The reason why I include this into the library is because this movie, which is based on a real life study conducted at the psychology department at Stanford University, addresses how adaptive we as human beings are to roles given to us by society. And also just how hard it is to break free of those roles we are assigned, such as, in this experiment, simulating a prison where you're either a prisoner or a guard. We all want to stand up and the be the hero in our own lives and this movie challenges us to think if this study we mirroring parts of our society, how we would react, for better and for worse.
Pandemic Simulation Games - A preparation for a new era?
Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The "war on viruses" began back in the 1990s as the "war on bioterror." Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: "Dark Winter" (2001), "Global Mercury" (2003), "Atlantic Storm" (2005) or "Clade X" (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at "Event 201" in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.