The Myron May Controversy

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The following is a chronological timeline of events leading up to and following the Florida State University shooting that took place in the early hours of November 20, 2014. This timeline focuses mainly on Myron May’s alleged connections to the TI community, and more specifically, on those within the TI community who are claiming to have been in contact with May before the shooting. I have relied almost exclusively on first-hand documented sources that I’ve referenced for easy verification, with only a few facebook posts and pages being included that might not be accessible or which could be deleted at any time by those who don’t want them to be seen. In attempting to get information directly from any of the people in the TI community who are allegedly involved, I have encountered nothing but antagonistic responses, which has only raised my suspicions further. If they were innocent of anything and actually wanted the full truth about targeting to be known, they would be more willing to provide information that would exonerate them in this case, but they choose not to. I can only question why. 

This article is an updated version of its first posting. As new information has been collected and added to the chronology, a clearer picture has emerged and a few of my earlier questions have been answered, but as will happen, many new ones have arisen as well. At the same time, some of my thoughts have changed about certain things as I’ve studied the various pieces of information as they’ve slowly come together. 

What hasn’t changed since the previous publication is that while gathering and reviewing the information below, I’ve noticed that there is a difference between what the original reports by the MSM news outlets were stating, and what was later being added to the story by certain parties within the TI community who have been claiming that they were in contact with Myron May prior to the shooting and/or were intended recipients of the packages May sent out. The only exception to this that I’ve seen is with NBC News, which I’ve since found out had reported Renee Pittman Mitchell’s part of the story first. She had apparently contacted them and offered her story and they just reported what she said without investigating further or verifying it with the authorities. It was then picked up by online alternative ‘news’ outlets and spread from there. 

This shooting caught my attention because it was very similar to what occurred with the Washington Navy Yard shooting incident a year ago, where Derrick Robinson of FFCHS was claiming – through certain alternative ‘news’ outlets – that Aaron Alexis had been in contact with his organization just prior to that shooting incident. I had come to the realization in researching that case that the claims coming from FFCHS were entirely false and were promoted by certain online ‘news’ outlets that cater specifically to the TI community in order to garner some recognition for FFCHS within the TI community while creating bad publicity for the TI community in the eyes of mainstream society. Because of what I found out in that case, I have every reason to suspect that their involvement in this situation was either another lie, or they were involved far more deeply than most people realize, and I believe that FFCHS and its closest affiliates, including Robert Duncan, Rosanne Marie (Schneider), and Renee Pittman Mitchell were following a basic plan that they’ve devised to con TIs whenever these shooting events occur. Worse, they may have coerced May to act as he did. They are certainly being uncooperative in getting to the bottom of all this, and I have therefore been forced to treat them as ‘hostile witnesses’. 

Here are the reported events surrounding Myron May and the FSU shooting, as best as I’ve been able to gather them and put them in the order that they occurred. Events are listed in the order that they happened, as best as I can determine. If you see anything that is wrong, and can lead me to direct sources for more accurate information, please leave a comment.


1998 - 2005 “During his tenure as the chief enforcement officer of the SEC’s Dallas–Fort Worth regional branch, [Spencer] Barasch overruled examiners in his own office who wanted to investigate [R. Allen] Stanford. Year after year, and with increasing urgency, they warned Barasch that Stanford was likely running a “massive Ponzi scheme” and also engaged in international money laundering. But each time the examiners sought to open a file, Barasch quashed any potential investigation.” [57] 

NOTES: Was Spencer Barasch protecting Stanford in his financial scam? Spencer Barasch is the brother of Miles (Matt) Barasch, an active member in the TI community who is closely associated with Derrick Robinson, Robert Duncan, Renee Pittman Mitchell, Rosanne Marie, and certain others who may or may not be involved in Myron May’s demise. 

2005 – Spencer Barasch leaves his position as chief enforcement officer at the SEC’s Fort Worth offices and joins the law firm of Andrews Kurth in Houston, Texas. He will represent R. Allen Stanford while working there, breaking conflict-of-interest laws. [57] The day after he leaves, an investigation is opened by the SEC into the suspicious financial activities of Allen Stanford. [60] 

NOTES: Myron May will eventually work at Andrews Kurth while Spencer Barasch is there. Did he discover that Spencer Barasch was involved in Stanford’s scam, and did this lead to his death? 

2005 – Myron May graduates from Florida State University with a degree in economics. [2][4] May had joined the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity while at FSU. [63] Phi Beta Sigma has always taken an active role in the civil rights matters, and their membership has included such notable figures as Huey P. Newton (co-founder of the Black Panther Party), Benjamin Chavis Muhammad (organizer of the Million Man March), and Rev. Al Sharpton (civil rights activist). [64] Many of the people May will allegedly send packages to are also members of Phi Beta Sigma. [] 

Nov. 2006 – According to his facebook page, May moves to Lubbock, Texas. [14] At some point while living there, he is employed with the Andrews Kurth Corporate and Litigation Law Firm in Houston. [56] At this time, Spencer Barasch is working at Andrews Kurth as well, and will come under investigation for violating conflict-of-interest laws by representing R. Allen Stanford, who masterminded a banking scheme that netted him $7.2 billion while Barasch was a high-ranking SEC official. Barasch had suppressed potential investigations into Stanford’s financial dealings while at the SEC. Barasch will eventually be fined $50,000 by the US Department of Justice for his involvement. [57] 

2009 – May graduates from Texas Tech University's law school. [2] After graduating, he moves to New Mexico to work as a public defender in Las Cruces before becoming a prosecutor in the Dona Ana County District Attorney's Office. [4]

March, 2009 – Allen Stanford is arrested and charged with fraud, conspiracy, and money laundering. [61]

Jan. 13, 2012 – Spencer Barasch agrees to pay a $50,000 settlement for breaking conflict-of-interest laws by representing R. Allen Stanford after leaving the SEC. [57] R. Allen Stanford will eventually be convicted of fraud and sentenced to 110 years in prison. [58]

Feb. 2013 – The website for the Pittman Funeral Services (Christian Memorial Chapel) in Graceville, Florida, goes online. Its mailing address is listed as a post office box. [10] This website is where (one of) May’s obituary will be posted after his death. [11] The funeral service and chapel are owned by the Pittman family, and have been in business for 52 years. [12] An online records search for this business only comes up with a record for Pittman Funeral Homes Inc. in Naples, Florida, which dissolved in 1988. [13] In an online post, Renee Pittman Mitchell will later claim that the Pittman family who owns the funeral service is not related to her. [27] 

NOTES: Why does this company not come up as a registered business if it’s still in operation? Why is its mailing address listed as a post office box? Funeral companies usually require a physical location to store and prepare the body before the funeral, and/or to incinerate it. 

May, 2013 – Myron May starts working with the Santa Fe Public Defender’s Office in New Mexico on a ‘limited license’. After about a year he will leave to work at the Doña Ana County DA’s Office as a junior prosecutor. [70] 

Jan. 9, 2014 – Miles Barasch is recorded for an episode of the Dr. Phil show, in which he discusses his alleged targeting. The show was allegedly recorded 92 days earlier, but Barasch only posted it on facebook in January of 2015. In the show, he presents some video evidence that fails to impress Dr. Phil as evidence of targeting. [66] Miles Barasch goes on to promote the show in the TI community while complaining that Dr. Phil made a mockery of him. [67] FFCHS will also promote the show among the TI community. [68] 

NOTES: Miles Barasch’s appearance on the show will help to garner him a stronger following in the TI community. Is he being groomed for a high-profile position with FFCHS and their associates to use him to draw TIs to them? 

Aug. 25, 2014 – According to his facebook page, Josh Brown is in Ferguson, Missouri. He is preparing to leave for Washington DC because the protests have ended. He indicates that he’s planning to go to Capital Hill, the Executive building, NSA offices, the Navy Yard, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, and the White House to “inform all of their employees”. [40]

NOTES: Why is Josh Brown travelling alone and without money for such an obviously pointless endeavor? 

Aug. 27-30, 2014 – On Aug. 27, Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page stating that he’s getting a ride to Columbus, Ohio. On Aug. 28, he posts a photo from Columbus, indicating his arrival. He states in another post a little later that he arrived the night before. In another post on Aug. 28 he states that he’ll be leaving the next day. On Aug. 29, he leaves a post stating that he’s getting a ride to Maryland. He adds a comment at 1:54 pm (PST) stating that he should be in Washington DC the next day. On Aug. 30, he leaves a post stating that he’s on a Greyhound bus heading to Washington DC. Somebody responds and points out that it’s Labor Day weekend and everything will be closed when he gets there. Matt Barasch leaves a response telling Josh to call someone named Rick immediately because he’ll be in LA on Wednesday. Sometime later on Aug. 30, Josh posts a photo of the Executive building in Washington DC, indicating that he has arrived. In a later post the same day he states that he has to wait four days because of the long weekend. [40] 

NOTES: What was Josh doing in Ferguson? Who is Rick? Why will there be no posts from him talking about his activities in Washington, and so few photos? Why did he go there alone and with no money? How does he afford his cell phone and internet access while travelling on the road? Was this all just a pretext for some other ‘mission’ he was on? 

