Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive By Diana Napolis, M.A. aka Karen Jones © 2000

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The following cases describe legal proceedings held in Juvenile, Family, Civil and Criminal Courts around the world where there have been allegations of Satanism or the use of ritual to abuse others.

Any religion or organization can be used as a front to hide ritual abuse activity, including Christianity, Buddhism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Masonry, Mormonism, Pagan and Satanic religions; however, not all Satanists commit crimes and not all occultism is Satanism. It is imperative that investigators and professionals familiarize themselves with cross-cultural belief systems so as not to target any particular group.

This archive was compiled by Diana Napolis, M.A.. If there are any corrections or updates that need to be made, please contactthe author at: 6977 Navajo Rd. PMB 114, San Diego, California 92119-1503.

"Warning: Some of the following cases depict graphic, violent activity."


September 2000, Murfreesboro, Tennessee;  Alonzo South, 31, pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated sexual battery. He was sentenced to 24 years in prison.

Overview: South admitted that on at least three occasions over the last two years he participated in satanic rituals in which a nude girl under the age of 10 was sexually touched. Court records say the child, who was the daughter of a woman involved in the satanic group, was raped in a home, the nearby woods, a shed, a pickup truck and a car. See, "Man gets 24 years for satanic-ritual rape of 10-year-old girl," The Tennessean, Sept. 30, 2000

April 2000, Nashville, Tennessee; Motion withdrawn to hold State in contempt of court.

Overview: News articles report that a Federal judge was asked to hold the State in contempt of court in February 2000 for its continued failure to provide court-ordered and doctor-prescribed mental health services to a severely traumatized 17-year-old victim of rape and occult ritual abuse. A State advocacy group, Tennessee Justice Center, filed a class action lawsuit against the state for failure to properly administer the appeals procedure for the health care plan enrollees of TennCare, (Tennessee Behavioral Health). The 17 yr. old victim was just one of the people named in the settlement but she was left without proper care until this motion was filed. In April, the state agreed to properly attend to her care. See, "Tenn. Could be in Contempt if Mental Care for Teen Inadequate", The Commercial Appeal, February 24, 2000; and "Sarah C. to get badly needed care", Knoxville News-Sentinel Co., April 18, 2000

April 2000 Warsaw, Poland; Tomasz Suszyna and Robert Krakowian pleaded guilty to murder

Overview: A 19-year-old woman and a 17-year-old boy were killed during a ritual Satanic mass in southern Poland, police said after finding the cut up and burned bodies. The two victims were members of a sect that staged the black mass in a disused bunker on the outskirts of the town of Ruda Slaska, but they did not know they were to die. Another teenage cult member who survived was taken to the hospital with multiple knife wounds. See, "Teenage cult members killed in Satanic mass," Agence France Presse, March 4, 1999 and "Polish Satanists jailed for ritual double murder", Agence France Presse, April 1, 2000.


Shawn Ellis, Dependent Minor Child, (Franklin County Children Services, Complainant-Appellee, Carla Richardson, Respondent-Appellant). No. 99AP-725, No. 99AP-726; Permanent court commitment of children upheld.Overview: The mother and father did not comply with the reunification plans for their children and the court stated satanic occult practices were allegedly commonplace: "After being in counseling for over three years, appellant continued to deny what happened to her children and claimed an inability to remember the abuse. There was even testimony that appellant could not recall taking blood and hair from the children as part of satanic rituals."

October 1999, South Africa; Maeoriko Manyike sentenced to life in prison for ritual murder and mutilation.

Overview: The perpetrator mutilated a 15-yr-old boy and tried to sell his genitals which he had cut off. According to a news report: "Ritual or 'muti' murders are common in South Africa where people are prepared to pay well for portions made of human parts which they believe will bring good health or good fortune." See, "Mozambican jailed for life in S. Africa for ritual murder," Agence France Presse, Oct. 21, 1999

Sept. 14, 1999, Kitchener, Ontario; Kenneth James McMurray pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual assault.

