Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)

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"Involuntary Experimentee... Thats what lab rats are......right? Doesn't happen to people.....right? That tingling and jerking in my legs keeping me awake all night long is just "my imagination".....right? Someone please tell me this cannot happen in America......."
- Fred Flag

Some Targeted Individuals call in to report they are hit with DEW!

While there are all kinds of laws and regulations regulating experiments on animals, there are no laws protecting people.  This is why government agencies can experiment on YOU.  There is no recourse at this time for anyone wanting to "unvolunteer" themselves from these experiments.  There are no meters available to the average citizen that will detect and therefore prove the use of  DEW being used against anyone.  These directed energy weapons (DEW) can  damage tissue, induce mood swings, loss of memory, and cause a wide variety of  physical symptoms.  Yet the DEW are just as effective as a bullet in "nullifying"  the targeted individual.  While there are laws regulating guns, there are no laws regulating DEW.  Basically,  the "hit men" deploying these weapons can never be detected.  This is tantamount to having a firearm with a disappearing bullet.  Granted, death occurs more slowly than by bullet, often appearing to be from natural causes, however; when death does occur, there is no "manhunt".  No  one is brought to trial, the "hit man" goes free, moving on, no doubt, on to the  next "hit." Murder done slowly enough goes unnoticed.

Are you a target of these new weapons? Do any of the following indicators apply to you?

  • You find that you suddenly awake at precisely the same time, every night
  • Hot needles (or "stings") deep in your flesh, especially when trying to sleep
  • Limbs jerking wildly, muscle twitching, especially when trying to sleep
  • Forced awakening, can't go back to sleep, as if on high doses of caffeine
  • Very high body heat, no fever, relaxed, cool surroundings
  • Extremely powerful itching which may start as small electrical shocks
  • Very fast heartbeat while relaxed (not having exercised recently)
  • Ringing in ears - may start/stop when switching on or off electronic devices
  • Sudden "drop-you-in-your-tracks" fatigue at times you should not be tired
  • Vibration in any part of your body or nearby objects which are normally immobile
  • Non-random traffic through the neighborhood, indicating use of thru-the-wall radar
  • Repeated evidence of break-ins and sabotage both at home and at work
  • Repeated instances where it seems others know things about you that could only be found out by bugging your phone, house, or vehicle

*DEW--Directed Energy Weapons -- 1: electronic devices  used to cause sleep deprivation and malaise  2: a hit man's  dream  3: classified or unclassified electronic weapons developed  by the federal government, military, or private corporations to  kill slowly  4: electronic devices used to tetanize muscles, cause  strokes, heart attacks, or memory loss, instill fear, rage, or other forms of control over any living being  5: electronic devices which  can manipulate hormones  6: patented or unpatented electronic  devices developed to control behavior in living beings  7: electronic  weapons developed specifically to covertly manipulate the masses  8: electronicweapons which, when used over the long term, cause  a wide variety of illnesses, including lupus, fibro-myalgia, multiple  sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lymphatic breakdown, depressed immune  system, low t-cell count, etc.



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