Sept. 3, 2014, 8:05 am (PST) – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page that explains why he’s in Washington. He says that he’s there to “get the word out on Targeted Individuals”. Later that day he posts a video of an apparent altercation he had with police. [40] 

NOTES: Does Josh really think that going to a few government buildings and handing out flyers all by himself is an effective method of bringing awareness to the plight of TIs? Was his attitude towards the police purposefully designed to start a problem so that TIs would look bad? 

Sept. 7, 2014 – May contacts police in Las Cruces, New Mexico, “convinced that someone had placed cameras in his apartment and complaining that he was hearing voices through the walls,” according to the police report. [1][3] 

Sept. 12, 2914 – Josh Brown posts on Tana Winkler’s facebook page, indicating that he’s in Charlottesville, Virginia, with Magnus Olsson and Tana Winkler. [50] 

NOTES: When and where did Josh meet up with Magnus Olsson and Tana Winkler? What was the purpose of meeting? Virginia is where the CIA and many private government contractors are based. Were they there for training or briefing? 

Sept. 13, 2014 – Josh Brown posts pictures on his facebook page, indicating that he’s in New York City with Mike Mason and Magnus Olsson. [40] 

NOTES: Where is Tana Winkler? 

Sept. 15, 2014 – Tana Winkler posts a photo on her facebook page, indicating that she was in Frederickburg, Virginia the day before. [50] 

Sept. 16, 2014 – A woman named Tammy Franz posts a photo on Josh Brown’s facebook page, showing her with Tana Winkler, Josh Brown in Moore, Oklahoma. [40] 

Sept. 17, 2014 – Tana Winkler shares a post on her facebook page from Tammy Franz which states that “Tana Winkler and Josh Brown stopped in to say goodbye on their way to Dallas Texas”. [50] 

NOTES: Where is Tammy Franz located? Is she in Moore, Oklahoma? Are they on their way to meet Linda Johnson and Connie M-Johnson in Texas? 

Sept. 17, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page stating that he has just arrived home in Fort Worth, Texas. [40] 

Sept. 19, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a photo of a new tattoo on the back of his hand depicting flames engulfing the letters “TI”. He states in other messages that he plans on getting tattoos all over his body depicting his targeting experiences. [40] 

NOTES: Where did he get the money to afford a tattoo? His obsession with targeting suggests an extremist attitude. There are few if any posts by Josh on his facebook page that would indicate he’s being targeted at all. 

Sept. 22, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page stating that he’s getting on a Greyhound bus back to Fort Worth. [40] 

NOTES: Where is he? 

Sept. 23, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page in which he writes: “Alright, on my way back to Fort Worth. Cant wait to get back to advocating! I think Tana is a good person but got attached and didn't want me to leave. Now i have a 24 hour bus ride”. Another post a little later the same day indicates that he’s in Tallahassee, Florida. [40] 

NOTES: What is he doing in Tallahassee? Why is he still travelling around? 

Sept. 24, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page stating that he’s back hoe in Texas. [40] 

Oct. 3, 2014, 5:11 pm (PST) – Tana Winkler leaves a post on her facebook page stating that she’s “working for a short time in Texas”. [50] 

NOTES: Has Tana been in Texas all this time? Is Josh Brown still with her? Who is she working for and what is she doing? Where in Texas is she? Is it anywhere near where Myron May is in New Mexico? 

Oct. 4, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a photo on his facebook page that indicates he’s with Linda Johnson. [40]

NOTES: Where is Linda located? Is she in San Antonio, Texas? Were Tana Winkler and Connie M-Johnson with them? 

Oct. 5, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a photo on his facebook page that indicates he’s with Connie M-Johnson and two others. Connie, Linda Johnson and Tana Winkler respond and indicate in their posts that they were with him the night before. [40]

NOTES: Where were they? 

Oct. 5, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a photo on his facebook page indicating that he got more tattoos. [40]

NOTES: Where is he getting the money to afford tattoos? 

Oct. 6, 2014 – May suddenly resigns from his job as a felony prosecutor in Dona Ana, New Mexico, leaving no indication that anything is wrong. “He did his job with distinction and honor,” according to his employer. [23] 

Oct. 7, 2014 – May’s alleged ex-girlfriend contacts police saying that May believed “the police are after him and are bugging his phone and car”. [1] According to her, May was showing symptoms of a “severe mental disorder” that he had been hospitalized for weeks earlier at Mesilla Valley Hospital. [8] She also said that he had difficulty sleeping, sometimes for four or five nights in a row, and had recently made a one-day trip to Colorado for unexplained reasons. [3] Also according to her, May had handed her a piece of a car and told her it was a camera that police had put in his car, and that she needed to hold on to it. May’s friend in Florida, David Taunton, will later report that around this time May told him that someone was after him with a gun. Taunton will also state that there was no indication that May was mentally ill. [8] 

NOTES: Was May being coerced into a paranoid state? Who was the ex-girlfriend? Could her report to the police have been part of a set-up?

Oct. 10, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a photo on his facebook page indicating that he’s with Tana Winkler. [40]

NOTES: Where are they? 

Oct. 12, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page indicating that he’s arrived back home. [40] 

NOTES: Where was he? 

Oct. 17, 2014, 2:39 pm (PST) – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page that states: “I'm at the Lockheed facility, they were tipped I was coming and there's alot of there employees, not informant's driving around in a frenzy.” [40] 

NOTES: Josh is in Fort Worth, Texas. 

Oct. 19, 2014 – Miles Barasch posts a message on his facebook page. There will be no more posts made there until Nov. 14 at 10:30 pm (PST). [39] 

NOTES: Where was he during this time frame? 

Oct. 20, 2014 – After the shooting, an unverified news report will state: “In New Mexico, May apparently also suspected neighbors were watching him at his Las Cruces apartment. A woman who shared a wall with him had a football-sized landscaping rock thrown at her window at 2 a.m. Oct. 20. Responding officers talked to a maintenance man, who told them May complained to property managers that neighbors were laughing at him as he watched pornography.

The officers then matched the rock to a gap in landscaping rocks in front of May's apartment. The maintenance man told them he took care of May's dog several times during his stays at a mental hospital, according to the report.

That incident happened less than three weeks before May returned to Wewahitchka, Florida, where he stayed at a guest cottage owned by friends.” [5] 

NOTES: Note that there was no real proof that May had anything to do with the rock throwing. Could it have been part of a set-up? Who was this unnamed maintenance man? Was the comment about watching pornography made in order to make May look bad?

Oct. 22, 2014, 8:02 pm (PST) - Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page indicating that he’s using Matt Barasch’s cell phone. [40] 

NOTES: Is he in Los Angeles with Matt? 

Oct. 27, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page announcing that he just got a job at Miles Barasch’s company and starts the next day. He states further on in the thread that it’s an insurance company in Los Angeles. He indicates that he’ll be moving there from Texas. [40]

Late Oct./Early Nov. 2014 - Three weeks prior to the shooting, May moves back to his hometown of Wewahitchka, Florida, and begins living in a cottage behind a his friend David Taunton’s home. [2][8] According to family members, he is staying there because he’s having financial problems, and had moved back home to open up his own law practice and put some ‘troubles’ behind him. He was scheduled to take the Florida Bar exam in February. [4] According to Abigail Taunton, “He was struggling, having decided that what he was doing out there was not good.” [56] 

NOTES: What was May doing that he decided was not good? What was he involved in? According to an admission by Miles Barasch on his facebook page, May had been an associate of his brother Spencer at Andrews Kurth while living in Texas. Did May’s problems have anything to do with Spencer Barasch? Did he testify against him, or otherwise know something that could hurt Barasch? 

Late Oct./Early Nov. 2014 – According to the group’s membership list, Myron May joins the Targeted Individuals International facebook group at around this time. [15] 

Nov. 1, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a video on his facebook page of him being interviewed by Matt Barasch. [40] 

Early Nov. 2014 - During the first week of November, Myron May joins the Tauntons on a camping trip, where he spends time studying for the Florida Bar exam. [8]

Nov. 6, 2014 – Connie-M Johnson posts a message on her facebook page. She will not post again until Nov. 20 at (approx,) 8:30 am (PST). [49] 

NOTES: Where was she during this time frame?