Overview: News article reports that McMurray held himself out as a leader of a group based on the Wiccan religion. He preyed on abused teenagers and required them to engage in a series of homosexual acts which he called Mandatory Requirements which they would be tested on. He told them that they would become better people spiritually if they participated in these acts. Some members were afraid of McMurray because they thought he had special powers. See, "Guelph man admits sex assaults, guilty plea ends preliminary hearing for head of Erin cult," Kitchener Waterloo Record, Sept. 14, 1999.

August 1999; STATE OF OHIO, PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE V. KENNETH J. SMITH DEFENDANT-APPELLANT; CASE NO. 17-99-1; Status as sexual predator upheld.

Overview: Man pled guilty several years prior to sexual imposition against a child; he appealed the designation as a sexual predator. Documents state: "The trial court also noted that the pre-sentence investigation report indicated alcohol was used, that defendant had threatened the victim, and that satanic ceremonies had been used."

August 11 1999, Helsinki, Finland; Jarno Sebastian Elg, Terhi Johanna Tervashonka, Mika Kristian Riska sentenced for ritual murder

Overview: A court sentenced three alleged Satanists, including a 17-year-old girl, to prison terms for killing a man and ingesting some of the body parts. Jarno Sebastian Elg, 24, was given a life sentence for killing a 23-year-old man in November and instigating others to participate in a ritual that included torturing the victim and listening to heavy-metal music. The Hyvinkaa District Court in southern Finland sentenced Terhi Johanna Tervashonka, 17, to two years and six months in prison and Mika Kristian Riska, 21, to two years and eight months in the case. The victim, who was not named, suffered prolonged torture and eventually was strangled to death, the court said. It also said the three people convicted "were strongly influenced by Satanism." The court declared most of the details of the case secret. See, "Alleged Satanists sentenced for murder, cannibalism," Associated Press, August 11, 1999

August 3, 1999, KIEV;  Dmitry Dyomin was sentenced to death for murder; his accomplices, Valentin Chelyshev and Alexei Andreyev sentenced to 13 and 8 yrs. in jail.

Overview: The supreme court sentenced to death a man convicted of killing a 15-year-old girl whose tongue he then boiled and ate. He belonged to a satanic cult and with the help of two accomplices had severed the girl's head with a kitchen knife. Dyomin later lacquered the skull and kept it in his room. Skulls, books on black magic and upside-down crucifixes were found during a search of Dyomin's house. See AAP NEWSFEED, August 4, 1999

May 1999, FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida; Darrel Wayne Harris, held for attempted 1st degree murder

Overview: Pending Case - A 17-year-old has been charged as an adult and was scheduled to be arraigned on an attempted first-degree murder charge in a stabbing attack that stemmed from a satanic ritual, police said. Harris allegedly stabbed Robert Menendez four to six times in the throat and back with a carving knife after a ritual in which they cut their hands to let their blood mingle and chanted lines from a satanic book together. As they were chanting on April 21, they drew a pentagram in the dirt and Harris told Menendez to look down at the symbol. As Menendez looked down, Harris attacked him with the knife."  Somewhere along the line the culprit just started to hack him with the knife," said Fort Lauderdale Detective Arturo Carbo. "The victim told us that the stabbing was not part of the ritual and he firmly believed he was going to die. Harris and Menendez were part of a network of 30 to 40 local young people who are involved in satanic activities," Carbo said. Menendez told police he and Harris, who have known each other for at least 18 months, hung out at local public libraries to use computers to access satanic Web sites and send e-mail to each other. See, "Teen charged as adult in stabbing that took place during satanic ritual," Associated Press, May 28, 1999.

February 1999, United States District Court For the District of Nebraska; Paul A. Bonacci vs. Lawrence E. King; 4:CV91-3037; $1 million default judgment awarded.

