I believe this event did take place, in 1952, as a power demonstrate to the leaders in the white house, by the Nazi faction, also known as the black sun society who, after world war 2 were the first to go to space, win the space race, and established bases in Antartica such as Base New Berlin in order to continue the war but this time much more subtlety using mind control techniques and superior technological advancement due to their alliances with malevolent extra terrestrials such as the grays and the reptillians who had their own selfish reasons for helping the german faction.

Flere ligheder med filmen "Black Swan" - Del 3 af 4 - Den Skjulte Symbolik i TV2's "Den Sorte Svane"
Jeg laver en analyse af den meget omdiskuterede serie fra TV2: "Den Sorte Svane." Det er min mening at serien er fyldt med det jeg ville kalde for signaturer, i form af den anvendte symbolik de gør brug af, efterladt af staten inden i staten, heriblandt vores hemmelige samfund her i Danmark.Mit håb er at serien fra TV2, samt denne omfattende analyse, kan give os "uninitierede" danskere en ekstra, og jeg ville påstå, vigtigt dimension vi kan tilføje til vores virkelighedsforståelse og vores interaktion med vores moderne informations landskab.