Nov. 6, 2014 – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page, stating: “I just wanna honestly shoot a perp in the head, after I get all the info I need. One life sentence isn't very long. 15 years and I'd be eligible for parole.” A number of people respond and tell him to be careful of what he’s saying while others agree that something needs to be done to bring awareness to their targeting. Josh eventually responds by stating: “I realize I can't and wouldn't want to harm anyone but the fbi won't help us, the media ignores us but puts bullshit pointless stories on air, human right organizations have no relief for us. Are we just suppose to lay down and except? Not me, i refuse. But I'm exhausted informing one person here and there. Has to be another way.” [40] 

Nov. 11, 2014, 10:49 am (PST) – Tana Winkler posts a message on her facebook page. She will not post again until Nov. 18 at 10:47 pm (PST). Her facebook page will later show a larger gap extending from Sept. 21, 2014 to April 23, 2015, indicating that she erased all posts during the period she was working for someone in Texas. [50]

NOTES: Where was she during this time frame? Was she working for Prescient Edge? (See Jan. 27, 2015)

Nov. 12, 2014, 4:17 am (PST) – May posts a link to a music video in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group, titled 'Donnie McClurkin Stand'. [38]

Nov. 13, 2014, 5:01 am (PST) – May posts a message in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group, asking: “Has anyone (or anyone you know) ever retaliated against a perp physically? If so, ambiguous details please.” [38] 

NOTES: This post will never be mentioned in any news reports or anywhere else. 

Nov. 13, 2014, 12:03 pm (PST) – Magnus Olsson Sweden posts a message on his facebook page. He will not post again until Dec. 2. [54]

NOTES: Where was he during this time frame? 

Nov. 13, 2014 – An unannounced active shooter drill takes place at Jewett Middle Academy in Winter Haven, Florida. Middle school students will later report that they were terrified for their lives and thought they were going to die when police burst into their classroom with weapons drawn. Parents are furious for not being notified that a drill was going to take place. The police chief will later state: “It's very important that, when you do your drill, you do it without everyone knowing that it's a drill.” He assures parents that future drills will be without weapons. [6] 

NOTES: This indicates that active-shooter drills are routine practice in the State of Florida. This may or may not have any implications on the FSU shooting. 

Nov. 13, 2014, 3:11 pm (PST) – Linda Johnson posts a message on her facebook page. She will not post again until Nov. 21 at 1:16 pm (PST). [48] 

NOTES: Where was she during this time frame? 

Nov. 13, 2014, 4:35 pm (PST) – May posts a message in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group, asking: “Is any target here in any branch of the U.S. military? If so, which one?” [38] 

NOTES: This post will never be mentioned in any news reports or anywhere else. 

Nov. 13, 2014, 5:44 pm (PST) – May posts a link to a page in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group. The page contains information about gang-stalking. [38][53] 

Nov. 14, 2014, 4:51 am (PST) – May posts a message in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group, asking: “Has anyone ever been encouraged by your handler to kill with a promise of freedom?” [16][38] 

NOTES: This and previous posts suggest that someone had been getting to May and putting ideas into his head that killing would end his problems. Whoever it was, May apparently thought of them as his handler. Why would he think this? Who could it have been? 

Nov. 14, 2014, 10:23 am (PST) – May posts a message in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group in which he states: “I am a lawyer. Are there any other lawyers on here? Perhaps we can put together a legal team to get something going. If you're out there, respond. There is strength in numbers.” [4][38] Derrick Robinson, Renee Pittman Mitchell, and Rosanne Marie will all later state that they were in contact with May regarding his legal plans at about this time. [19][27][38]

Nov. 14, 2014 – At about this time, Renee Pittman Mitchell allegedly speaks to May about why he thinks he’s being attacked. She will later report to Reuters that he appeared to be “calm, cool and collected”. She will also state that she invited him to come and stay with her in California because she hoped he could use his legal training to expose what she and others claim is happening to them. Soon after this, she becomes wary of May when he tells her that he had mailed her a package. She will state: “I just didn't know what was going on and why he was focusing on me.” [26] 

NOTES: Why would she invite a complete stranger to come and stay with her? Why would she state in the next instance that she couldn’t figure out why he was focusing on her? 

Nov 14, 2014, 9:17 pm (PST) – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page. He will not post again until Dec. 5 at 11:14 am (PST). [40] 

NOTES: Where was he during this time frame? 

Nov. 15, 2014 10:17 am (PST) – May posts a message in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group, announcing that he had formed a group “for every TI who wants to pursue a class action lawsuit”. This is also the last day that his family and friends will see him alive. [4] Rosanne Marie is named in the post as the contact person. [38] 

NOTES: This indicates that Rosanne Marie had already been in contact with May for some time before this. How long? 

Nov. 15, 2014, 11:29 am (PST) – May posts a link on his facebook page to a video of Jesse Ventura’s interview with Robert Duncan. [14] 

NOTES: This indicates that May was already familiar with Robert Duncan’s material and may have been in contact with him. 

Nov. 15, 2014 – May spends the afternoon watching the Ohio State–Minnesota football game. [30]

Nov. 15, 2014 – May’s friend and landlord, David Taunton, sends him an email to check on him, and will later state that May responded to apologize and said he was all right. According to Taunton, May confided something to him that worried Taunton, but he wouldn’t go into details. [7] 

NOTES: What did May confide? 

Nov. 15, 2014, 7:56 pm (PST) – Rosanne Marie posts a message on her facebook page. She will not post again until Nov. 22 at 4:14 am (PST), when she publishes the photograph of the package she allegedly received from May. [51] 

NOTES: Where was she during this time frame? 

Nov. 15, 2014 – May spends the night at the home of his uncle, Wallace Freeman. “I talked to him and asked him about his business and stuff like that, and he never would tell me his business so I never did want to pry,” Freeman later told reporters. He described May as happy and fine. They planned to get together for Thanksgiving dinner. [8]

Nov. 15, 2014 – According to a man named Joe Paul, who allegedly knew May from his university days at FSU and who had been keeping in touch with him on facebook, May contacts him and asks him and several others for their street addresses. [1] At about this same time, May allegedly contacts Renee Pittman Mitchell, complaining about being targeted and telling her he didn’t want to go on living like he was. [3][25][26]

Nov. 16, 2014, 1:16 pm (PST) – May leaves a public post on the Targeted Individuals International facebook group that says: “Dear Renee Pittman Mitchell: I just saw your message. Please add me back. I literally just saw your message. I REALLY NEED you!!!” [38] 

NOTES: What message he’s talking about is unknown. 

Nov. 16, 2014 – May returns to his cottage after spending the night at his uncle’s home. He later leaves again to visit friends at FSU. David Taunton, who lives on the same property, will not see or hear from him again. [8] 

NOTES: Who were the people that May went to stay with? Why haven’t they spoken up or been interviewed since the shooting? Josh Brown is reportedly in Tallahassee at about this time. 

Nov. 19, 2014, 3:16 pm (EST?) – According to USPS tracking information, a package allegedly sent by May that will later be shown in a photograph posted online by Rosanne Marie is picked up for delivery in Tallahassee, Florida. Its destination is Sebastopol, California. [24] The photograph will show that the return address on the package is a post office box in Wewahitchka, Florida. [19] 

NOTES: The only other photograph of a package besides this one that will become available will be the one that was sent to Joe Paul, which will have the tracking information blurred out. The handwriting will appear to be about the same as on Rosanne Marie’s. 

Nov. 19, 2014, 9:19 pm (EST?) – May allegedly tries to contact Renee Pittman Mitchell by phone, leaving three voicemail messages between 9:19 pm and 9:42 pm. In one message he states: “I am currently being cooked in my chair. I devised a scheme where I was going to expose this once and for all and I really need you.” An unnamed relative will allegedly confirm later that the voice is May’s. [3] 

NOTES: Who contacted May’s family to confirm that the voice was May’s? Who was the family member who confirmed it? Where was May at the time of the calls? Who was he with? Were the time of these calls in PST (Mitchell’s time zone) or EST (May’s time zone)? Why would the times be given in EST, if in fact they were? If they were given in PST, then they would have had to be sent AFTER the shooting, since there’s a three-hour difference. Where are the records for these calls? 