Overview: "Two counts are alleged against the defendant King in the complaint. Count V alleges a conspiracy with public officers to deprive the plaintiff of his civil rights, designed to continue to subject the plaintiff to emotional abuse and to prevent him from informing authorities of criminal conduct. Count VIII charges battery, false imprisonment, infliction of emotional distress, negligence and conspiracy to deprive the plaintiff of civil rights. Between December 1980 and 1988, the complaint alleges, the defendant King continually subjected the plaintiff to repeated sexual assaults, false imprisonments, infliction of extreme emotional distress, organized and directed satanic rituals, forced the plaintiff to 'scavenge' for children to be a part of the defendant King's sexual abuse and pornography ring, forced the plaintiff to engage in numerous masochistic orgies with other minor children. The defendant King's default has made those allegations true against him. The issue now is the relief to be granted monetarily. The now uncontradicted evidence is that the plaintiff has suffered much. He has suffered burns, broken fingers, beating of the head and face and other indignities by the wrongful actions of the defendant King. In addition to the misery of going through the experiences just related over a period of eight years, the plaintiff has suffered the lingering results to the present time. He is a victim of multiple personality disorder, involving as many as fourteen distinct personalities aside from his primary personality. He has given up a desired military career and received threats on his life. He suffers from sleeplessness, has bad dreams, has difficulty in holding a job, is fearful that others are following him, fears getting killed, has depressing flashbacks, and is verbally violent on occasion, all in connection with the multiple personality disorder and caused by the wrongful activities of the defendant King."

April 1998, South Africa; Naledzani Mabuda and his wife Helen Madidida confessed to killing their 23-month-old son.

Overview: The father, a traditional healer and spiritual medium, confessed to ritually killing his son because his ancestors had threatened to destroy him if he did not. Police found the boy's head, legs, hands and genitals buried under various parts of the floor in the couple's house. Later searches revealed the toddler's intestines, liver and other internal organs from a series of ritual "graves" on the nearby mountainside. The couple were refused bail after another local traditional leader banned them from the village. He testified that the couple had committed a crime of the "greatest evil" and that the townspeople were terrified. The case was remanded to trial for May 4 when a series of sangomas were asked to testify about ritual human sacrifices as part of traditional African beliefs. See, "A Sangoma couple in court for sacrificing child to ancestors, Africa News Service, April 15, 1998.Also, in January 1998 several of South Africa's witch-doctors, or sangomas, claimed that ritual murders and killings related to the medicinal quest for body parts had decreased by more than 90 percent. The news article reports that police estimate that several hundred people, many of them children, are killed in South Africa each year for their body parts. Female genitals, breasts and placentas are used for infertility and good luck, while hands burned to ashes and mixed into a paste are seen as a cure for strokes, and hearts for heart disease. Blood is given to impart vitality and brains for political power and business success. However "true sangomas eschew the use of body parts, treating physical and mental ailments using herbal medicines." See, "Witch-doctors not making a killing any more: South African healers say ritual murders no longer in vogue." The Ottawa Citizen, January 2, 1998

STATE OF OREGON, Respondent, v. MICHAEL JAMES HAYWARD; Appellant. 327 Ore. 397; 963 P.2d 667; 1998 Ore. LEXIS 593. 

Three counts of aggravated murder, one count of intentional murder, two counts of felony murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder, one count of first-degree assault, one count of first-degree kidnapping, one count of first-degree robbery, and one count of first-degree burglary and death sentence affirmed.Overview: Four people, three of whom considered themselves to be Satanists and members of a "Death-Metal" band, listened to their Death-Metal music which included lyrics to "The Pick-Axe Murders," An Experiment in Homicide," "Hammer smashed face," Meat Hook Sodomy," "Gutted," and "Living Dissection." They planned their crime and went to a Dari Mart store, killed a female clerk and brutally beat another one. The evidence of "Death-metal" music and Satanism was admitted into court testimony and was upheld because it partially explain the motive for the crime and the motive for the degree of brutality used.

October 1997, Equatorial Guinea; An unnamed individual was condemned to death after removing the eyes, tongue, ears and genitals of his 10-year-old female victim.

