commonly used by gang-stalkers, I can see how this knowledge has had an effect on my perceptions, and just as obviously on the perceptions of other people who think they are being targeted as well. Knowledge is something you can never lose, and once you acquire it, it will affect your perspective on whatever it relates to – in this case, the interactions I have with other people and the events that occur in my daily life. 

If I wasn’t already prepared to spend a lot of time alone and not have too many friends and no family contacts, I would probably be harder hit by the effects of whatever gang-stalking methods might be played on me. If I still had a strong desire and hope for the finer things in life, rather than to accept my life in the simplest forms of existence on a day-by-day basis with no expectations for the future, I might be affected more negatively than I am by this whole issue of gang-stalking. How much harder it must be for those targets who still hold out hope that they will regain their freedom and be released from the effects of these attacks. How much harder it must be for them to learn about and accept the methods that are being employed against them and to have to live with that knowledge. 

My own awareness that these activities might be occurring began with the fact that someone was entering my room while I was out. This was even before I had heard the term ‘gang-stalking’. At the time, I thought it was either the police, or more likely, the staff or certain tenants of the building I live in. I also noticed that certain tenants were reacting every time I did certain things in my room, and I quickly realized that my room was bugged. I thought it was just an isolated situation involving just a few people. 

Then I met a guy from England who told me that he was a target of gang-stalking, and explained some of the methods that had been used in an attempt to unnerve him and make him paranoid. He also explained ‘street theatre’ to me. 

After that, I started to pay more attention to what was going on around me whenever I went out. I couldn’t help but think that maybe I was being gang-stalked as well, at this point, and I began to watch for other signs of it outside of my residence. I also went online and started reading up on the topic, and hearing about other people’s stories. 

The knowledge of gang-stalking only increased the potential reality that it might be happening to me. I knew that I had to keep my cool and not jump to any conclusions regarding whatever looked like it might be gang-stalking. I just took mental notes and waited to see how things went. 

When I learned that gang-stalking can involve friends and family as often as it involves total strangers, something clicked. I began to reassess my past and all the troubles that I’ve had with those closest to me that had never made any sense before. I found a plausible, yet deeply unsettling, explanation. As I thought more about it, I became very suspicious of them and the attitude they had always had towards me. Gang-stalking explained a lot. It was easy to start to believe that it was occurring and was the ultimate source of many of my past problems. 

Over the last five or so years since I first learned about this issue, I’ve come to look at the things that occur to me and around me in the light of it. It can’t be helped, as long as I believe it is occurring. And I can’t help but believe this as I investigate the darker aspects of society further and further. 

I’ve considered many other people’s stories and claims, and I often wonder if some of these people are at times being influenced by their knowledge of this issue, and jumping to conclusions too quickly. I’ve heard many claims that don’t rely on reasoned thinking as much as they do on pure assumptions, and my doubt that these particular claims reflect the truth is heightened by the fact that these particular people have refused to give logical consideration of the events they describe. I don’t want to call these people liars, but they don’t seem to be very interested in assuring themselves that they are accurate in their perceptions. 

I saw a video on YouTube last week of a ‘target’ (behind the camera) confronting one of his supposed perps. However, all the video showed was the ‘target’ filming the supposed perp while he (the ‘target’) followed him into a store while calling him a gang-stalker and taunting him, and saying that only a gang-stalker would respond the way the ‘perp’ did. The man being filmed looked like he was just trying to get away from this kid who was calling him names. He didn’t say a thing or look at all threatening. He might have been a perp and he might not have. What I witnessed, in essence, was someone calling himself a target harassing a man he claimed was a perp. A role-reversal. 

This, to me, is unacceptable as evidence of anything other than a display of harassment on the part of the person claiming to be a ‘target’. Maybe he’s actually being targeted by the guy he’s filming, or maybe he’s deluded, or maybe he’s attempting to make real targets look like a bunch of creeps. Whatever the case, the video would make this ‘target’ look really bad in court, if it was ever used as evidence that he’s a target of gang-stalking. 