Nov. 19, 2014, 9:53 pm (EST) – According to Joe Paul, May sends a message to him telling him that he should expect a package on Friday. [1][36] He also sends him a picture of the package. [33][35]

Nov. 19, 2014, 11:19 pm (EST) – In an email he allegedly sends to Renee Pittman Mitchell, May writes: “I’ve been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening. It hurts really bad right now.” [3] Mitchell will tell Reuters that she didn’t get the messages until it was too late. [26] In an alleged text message May sends her, he says he’s sending return receipts for the packages to her “because I anticipate that I'll be gone at that point.” [23] 

NOTES: When did he first tell her about the packages? What good are return receipts? Where are they? Why will the alleged suicide letter describe “financial, emotional, and psychological pain” but not physical pain, like what he allegedly describes to Mitchell? Why is May putting so much importance on leaving proof that packages were sent out? Why did he bother to send photographs of the packages? Where is the evidence to show that the email timestamp was in EST and not PST, which is how Mitchell would have seen it? 

Nov. 20, 2014, 12:25 am (EST) – Myron May goes on a shooting spree at Florida State University’s Strozier Library, wounding three people before being shot and killed by police. There are reported to have been 300 – 400 students in the library at that late hour. [1] According to police, the first 911 call to come in was made by one of the victims. Several more calls followed. [5] Police responded minutes later and shot May dead when he turned his gun on them. [1] 

NOTES: Note that in spite of the library allegedly being filled with three to four hundred students, there didn’t appear to have been more than a few 911 calls. 

Nov. 20, 2014, 2:47 am (EST) – One of the earliest news reports on the FSU shooting states that “authorities had found journals and videos produced by May in which he expressed fears that government agencies were targeting him”. The authorities go on to state that May claimed to have been hearing voices and thought he was being watched, and describe the events that occurred in New Mexico weeks earlier. “Atlanta's WSB-TV said eight of May's friends were expecting packages to arrive from him on Friday. They have been told to call police when the parcels arrive, the ABC affiliate reported.” [29] 

NOTES: Note that this early report only mentions eight packages, rather than ten. It is also the first report that mentioned that May believed he was being targeted. How did Atlanta WSB-TV learn about the packages? Did someone contact them and tell them this? Who? When? 

Nov. 20, 2014, 9:33 am (PST) – Joe Paul posts a message on his facebook page after learning that May was involved in the FSU shooting. He states: “I'm in complete shock right now.” [28] 

Nov. 20, 2014 “[Joe] Paul told First Coast News he called the Tallahassee police to let them know about May's message from his home in Washington D.C.. He says police instructed him to call local police there in D.C. when the package arrives, which he plans to do.” [35] 

NOTES: This appears to be how the authorities first learned about the packages. Paul’s claim that the police told him to contact them when the package arrived will conflict with other reports that indicate the packages were all intercepted. Is Joe Paul a real recipient? 

Nov. 20, 2014 – According to one news report published sometime in the early afternoon, “A former roommate and friend said that she was sent a cryptic message from May that he had sent her a package shortly before the rampage. She has no idea what the package contains.” [31] 

NOTES: Who was this person? Was it Titiana Frausto, one of people May allegedly sent a package to? 

Nov. 20, 2014 – According to another news report published later the same day: 

“Each of the eight Myron May packages will allegedly arrive tomorrow Friday November 21, 2014, police are telling news. Meantime, also tonight, police now reveal that Myron May associated himself with a group called Targeted Individuals International and claimed that he was a “TI Individual”. 

Myron May (photos below) through his Facebook account contacted one friend regarding a package. Channel 2 News reports that May purportedly told Joe Paul, via Facebook, that he wanted to sent Paul a package, needed his address, and that the package would arrive by Friday. Police tell news that they have digital evidence, in the form of a journal and multiple videos by May, that suggest that May feared the U.S Government was after him.

Police now believe that eight friends of May will receive a package tomorrow. Channel 2 delivered a chilling image of one package sent to Joe Paul. It was sent through US mail, Priority mail with return receipt attached outside the package. Police assert to news that May’s intended recipients may not know each other and may also not know that a package is on the way.

[...] Police indicate to Channel 2 that they have contacted each of the additional seven recipients, and told them to telephone them if the package is received Friday. “It clicked. I said, ‘Wait a minute, he sent a message to us all about a letter he was going to be sending us, or a package, to all of us to arrive Friday’. This is all connected,” Paul told the station.

May meantime on November 16 posted to Facebook a message about “targeted individuals”. He believed that he was the victim of a mind control, and was “in a state of crisis”. He also wrote on November 14 “Has anyone here ever been encouraged by your handler to kill with a promise of freedom?” May also visited the Targeted Individuals International Facebook page. He wrote that he had established a group “for every TI who wants to pursue a class action lawsuit.”” [32] 

NOTES: This reveals that only eight packages were known about by the authorities, and that (according to Joe Paul) the police didn’t appear too concerned about intercepting them. This conflicts with later reports that say the packages were all intercepted. Joe Paul’s quoted remark reveals that he knew at least some of the other recipients. 

Nov. 20, 2014 – Another news report will state: “Multiple Facebook friends of Myron May have now come forward and alerted police about a recent interaction over social media. The friends say May asked for their mailing addresses and told them to expect a package from him on Friday.” [41] 

NOTES: This indicates that the police or news outlets were contacted, rather than the other way around. Who contacted them? Were any of these people from the TI community? If so, who? Why is there no mention of the photographs that May allegedly sent them? 

Nov. 20, 2014, 10:18 pm (PST) – According to several comments left in the Targeted Individuals International facebook group, May’s facebook page was no longer accessible. [38] 

NOTES: Why is it accessible now? Is the current page the real one? 

Nov. 20, 2014, 10:39 pm (EST?) – One news outlet that was able to interview Joe Paul reports on his story. Paul informs them that he received a photograph of the package from May at about the same time that he told Paul he was sending it. The report will state that eight packages were sent out. “A lot of us have pretty vast networks, so maybe that’s why he chose us,” Paul states. “The eight acquaintances of May have been advised to call local police upon receipt of their package, Channel 2 reported.” It is also reported that none of the recipients knew each other. [33] 

NOTES: If none of the recipients knew each other, how would Paul know who the others were or that they had “vast networks”?

Nov. 20, 2014, 11:04 pm (EST?) – One of May’s packages is reported to have been intercepted in Orlando, Florida. “The recipients are not aware of the package contents – they’ve been told to call police as soon as it arrives.” It is reported again that none of the recipients knew each other. [34] 

NOTES: Who was the recipient? This could have been Juan P. Chrisholm, who apparently lives in Orlando and is listed on the alleged suicide letter that was later shown in photographs that Todd Giffen published? If none of the recipients knew each other, why did Joe Paul talk as though they did? If the package was intercepted, why would the police ask to be notified when it arrived? Who gave the news outlet this information? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 6:46 am (PST) – According to Joe Paul's facebook page, news reporters start leaving him posts asking him to contact them at this time. This includes the Orlando Sentinel, FOX 35 Orlando, News 13 in Orlando, The Washington Post, and Reuters. [28] 

NOTES: This indicates that these news outlets had learned that Joe Paul was an intended package recipient just previous to this time and hadn’t spoken to him yet. Did they contact any of the other recipients? None of their facebook pages show any indication that they were. Apart from Joe Paul who allegedly contacted the police, and Renee Pittman Mitchell who will apparently contact various news outlets of her own volition at about this time, why will none of the other intended recipients ever be mentioned in any news reports? Why do none of their facebook pages (except for those of Joe Paul and the three people from the TI community) show any indication that they knew May or had any knowledge about the packages? Are these real people? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 7:38 am (EST?) – NBC News reports on the voicemails and facebook messages that Renee Pittman Mitchell had allegedly received from May prior to the shooting. They also report that he sent out ten packages to various people that would expose what he thought was happening to him. Mitchell will tell them that she had not received her package at this time. The article quotes her as saying that after her initial conversations with May, she became wary of him, concerned that he might be an impostor. [23] 

NOTES: It appears from this news report, which is the earliest one I can find that mentions any part of Mitchell’s story or about May’s direct involvement in the TI community, that NBC News learned about all of this from Mitchell, and not from the authorities, who will not mention it at all. This is also the first news report I can find stating that there were ten packages, rather than eight, as reported by earlier news sources. Did Mitchell add two more to the count? 