Overview: Malabo radio reported that 17 ritual murders were committed in Equatorial Guinea in August and September of 1997, according to official figures. See, "Ritual murderer of girl, 10, sentenced to death", Agence France Presse, October 3, 1997.Another news report cites a Spanish journalist and ethnographer, Jose Manuel Novoa, an expert on the country who has conducted investigations in Equatorial Guinea since 1979 and has written two books about cannibalism in the region. Novoa claims that anthropophagy (eating human flesh) is widespread in the country. He stated, "Eating human flesh was a tradition of warriors pertaining to the ethnic group of the Fang, which lives in Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Gabon and Cameroon they conquered new territories, Fang warriors ate parts of their victims to absorb desirable qualities such as youth and strength... human organs are eaten by members of secret brotherhoods which practice sorcery in forests at night. New members are initiated in ceremonies which invoke spirits...bodies are obtained through murder and robbing them from cemeteries ...the secret groups are known as 'evu societies', because many Guineans believe the human body to contain an organ known as the 'evu.'"... "The human brain is known to be highly toxic, for which reason the cannibals seek to immunize themselves by ingesting potent vegetal poisons in small doses... nevertheless, the cannibalism is believed to have led to a disease known as the kuru." See, "Cannibalism still common in Equatorial Guinea, Spanish expert claims", Deutsche Presse-Agentur, April 5, 1998.In April of 1988, President Omar Bongo met with leaders of the Catholic, Protestant and Moslem communities to discuss possible action against imported beliefs and practice. This action was taken after an admission by a witchdoctor, purporting to belong to a sect based in neighboring Equitorial Guinea, that he had eaten six humans, including two of his own children, over the past decade. The witchdoctor was a railway worker and his followers had killed another victim, a teacher who was seeking help to solve family problems. See, "Bongo Denounces Sects in Wake of Gruesome Cannibalism Tale." Reuters (Libreville) April 29, 1988.

November 1998, Pike County, Ohio; Michael Paul Dillard, 20, was convicted of felony child endangerment for burning a boy during a satanic ritual.

Overview: Dillard used candle wax to burn crosses on the chest, genitals, arms and back of the 14-yr.old. Dillard confessed to torturing the boy, his 13 yr. old brother and a 12 yr. old friend. An accomplice held their legs while Dillard poured wax on them. "It burned," the younger boy testified. "I tried to get loose." One of the men told one of the boys to holler out Satan's name, but he refused to do it, the younger boy testified. See, "Man guilty of burning teens in satanic ritual," Columbus Dispatch,  and "A Pike County man faces up to five years in prison for torturing a 14-yr-old boy", Associated Press, August 19, 1998.

February 1998, SEAN RICHARD SELLERS v. RONALD WARD UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS TENTH CIRCUIT No. 97-6062; 728 P.2d 515; 809 P.2d 676; 889 P. 2d 895; Denial of new trial affirmed.

Overview: In 1985 - 1986, at the age of 16, Sean Sellers killed three people, including his parents. He was tried as an adult and given the death sentence. Evidence of his satanic belief system was admitted by the defense at trial. Sellers appealed in recent years due to new evidence that he suffered from multiple personality disorder or (DID). Extensive medical documentation was submitted to the court indicating that an "alter" committed the offenses. The appeal was denied although the court was clearly disturbed by the ramifications of Sean Seller's mental disorder.Note: Sean was executed on Feb. 4, 1999 despite appeals by Amnesty International contesting the legal wisdom of executing a man for crimes he committed at age 16 and who suffered from a psychological disorder like MPD/DID.

April 28, 1998, Lubuk Pakam, Indonesia; Achmad Suradji, 47, sentenced to death for murdering 42 women.

Overview: An Indonesian sorcerer was sentenced to death Monday for murdering 42 women as part of a bizarre attempt to boost his magical powers. The case first came to light in April last year when police, following up a missing person's report, found a body buried in a sugar cane field near Suradji's house. When they went to question the sorcerer, they found women's shoes and handbags. Over the next few weeks, a further 41 bodies were unearthed close to his village. According to the police, Suradji said that he had a dream in 1986 in which the ghost of his father had told him to kill a total of 70 women and then drink their saliva in order to enhance his mystical powers. See, "Sorcerer to die for 42 murders", The Daily Telegraph, April 28, 1998 and  "Witch Work; How an Indonesian lured 42 women to their death",  Asiaweek,  June 13, 1997

May 1997, J. P. v. CLARENCE CARTER, COMMISSIONER OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES; Record No. 1168-96-4 COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA 24 Va. App. 707; 485 S.E.2d 162; 1997 Va.App. LEXIS 310, Decided. True Finding of child molestation affirmed.