This wasn’t the only thing I’ve seen or experienced with others who claim to be targets that made me doubt their sincerity. I don’t doubt that gang-stalking is real, and I don’t doubt that it’s at the epidemic proportions that many believe it to be. But I do doubt that many of the incidents that people claim are gang-stalking activities really are, even though they might be being gang-stalked at other times. 

More and more people in our over-populated society are becoming alienated from the rest of the population, particularly the poor (at least from my perspective down here in the gutters), and this by itself can lead a person to wondering if gang-stalking has influenced this alienation. Many people can’t find any other reason to explain why things have occurred or are occurring, so they start to consider the idea that they’re being gang-stalked. They learn about the methods being used, and then look for them. Prior to this, they were oblivious to the same things happening that they now begin to notice. They can’t help but become more alert to potential gang-stalking activities, once they learn what they might be. 

I’m no different. Before I heard about street theatre from that English guy I met, I was oblivious to how the crowds in the street acted when I was around. When I learned about it, however, I started to notice how often I was being mobbed and how people were being so inconsiderate and not giving me the space to move freely on the sidewalk. I couldn’t remember it being this way prior to my awareness of mobbing tactics, but this could be because I just never looked for it before. Has it changed? I don’t really know. I could just as easily stroke my own ego and assume that all these people in the street (mostly guys that look like they might be bisexual and girls that look like they need a boyfriend) were attracted to me and wanted to get my attention. It’s better than thinking that they’re actually contemptuous of me because I’m poor, and they’re trying to harass me on purpose. 

I can see that anything that happens that frustrates me, from losing something from my room, to being delayed or kept from doing something due to unusual setbacks, to being treated badly by people on the street for no apparent reason, to the grimaces I get from strangers on the street when I make eye contact with them, or whatever else, I can no longer help but consider it in relation to what I now know about gang-stalking activities. If I wasn’t so determined to keep my wits about me and think logically and not fool myself, I could easily start jumping to false conclusions about every little thing that occurs to me. 

And there is the knowledge that gang-stalking is pervasive and involves organized networks of people that seem to be everywhere. This only exacerbates the problem further, because every situation is a potential gang-stalking event, and not just certain ones. Wherever you go, your perps seem to already be there waiting for you. The guy sitting at the bus stop suddenly looks suspicious. The fact that he takes the same bus you do heightens your suspicions. The fact that he gets off at the same stop you do twists your nerves into a ball and you are certain now that he must be a perp. He wanted to intimidate you and he succeeded. Even though he walks away in the opposite direction to where you’re going, you now have it in your head that he was gang-stalking you. But was he?

In many cases, I think that what people sometimes think is an instance of gang-stalking is nothing more than errant thinking, influenced by their knowledge of how these activities take place. On the other hand, after having lived with the awareness that I’ve been a target for at least the last five years, and having gained knowledge in that time about such tactics as street theatre, mobbing, sensitization techniques, illegal entries, bugging, remote computer access, electronic harassment, etc., I’ve come to realize how the very knowledge of this subject acts like a disease that plays on many people’s minds. In a way, it seems to answer the question of why these people have become alienated from the rest of society, but this knowledge offers no real relief, and over time only grows on the person’s mind if they are continually reminded of it. Nor does it really answer the question of why, but only of how, and when they realize this and begin to look at the deeper reasons for why these gang-stalking activities are going on, it can become either too scary or too outrageous to want to look any further. It can become very upsetting, and even unbelievable, when you begin to learn what’s actually going on in the shadows of society. If you’re really being targeted, you tend to accept the ugly truth but become more hyper-vigilant and prone to paranoia, knowing the deeper implications: a win for the bad guys. If you’re not being targeted, your doubts are raised by the sheer outrageousness of the truth: another win for the bad guys. 

I’ve had a few experiences with certain people in the last little while, two of whom reacted totally out of hand and were both very offensive towards me for showing the slightest possibility of doubt by posing a simple question to someone who had related an incident of being gang-stalked. If these people had just been the average targeted person, I might be able to understand, but these and other similar experiences were with people who not only promoted themselves as representatives of gang-stalking and mind-control victims, but also as having held respectable professional positions. This strange response from these people, under the circumstances, made me immediately suspicious of them. 