Nov. 21, 2014 – According to what Renee Pittman Mitchell will tell Reuters, authorities retrieved one of the packages from her porch. She will tell Reuters that May had told her that she could expect eight more packages. She also states that she turned the suicide letter over to the authorities before reading all of it. She claims that another unnamed recipient had forwarded her a typed letter that was addressed to her and several others, allegedly signed by May, which she sent images of to Reuters by email. [25] She also states that the authorities opened the package in front of her. [26] 

NOTES: Renee Pittman Mitchell apparently contacted Reuters and volunteered her information to them, and it was reported in the mainstream news early on without being verified first. This gave her story the appearance of credibility. It appears to have then been repeated by various online alternative ‘news’ sources with more information and ‘evidence’ added on, again without being verified. Also, it should be noted that the authorities had approximately 20 hours from the time of the shooting to learn about, trace, and intercept all of the packages, which would have given them enough time to have intercepted those packages that were in transit the longest. According to the posted ‘evidence’, this would be Renee Pittman Mitchell’s, Derrick Robinson’s, and Rosanne Marie’s, all residing in California. Did one of the packages really make it all the way to Mitchell’s porch before it was intercepted? Did another package really make it all the way to Rosanne Marie in Sebastopol, California before it was intercepted? When did May tell Mitchell about eight more packages, and why did he tell her this if she wasn’t going to be the recipient of more than one? Did she know the others and was supposed to pass this information on to them? Why the discrepancy in the number of packages? Who is the unnamed person who sent her the typed letter? Was it Todd Giffen? Who were the other recipients of this letter? When was it sent? Where did it come from? How was it delivered to her? Has the letter been compared to the contents of the packages by the authorities? Do they even know about it? Would they care, if the investigation into the shooting was already closed? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 5:24 am (PST?) – According to USPS tracking information, the package that Rosanne Marie will post a photograph of online arrives at the post office in Sebastopol, California. [24] 

Nov. 21, 2014, 8:43 am (PST?) – According to USPS tracking information, the package that Rosanne Marie will later post a photograph of online leaves the Sebastopol post office for delivery to her home. Delivery status is not updated beyond this point. [24] 

NOTES: This indicates that the authorities intercepted the package, but not until it had already left the Sebastopol post office for delivery to Rosanne Marie’s home. It’s already 32 hours after the shooting by this time. Why did it take so long for the authorities to get to this package? Were they acting on the information that was provided by Renee Pittman Mitchell to the news outlets? Why wouldn’t they have known who May had sent packages to when they looked at his online communications? Why the continual discrepancies in the number of packages? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 11:18 am (EST?) – CNN reports that May sent nine packages to various recipients just before going on his shooting spree at Florida State University. [9] 

NOTES: Is this change in the number of packages due to someone else suddenly claiming to have received one of them? Was this person Renee Pittman Mitchell or Rosanne Marie? 

Nov 21, 2014 “One package was sent to Houston and was secured by federal investigators Friday morning.” Joe Paul is reported as stating that May had asked him and eight others for their mailing addresses in a Nov. 15 facebook message. [36] 

NOTES: Again, the number of packages has apparently changed to nine. Why did Joe Paul not mention that there were nine package recipients earlier? How did he know, exactly? Did he change the count to reflect what Mitchell claimed? Where is the facebook message he received from May? What exactly did the message say? Was the Houston package sent to Marc Bozeman, who lives in Houston and is one of the people named in the alleged suicide letter that was later shown in photographs that Todd Giffen and Renee Pittman Mitchell both published? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 5:56 pm (EST?) – Another news report at this time states that Joe Paul said, “postal inspectors intercepted a package May sent to him. The postal inspectors told him that the package contained nothing dangerous, and promised they would eventually release it to him.” The report also states: “Paul said May mailed similar packages to about nine people.” [5] 

NOTES: This information conflicts with earlier reports based on interviews with Joe Paul. The number of packages appears to have now increased to ten, according to Joe Paul. Why? Is he legitimate? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 3:50 pm (PST) – In a post he makes on his facebook page, Derrick Robinson announces that he was one of the ten recipients of the packages sent out by May. He also states: “I had been in contact with Myron. He was an attorney and interested in helping with the Legal Committee, which I was hoping he'd do. I had no idea he felt completely without hope. I haven't heard from the FBI yet.” Rosanne Marie responds to his post and claims that she is another recipient. She also posts a link to a photograph of her alleged package on her website. [19] 

NOTES: How did Derrick Robinson find out that he was an intended recipient if he hadn’t heard from the authorities at this point? Where is the photo May sent him showing his package, if that was how he knew? Why did Rosanne Marie wait until now to mention the photograph? How long had Derrick Robinson been in contact with May? What sort of dealings has he had with May, exactly? What about Rosanne Marie, who was allegedly working closely with May on starting a lawsuit campaign? Why didn’t May contact Derrick Robinson or his organization if he was so desperate for help in the days leading up to the shooting? Was Derrick Robinson ever contacted by the FBI? Whatever happened about the Aaron Alexis connection to FFCHS? Did the FBI ever contact Derrick Robinson again about that incident, as he claimed they said they would? Why has he not spoken more on that matter? Why has he been virtually silent about the FSU shooting except to use it as subject material for his call-in talk shows, which few people listen to outside of his organization’s shrinking membership? Why is his alleged involvement in the Myron May incident so similar to his alleged involvement in the Aaron Alexis incident, but with added ‘physical evidence’ coming out afterwards? 

Nov. 21, 2014, 9:23 pm (EST?) – CNN reports that the number of packages is ten, but don’t explain the discrepancy with their earlier report. They also state that investigators had intercepted all of the packages from the Postal Service and transferred them to the FBI. May’s alleged friend Joe Paul is the only one named in the news report as an intended recipient, and quotes him as saying that May had taken a photo of the package before sending it to him, and that he had sent the photo to Paul “as confirmation of its mailing”. Paul also claimed that the Postal Service had called him to let him know that he had received the package and informed him that it contained a long letter and a jump drive. Paul also stated that the package was scheduled to arrive on Nov. 21. He indicated that he had been unaware of May’s troubles up to that time. Tallahassee police refused to disclose the contents of the packages. [1] 

NOTES: If all the packages were intercepted and their contents weren’t being disclosed, then how did someone get a copy of the alleged suicide letter that will be published online? Note that Joe Paul is the main source for the number of packages, and he keeps changing it as time goes on. Was he, along with the others, involved in a setup or scam?

Investigators also reported to CNN that May kept a journal and had made various videos, and after a preliminary review of them, they had determined that he had been “in a state of crisis”. [2] 

NOTES: This statement that May was in a state of crisis will later be falsely interpreted by many online ‘news’ sources as suggesting that May was being targeted or was mentally ill. However, the statement by the authorities appears to be referring only to the fact that May was obviously having some problems in his life, based on what friends and family had reported, and the recent incidents in New Mexico, which may not be entirely accurate and could have been part of a set-up. That May had allegedly recently been in a mental hospital or on medication for ADHD has not been verified and can only be considered as hearsay at this point, since this information came from an unnamed person (his alleged ex-girlfriend) who may or may not have been who she said she was and therefore may not have been telling the truth. If May was set up, then the planning and preparation would likely have included creating a recent history of erratic activity on his part. Unlike the reports from NBC, none of these reports from CNN mention Renee Pittman Mitchell, the voicemails, or any other package recipients besides Joe Paul, May’s alleged longtime friend. 

Nov. 21, 2014 – According to an online alternative ‘news’ source: “The woman who received the voice-mail from May, Renee Pittman, says she never actually met May in person. She adds authorities came to her house to open the package May sent her as well.” [21] 

NOTES: How is this possible that she received her package in the mail if they were all intercepted in transit, according to the authorities? What is the tracking number on her package? Where is her photograph of the package? Where are the photographs of all the other packages besides Joe Paul’s and Rosanne Marie’s? What are their tracking numbers? 

Nov. 22, 4:14 am (PST) – Rosanne Marie posts a photograph on her facebook page of the package that May allegedly sent to her. She hasn’t posted anything else on her page since Nov. 15. [51] 

NOTES: Why was this photograph, which was in her possession since before the shooting, posted at such an odd hour of the morning? For a very active member of the TI community who usually posts on facebook every day, it’s very unusual that she (and certain others) wasn’t doing so in the days leading up to the shooting. Where was she and what was she doing during this time frame? 

Nov. 22, 2014 – Robert Duncan posts a message on his facebook page saying that he wishes he could have had an intervention with May. He doesn’t claim that he was an intended recipient of May’s packages, but states that he will honor him and publish the letter. [17] 

NOTES: What exactly does Robert Duncan do in an ‘intervention’? Does it involve hypnosis or behavior modification techniques? Why wasn’t Robert Duncan also a recipient if May had named him in the alleged suicide letter and videos where he promoted Robert Duncan’s published works? Was it in order that Robert Duncan would remain safe from any repercussions that might result from a setup or scam that backfired? How involved was May with Robert Duncan before the shooting? Why was May promoting his material (and FFCHS) in particular? Were the letters faked and both FFCHS and Robert Duncan were named in them by whoever created them merely for publicity purposes? 

Nov. 22, 2014 – Derrick Robinson of FFCHS releases a video on YouTube in which he reads out May’s alleged suicide letter. It begins: “Greetings everyone. We’re Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Tonight, we’ll be sharing and discussing the Myron May suicide letter, one of ten sent to myself and some others from Myron May earlier this week.” [52] 

NOTES: Where did Derrick Robinson get the letter? Where is the original? Is this all that Derrick Robinson has bothered to do to fulfill May’s wishes? Why has he let this matter fall into a vacuum, like he did with the Aaron Alexis shooting? 

Nov. 22, 2014, 9:44 pm (PST) – Miles Barasch posts a message on his facebook page, stating that Myron May was an associate at his brother’s law firm in Texas. [39] An online search shows that Miles Barasch’s brother is Spencer Barasch, who was investigated by the SEC for financial fraud several years ago and was made to pay a $50,000 fine for breaching conflict-of-interest laws by helping Allen R. Stanford to pull off a $7.2 billion Ponzi scheme. According to news reports, while he was employed as an SEC official, Spencer was “repeatedly blocking efforts to investigate R. Allen Stanford, the Houston financier charged with running a $7 billion Ponzi scheme.” He later left the SEC and took a job with the law firm of Andrews Kurth, where he then took on Stanford as a client, which was a serious breach of conflict-of-interest laws. Stanford was later convicted and received a 110 year sentence for his Ponzi scheme. [59] 

NOTES: Miles Barasch is very active in the TI community on facebook and closely associated with Derrick Robinson, Robert Duncan, and Rosanne Marie, among others. Andrews Kurth is the law firm where both Myron May and Spencer Barasch had worked in Texas. Did Myron May discover something while there that led to his death? Was Miles Barasch somehow involved in setting up May, along with Joe Paul (whoever he really might be) and these others from the TI community? 

Nov. 22, 2014 – According to May’s facebook page, on this date Todd Giffen begins posting a number of messages on it that he allegedly received from Renee Pittman Mitchell after asking her about the May suicide letter, with the obvious intent of making her look bad. He fails to provide the original message he had sent to her that elicited the responses. Over the next two days, he begins flooding May’s page with lengthy posts about electronic weapons technology, most of it heavily reflecting the false claims that Robert Duncan promotes as fact through his books and other media. Soon after, someone changes the page so that no more posts can be made there. [14] 

NOTES: How did May’s page become active again after someone had reported that it wasn’t? Why is it now set so no one can post there? Who accessed May’s page to change the settings? Why is the page still up, when all other shooters in the past have had them pulled by the authorities immediately after the incident? Was it Todd Giffen that changed the settings? Why is he attempting to trash Mitchell? Is it subterfuge, for the purpose of turning any attempts at raising questions about this shooting event into a flood of accusatory claims against each other, as is so often the case in similar psyops? (See for example the online rants between Tim White and Barbara Hartwell regarding Ted Gunderson that went on for many years, effectively burying very damaging information against Gunderson that would have exposed the fact that he was a double agent. Tim White is now a board member of FFCHS and happens to live in Florida, the same State where the May shooting took place.)

Nov. 23, 2014, 12:06 pm (PST) – Josh Brown posts a message on his facebook page in which he begins disparaging against poor people and claiming that they spend all their welfare on drugs and should be forced to take drug tests. [40] 

NOTES: Why is Josh turning against the poor? Did he suddenly come into a lot of money? 

Nov. 23, 2014 – At about this time, Rosanne Marie puts up a fundraising page to collect donations for herself, claiming that the FSU shooting had “thrust me into the national spotlight.” She also states: “I was one of eight to receive this package.” [37] 

NOTES: Rosanne Marie has not been mentioned at all in the mainstream media, and only a few online ‘news’ outlets have mentioned her either. There is no evidence on her facebook page that she is being given any attention about this incident either. Is she attempting to make excuses to avoid answering questions about her involvement? Does she know more than she’s willing to admit? Was she involved in setting May up or creating a hoax? 

Nov. 23, 2014 – A person named Daniel Morgan posts the following message on the peacepink website (spelling errors included): “Im just sending your some interesting points on the last few days that might be good for your show. Our group FFCHS just received one of the seven packages sent out by Myron May the FSU Shooter. we copied the letter before the content of the package was taken by investigators, Myron was a former Prosecutor and attorney  involved with Targeted individual international one of the groups Im involved with trying to get a class action law suit going.......  This also happened with Aaron Alexis the Navy yard shooter contacted our group 1-2 weeks before his rampage....” [20] A preliminary search of this person’s name reveals that a Daniel Morgan has been involved in the TI community since at least 2007, when he was involved with FFCHS and/or their affiliates in a petition campaign. [22] 

NOTES: If this person is connected to FFCHS and that organization actually received one of the packages, then why didn’t he know that there were ten of them, or even eight, rather than seven as he claims? How did FFCHS get a copy of the letter if all the packages were intercepted in transit, as reported by the authorities? Which authorities did they allegedly hand the package over to after they received it, if they did? Why did it take two days before anyone announced that they had a copy of the letter? Were these the copies that were later published online as photo images? If so, how did they get May’s signature on them? If not, then where did the photo images come from? It appears from this that these images of the letter were concocted over the two days after the shooting, and someone at FFCHS was responsible for creating them. 

Nov. 23, 2014 – According to a number of facebook users, the Targeted Individuals International facebook group that May had been posting in was no longer coming up in a google search, and some news outlets had also redirected links that used to point to it. As of Nov. 30, 2014, it was still not coming up in google. [18]

NOTES: This indicates that for some reason, facebook or google administrators decided to remove this group from Google’s search results. Why would they do this unless they were involved in a cover-up? 

Nov. 23, 2014, 8:39 pm (PST) – Renee Pittman Mitchell posts a message on Rosanne Marie’s facebook page stating that she gave the voicemails to NBC reporter Tracy Connor and they didn’t publish them. She also states that Reuters contacted her and she gave them the alleged suicide letter but they never reported on it either. [51] 

NOTES: This confirms that Mitchell volunteered the voicemails and letter to news outlets.  It also confirms that Mitchell’s part of the story was quickly dropped by the major news outlets. Did NBC and Reuters discover that the voicemails and letter were fraudulent after making their first reports on them?  

Nov. 23, 2014, 10:51 pm (PST) – Todd Giffen begins posting messages on Rosanne Marie’s facebook page condoning what Myron May did and promoting the use of violence to expose targeting. He states: “Myron's 2nd amendment rights guarantee him a right to bear arms and self defense, he had a right to shoot people up over this. The only people this should be negatively attributed to is the government for doing this to people. Stop defending the government by acting like violence is un-condonable - you have the government taking out extraordinarily violent acts against the targets, yet they are not allowed to defend themselves? Who the fuck are you idiots to say that.” [51] 

NOTES: This reveals Todd Giffen’s extremist and violent nature. Is Todd Giffen a real TI, or is he an agent provocateur? 

Nov. 24, 2014 – May’s alleged suicide letter is published on James F. Tracy’s Memory Hole Blog. The letter is dated November 17th. It reveals that May had been suffering from financial, emotional, and psychological pain since he discovered that he was a targeted individual. In spite of what he allegedly stated to Renee Pittman Mitchell in voicemails about being zapped in the chest, he mentions nothing about suffering any physical pain. He also states that his suffering started only after learning about targeting. He mentions FFCHS and Robert Duncan as sources of information about targeting. He refers to only eight recipients, rather than ten, as later reported by news outlets. The basic message of the letter is a call to bring greater awareness of targeting by petitioning Congress, and to distribute his story to media outlets and make sure it stays online. He states that the people he sent the packages to are people he “knows and trusts”. Only ‘Ms. Mitchell’ is directly named in the letter as a recipient (three times). The published letter appears to have had the names of all the other intended recipients removed. [7] 

NOTES: Who sent the letter to Memory Hole? Why are all the names of the intended recipients except Renee Pittman Mitchell’s removed? Who removed them and why? Why does the letter only refer to eight recipients, rather than ten? Why did May’s targeting start only after learning about the subject? Was he led to believe he was being targeted? Was Robert Duncan ‘educating’ him about it? What involvement did May have with FFCHS? Why did his letter give FFCHS and Robert Duncan special publicity? 

May was obviously being influenced in his beliefs by the distorted material that Robert Duncan promotes in his books and interviews. By Derrick Robinson’s own admission, May was also getting involved with his organization. Was May also in direct contact with Robert Duncan? Is this why he posted a video of an interview with Robert Duncan on his facebook page? Did Robert Duncan ‘intervene’ in May’s targeting before the shooting? If May said that he sent the letters to people he knows and trusts, then those who received it must have been close enough to May to provide further insight into this case, and getting to the point of trust would have taken more than just a few days of online communication. Why are all those who claim to be package recipients being so unwilling to get to the truth of their part in this? The reference to FFCHS and Robert Duncan in the alleged suicide letter strongly indicates where May got his ideas about being targeted. What other influences did these people have on him? 