One of these people, Julianne McKinney, wrote an article on gang-stalking and electronic harassment (‘Whither the KGB’) for a group called the Association of National Security Alumni back in the early 1990s, and now she’s moderating the multistalk forum on Yahoo. Her membership in this organization would therefore suggest that she was an alumni member of the National Security Agency, and by way of her article, an early government whistle-blower. 

However, I wonder now whether she and certain others are involved in purposely sustaining a fear-mentality among the population by encouraging people who think they might be a target that they are in fact targets, whether they might be or not. I’m not saying that gang-stalking is not real. I’m certain that it’s very real, and very widespread, but I think that the government (who are the ultimate instigators of this social epidemic) is using the same or similar tactics as those they use with other issues where they are deceiving the public: disinformation and sensationalization. 

The UFO enigma is a perfect example of how they apply these tactics. I’ve been studying this field for a lot longer than I have gang-stalking, and I’ve learned how both disinformation and sensationalization are employed, not just to cover up a larger reality, but also to control how people react to the subject, and how they’ll either get caught up in it as they grow to believe it, or deny it completely as they learn about the more outrageous aspects of the situation. Divide and conquer. They apply their standard brand of psychological techniques to either appeal to a person’s acceptance of something, or cause them to reject it completely, either way without much reasoned consideration given to the matter. They know that most people will only believe something based on one of two factors: 1) direct personal experience, in which case they’ll tend to believe it wholeheartedly, or 2) they learn it from an ‘official’ source, in which case they won’t be bothered to give it much thought afterwards, leaving it to those ‘officials’ to sort it all out. In the latter case, since they have no direct personal experience, they’ll also tend to disbelieve anything that this ‘official’ source hasn’t acknowledged as fact. We never hear anything officially about alien abductions or telepathic communications with aliens, so they tend to be considered by almost everyone but the actual contactees as delusions, hallucinations, or outright lies. With the real truth of the situation being mingled with fantasy and fiction in every form of popular media there is, it becomes part of an unrealistic make-believe world that only someone with an unbalanced mind would ever confuse with reality. 

In the same way, we hear nothing about gang-stalking in the news, no recognition from any official body, and it’s only ever reflected in fictional storylines of TV and movies (with a great deal of distortion applied). The lack of any official recognition guarantees the resulting response from people who aren’t experiencing gang-stalking themselves (even if they are engaging in it). Due to this lack of official recognition, the targeted community predictably comes together online and interacts, and this offers them a temporary release or diversion from their isolation by finding other targets who understand their plight. However, this might only exacerbate the problem in the end by allowing their increased knowledge of the situation to overwhelm their perceptions. 

And certain people seem to be there only to encourage others to believe everything they imagine to be gang-stalking activity actually is. None of the people I’ve come across who purport to be activists against gang-stalking actually attempt to lessen people’s potentially false perceptions or encourage them to apply any sort of critical analysis in an attempt to assure that they aren’t imagining things. Nope. Instead, they seem to always encourage them to believe the worst, but often in a subtle, non-direct way. 

Considering that the organization of these gang-stalking groups and their activities ultimately originate from the military/intelligence community, the means that might be used to achieve their ends will be standard, and would therefore include planting imposters within the groups, organizations, and communities that develop among their adversaries (the targets). These imposters will sometimes seek leadership positions to gain control of a group, or will otherwise cause strife within the group and keep it divided, in either case to divert its energies from achieving anything positive. This is what has been going on within the more popular gang-stalking ‘support’ sites for a while now. I think that other agent provocateurs exist within the gang-stalking community who encourage targets to harass their suspected perps, and still others who sound so ridiculously delusional that they only help to damage the reputation of the entire targeted community. 

I don’t want to be an activist, for this very reason. I’m just interested in knowing the truth for my own sake, in order to keep my head straight as to what is real and what is imaginary, because this situation of being targeted can leave you wondering about your own sanity if you don’t keep both feet planted firmly on the ground at all times. But in the process I’ve learned that greater knowledge and awareness has a certain effect that can poison your thoughts if you aren’t ready to receive it, and those who ultimately instigate these gang-stalking activities know this very well, and are undoubtedly using it to their best advantage. 

Anthony Forwood

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Anthony Forwood

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