Nov. 29, 2014 – Todd Giffen posts an article about Myron May on his website, in which he promotes Robert Duncan’s books and interviews. [69]

NOTES: Is Todd Giffen using Myron May’s death to promote Robert Duncan? How are Robert Duncan’s claims of ‘EEG heterodyning’ associated with Myron May’s alleged electronic attacks? Why is Robert Duncan’s material being highlighted in the alleged suicide letter and on Giffen’s website? Is this to draw more people to him?

Nov. 30, 2014 – According to Renee Pittman Mitchell, she discovered on this day that she had emails from Myron May that had copies of the contents of the packages attached to them. She states, “Again, the only person within the TI community, I had ever spoken with about the Myron May incident was Ken Rhoades [...] In fact, Ken Rhoades was shocked when I called him around the first week of December telling him that May had sent to me the information, likely within the certified mailing, in an unmarked gmail. I finally opened it on November 30, as the fog began to lift somewhat.  In the gmail also were his passwords for his hotmail, yahoo, and gmail accounts, etc., which laid the foundation for the first chapters of his story.” [71]

NOTES: This late admission (made in early March, 2015) puts access to Myron May’s email accounts, facebook account, etc., in Mitchell’s hands on this date, meaning that she could have had access to them all along and might have been the one who created them in the first place, as part of a psyop. 

Dec. 8, 2014 – Renee Pittman Mitchell posts an announcement that she had only just discovered that Myron May had sent her the alleged contents of the package via email just before he went on his shooting spree. She states: “On November 14, 2014, when May first contacted me and others saying he was sending a video, and later certified mail, I asked him why he could not just send the video, letters, etc. via email. It appears that he did decide to do just that, hours before the FSU Shooting. It appears I have possibly everything in the certified mailings except for the video and flashdrive thumbnail disk confiscated.” She goes on to claim that she looked at the email “shortly after the shooting”, and found 34 attachments, including his alleged ‘Letter to Congress’. She also indicates that she is retaining the remainder of what he sent her to use in a book she intends to write. She also claims to be in contact with May’s friends, the Tauntons. [55] 

NOTES: How could she have missed seeing 34 attachments on an email? What is the email address that Myron May used to send the alleged material? There is no reason for withholding this information, and releasing it would at least prove that some of what she claims might be true, or otherwise. Why is Mitchell withholding this material and using it for a book, instead of releasing it to the public as May had allegedly requested? Why is Mitchell attempting to promote herself and her books with this material? How did she get in touch with the Tauntons? Why do the Tauntons not respond to messages sent to them on facebook, even when they have nothing to do with Myron May? Do they really exist? 

At this point, all of the people operating in the TI community who claim to have been sent packages by May can only be treated as ‘hostile witnesses’, since they all refuse to cooperate with anyone outside of their secretive group in any way whatsoever in investigating the facts surrounding this matter and are apparently trying to use it for their own personal gain. Instead, they appear to be creating new information to both try to cover their mistakes (which I anticipated they would) and to extend the attention they’re receiving from those who actually believe them. That Mitchell waited 18 days before announcing that she had this information is just too much to accept as true. Instead, it’s far more believable that she (or someone else) used that time to concoct the new material. 

Jan 8, 2015 – Someone named Tammy Franz posts a message on Tana Winkler’s facebook page, announcing that Tana has booked a vacation and will be her roommate in Cancun, Mexico, in October. [50]

NOTES: Where did Tana get the money for the trip? How can she do so well as a TI? 

Jan. 9, 2015 – At some point prior to this date, Renee Pittman Mitchell announces on her website and on facebook that she has released a new book titled The Targeting of Myron May, for which she’s charging $15 a copy. [62] 

NOTES: Why is Mitchell attempting to profit from Myron May’s death? Why hasn’t she released the documents she claimed to have received from him via email just prior to the shooting, as he requested? Do they really even exist, or was that claim made just to garner sales for her book? 

Jan. 11, 2015 – A check shows that Myron May’s facebook page is still up and the settings have once again changed so that comments can be posted. [14] 

NOTES: Who is controlling May’s webpage? Why is it still there? This almost certainly proves that Myron May’s facebook account is a forgery. 

Jan. 19, 2015, 8:54 pm (PST) – Miles Barasch posts a message on his facebook page, stating: “I'm making a proposal to all TI's. if I can get 500 people to donate $10 bucks a month, I will make my career raising funds and awareness and dedicating myself to pursuing our legal causes. Spread it around and if I get a quick favorable response, ill move forward.” As soon as questions arise as to what he plans to do with the money, he gives up on his plan and blames his perps for interfering with his idea. [] 

NOTES: Did Barasch suddenly come into some money for helping his brother deal with Myron May, and was hoping to use this as a cover for explaining where it came from?

Jan. 27, 11:20 am, 2015 – In a thread on Tana Winkler’s facebook page, someone named Starkeep Potter leaves her a message that says: “Do. You. Have. That. Number. Of. R ole. Player. Jobs? They. Did. Not. Return my. Csll before.” Tana Winkler responds at 11:53 am the same day with the following: “GOOD DAY, Starkeep Potter! PRESCIENT EDGE, MCLEAN, VIRGINIA. THE TELEPHONE NUMBER IS 800-410-7068. I PRESSED "0". ROBERT BLANEY ANSWERED....TANA WINKLER” [50] Prescient Edge turns out to be a government contractor that deals with security, intelligence (and counter-intelligence), and new technologies, and according to its founder, “helps the Defense Intelligence Agency prevent threats to government information and operations.” They only hire people with government security clearances. [72][73] A google search for “role players” brought up a link to an article that discloses a Craigslist advertisement from a similar company (The MASY Group) that was looking for ‘Surveillance Role Players’ (SRPs) and scenario driven practical exercise ‘Role Players’ (RPs). The ad was looking to fill these positions to support military training activities. [74] 

NOTES: This appears to indicate that Tana Winkler and Starkeep Potter have government security clearances. Why are these two people interested in ‘role player’ jobs? Is Tana Winkler an intelligence agent? Is this why she travels around the country a lot? Is this why she and Josh Brown met Magnus Olsson in Virginia? Is this why Magnus Olsson was in Virginia? Is he an intelligence agent? Is this who Tana Winkler was working for in Texas during Sept./Oct. of 2014? 


Apart from the events described in the timeline above, I can really only speculate on what (and who) led Myron May to do what he did. However, there are certain things that are important to note from the above:

  • It appears that May’s friend Joe Paul was the first to call police and inform them about the packages, within hours of the shooting.
  • The early reports about packages stated that there were only eight.
  •  According to Joe Paul, the police weren’t concerned about intercepting the packages.
  • According to mainstream news sources, all packages were intercepted before delivery, but according to certain people who were alleged recipients, they were delivered. Who is to be believed?
  • The number of packages increased to ten in news reports only after Renee Pittman Mitchell contacted them.
  • On the same day that the packages were to reach their destinations, Mitchell claimed that she saw the letter in her own package before it was confiscated, and she also claimed that an unnamed person sent her a copy of it, meaning that we’re supposed to conclude from her claim that she verified that they were the same letter. - Mitchell’s claim about receiving a typed copy of the letter doesn’t make any sense, since she reported this on the same day that the packages allegedly arrived at their destinations. How could anyone have had time to get their package, make typed copies of the letter, and deliver a physical copy to Mitchell in time for her to report it to the news outlets? How did whoever copied the letter manage to get May’s signature on it?
  • CNN reported that all of the packages were intercepted by the Postal Service and transferred to the FBI. This conflicts with Joe Paul’s claims that the authorities asked to be contacted when they arrived. Who were these people told to contact? - Someone named Daniel Morgan from FFCHS claimed on Nov. 23 that someone at FFCHS had copied the letter before it was confiscated by the authorities. This doesn’t explain how the photographed copies got May’s signature on them.
  • No one has explained where the published copy of the alleged suicide letter came from. The only source seems to be Todd Giffen and/or Renee Pittman Mitchell.

There are definitely more questions that aren’t being answered that people within the TI community who are involved in this could answer if they chose to, but for whatever reason, they’re purposely keeping it secret. In my opinion, they are complicit in the murder/suicide of Myron May. They or other members of their group may have been involved in similar incidents in the past, including the deaths of Aaron Alexis, Susan Watkins, Pam Anderson, and John Turner. If they aren’t made to account for themselves in the Myron May controversy, there will be more deaths like Myron’s in the future. Robert Duncan and Derrick Robinson always seem to be on the periphery of these deaths. I believe that they are directing these people, perhaps even using mind-control on them in order to coerce them to act out in violence. 

There is far more to this story and what really led Myron May to do what he did, and the above merely sets the outline for further investigation into this. Information continues to come to my attention that reveals a much deeper plot against the TI community by those who have been named here, as well as certain others who are working in coordination with them. Some of the information I have is extremely sensitive, so little more can be said at this time, but I feel I must give my readers some idea of what is going on, while letting those who are involved and think they are safe from exposure of their criminal complicity know that their secret isn’t so secret…

Just consider this… There are certain people operating within the TI community who are only interested in keeping the efforts of TIs to expose their targeting from going anywhere. These people are there to contain and control the situation, and they are connected directly to the government agencies that run these black project targeting programs. Many of these people are skilled in psyop tactics to one degree or another. The lower levels of this group are the ones you will most likely encounter in the online TI community, while their directing body of handlers at the next level (i.e. Derrick Robinson and Robert Duncan) are usually less accessible and rely on the lower level to promote them as ‘good guys’ and lead TIs to them. The lower level works hard for their masters in the hopes of advancing in the ranks. They portray themselves as TIs, are very active in the online TI community promoting certain ideas, and by all appearances have no other life than the one they have online. They band together in the online TI community as a rather large but close-knit group that preys on new-comers, befriending them early on and attempting to get close to them and feel them out to find their weak spots, then use these to try to lead them further into their trap. They will exclude anyone who begins to disagree with anything they say or who does not begin to speak and act acceptably crazy. If you try to point out their strange activities or the weakness of their claims, they turn on you viciously like hungry animals on raw meat. They claim to be TIs but they will attack other TIs gang-style at the slightest whim and isolate them out of all the groups they control. They reflect every characteristic of a cult in the way that they operate. When they find someone who is appropriately manipulable, they begin to lead them in their beliefs in order to coerce them to either go out and physically attack their perceived antagonists, or to commit suicide. At this point, if they are successful, the upper levels of this group use the death or suicide to promote themselves within the TI community as the only resource that might help other TIs from ending up in a similar situation. These tragedies are now being portrayed more and more in the mainstream media as being connected directly to the TI community, thanks to people like Derrick Robinson and Robert Duncan, who have been able to gain unprecedented access to mainstream media outlets in order to promote themselves further while introducing more people to the idea that they might also be targets. These people, many of who will already have certain characteristics that make them easy to influence further, will then gravitate to the TI community to learn more about targeting, only to fall into the trap that these people have set. And the cycle continues. 

I will tell you here that I know that at the core of this large group, its members are involved in satanic practices, they dabble in mind-control techniques, use sex to influence or entrap people, and hold rather extremist ideologies that they aren’t ashamed to voice when they think it’s safe to do so. But they aren’t always careful and they often make mistakes that reveal their true character. Some of the people at the core of this group are known to travel around the country meeting other TIs for whatever reason. At the time leading up to the FSU shooting, a number of them were traveling to each State where Myron May’s packages were later sent (California, Texas, Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina). One of them was actually identified by a TI in Tallahassee (where FSU is) on or just before the day of the shooting. Physical evidence to prove this is in my possession at this time. 

This investigation continues. There are still more leads for me to follow up on, including a direct tie between a certain person who is very active in the TI community who is directly tied to Myron May’s past and who might have reason to want to eliminate him. 



(Note: If the article no longer exists at the given URL, try going to the Wayback Machine archival site and entering the URL there.)

[1] “FSU gunman Myron May sent 10 packages, officials say –”

[2] “Gunman opens fire in Florida State University library –”

[3] “Florida State University Shooting: Was Myron May a “Targeted Individual”?”

[4] “FSU Shooter/former Prosecutor Myron May Feared Government Was Targeting Him”

[5] “More signs of Florida shooter's troubled life”

[6] “Authorities defend active shooter drill at Florida middle school -”

“Florida (U.S): Police Officers Draw Guns During Unannounced ‘Active Shooter Drill’ At Elementary School”

“Florida Cops Terrify Students With Unannounced Active Shooter Drill”

“ANOTHER Active Shooter Drill - Florida middle school has routine disrupted - by police with drawn guns”

[7] “Gunman who shot 3 at Florida State University was former student, lawyer, law enforcement official says”

[8] “Family of Myron May say the suspected FSU shooter planned on cooking Thanksgiving dinner”

[9] “Florida State gunman has Ohio roots, packages he mailed may shed light on motive”

[10] “Pittman Funeral Services (Christian Memorial Chapel)”

[11] Myron May’s Obituary

[12] “Pittman Funeral Services (Christian Memorial Chapel) – About Us”

[13] “Sun – Pittman Funeral Homes, Inc.”

[14] Myron May’s Facebook Page

[15] Targeted Individuals International Membership List

[16] Targeted Individuals International Facebook Group

[17] Robert Duncan’s Facebook Page

[18] Google search results for ‘Targeted Individuals International’


[20] “Myron May's recorded letter before it in the public – peacepink”

[21] “Expert: Myron May "He had no exit strategy."”

[22] “Human Rights – Military Security Complex – Google Groups”!topic/harassment-victims/AzHBwg8aczE

[23] “FSU Shooter Myron May Left Message: 'I Do Not Want to Die in Vain' - NBC”

[24] USPS tracking information for package ID 70142120000313342209

[25] “Letters detail thoughts of gunman killed at Florida university”

[26] “Woman recounts voicemails from FSU gunman”

[27] “Mind Control Technology 101 BLOG”

[28] Joe Paul's Facebook Page

[29] “Three students shot in Florida university library - Brantford Expositor”

[30] “FSU gunman was in 'state of crisis' during shooting, investigators say - The Washington Post”

[31] “FSU Shooter Identified As Lawyer And Former Prosecutor Myron May [Updated] - JONATHAN TURLEY”

[32] “Myron May, Florida State Gunman, Sent 8 Friends a Suspicious Package?”

[33] “Report: Friends of FSU shooter expecting packages from him -”

[34] “Florida State gunman sent packages to 8 friends -”

[35] “FSU gunman sent 8 packages to friends before shooting”

[36] “FSU shooting victim recounts events that shattered a campus”

[37] “Rosanne Schneider - Cointelpro Victim Needs Help”

[38] Targeted Individuals International Facebook Group

[39] Miles Barasch’s Facebook Page

[40] Josh Brown’s Facebook Page

[41] “Background of FSU Library Gunman Myron May - GTN - Gainesville Television Network”

[42] Marc Bozeman’s facebook page

[43] Juan P. Chrisholm’s facebook page

[44] Christopher Chestnut’s facebook page

[45] Aaron Watson’s facebook page

[46] Titiana Frausto’s facebook page

[47] Chris V. Rey’s facebook page

[48] Linda Johnson's facebook page

[49] Connie-M Johnson's facebook page

[50] Tana Winkler's facebook page

[51] Rosanne Marie's facebook page

[52] Derrick Robinson’s video of the alleged May suicide letter


[54] Magnus Olsson Sweden's facebook page

[55] “Myron May's Hopeful "Letter to Congress" Exposing the Plight & Destruction of Target's Lives and How | Mind Control Technology 101 BLOG”

[56] “Florida State shooter May worked for Houston law firm”

[57] “The Derailment of the SEC – Part I: How a Former Senior SEC Official Manipulated the System for His Clients' and His Own Benefit”

[58] “Dallas lawyer at center of Houston trial over whether firm owed clients a warning on fraudster Allen Stanford”

[59] “Former S.E.C. Official Said to Be Subject of Criminal Inquiry -”

[60] “How a Former Senior SEC Official Manipulated the System for His Clients' and His 

Own Benefit”

[61] “Allen Stanford: Descent from Billionaire to Inmate # 35017-183”

[62] “Mind Control Technology 101 Blog”

[63] “Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Issues Statement Regarding Florida State University Shooting”

[64] “Phi Beta Sigma - wikipedia”

[65] “” []

[66] “Dr Phil Organized Stalking Victim Segment "I Swear I'm Being Cyber Stalked, Wiretapped & Followed"”

[67] “Matt Barasch's second facebook page”

[68] “” []

[69] “Myron May, FSU Shooter's Flash Drive, Letter & Documents” []

[70] “Florida State University shooter has ties to New Mexico” [] 

[71] “Is Darlene Miles, Confidante of Ken Rhoades, Attempting to Discredit Author Renee Pittman M. & the Myron May Incident & and the Book Detailing the FSU Shooter Rampage Within the TI Community?” []

[72] “Prescient Edge LinkedIn profile” []

[73] “U.S. Relies on Spies for Hire to Sift Deluge of Intelligence – Wall Street Journal” []

[74] “San Diego Craigslist Ad Searches for “Surveillance Role Players”” []


Anthony Forwood

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