Overview: A 13 yr. old female minor was found to have molested two children in the context of satanic ritual ceremony while she was babysitting them. The kids reported to their parents and investigators that: "...[appellant] had undressed and fondled [one child] on these two different occasions, performed oral sodomy, had [him] touch her breast and sat on top of [him] and quote "hurt his penis." [Appellant] allegedly had [the other child] draw a pentagram and circle and told [him] this is where to love Satan while she fondled his penis. . . [The children's mother] said the boys reported that [appellant] talked of Satan's power and that she would kill them and their parents if they told anyone what happened. This minor's name was submitted to the central registry as a founded sexual abuser.

July 1997, Eddie Lee Sexton v. State of Florida, No. 86,132 

Trial court imposed the death penalty for murder. Remanded back to Court because testimony needlessly inflamed the jury. The criminal trial was continued until August 1998. After the second trial, Eddie Lee Sexton was found guilty and sentenced to death again on Nov. 18, 1998.Overview: Sexton was convicted and sentenced to death for the participation in the murder of his son-in-law. The court notes Sexton moved to Florida in 1993 with his family and the victim to avoid arrest and prevent authorities in Ohio from removing his children from the home. His infant grandchild, who was the son of the victim and his daughter, died under suspicious circumstances. Sexton objected to the testimony of 5 of his daughters, as cited in the appellate opinion, "that he beat them, conducted 'marriage' ceremonies with his daughters, had regular sex with them and fathered several of their children, encouraged his children to have sex with each other, made his sons compare their penis sizes and ridiculed them, practiced Satanism and engaged in other bizarre conduct, threatened his children if they discussed family matters with others, trained his children how to kill FBI agents, engaged in a standoff with police in Ohio shortly before coming to Florida, fled to Florida to prevent his children from being taken into custody, and directed the killing of his infant grandchild."The States proposed motive for the killing was that Sexton's son-in-law knew Sexton was the father of his own "grandchildren." The prosecution wanted prior bad acts admitted to show the control this man had over his children. The appeals court thought this testimony needlessly inflamed the jury and so ordered a new trial. During the second trial, a son, Willie Sexton, said his father convinced him he had Satanic powers and sexually abused him. He also stated that he was tied up to his bed at night when he was a child, and the father gave coins to the other children to call home if anyone spoke about the abuse. See, "Court revisits murder case, son's fears", St. PetersburgTimes, September 2, 1998

March 1998, STATE OF OHIO, Plaintiff-Appellee -vs.- ESTELLA SEXTON, Defendant-Appellant CASE NOS: 1996CA00306, 1996CA00367 COURT OF APPEALS OF OHIO, FIFTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, STARK COUNTY 1998 Ohio App. LEXIS 1302, Case No. 1995CR00421.

Convictions for Complicity to Rape, Felonious Sexual Penetration, Gross Sexual Imposition, Complicity to Gross Sexual Imposition, and child endangerment. Affirmed.Overview: This appeal involves the wife of the man described in the above case. In April 1992 M. one of Mrs. Sexton's daughters, alleged that their father was molesting the three oldest daughters. There were 12 children in the family. DHS took six of the children into custody, but three of the children were returned to the mother under an agreement that she would keep the children away from the father. "In December of 1992, Mrs. Sexton fled Ohio with the three children, and reunited with Eddie at a hotel in Kentucky. On January 14, 1994, appellant and Eddie were arrested in Hillsboro County, Florida. The three children were returned to the custody of DHS. While living in Jackson Township, and in a camper in Hillsboro County, Florida, appellant and her husband perpetrated acts of sexual, physical, and mental abuse against all of the children. While living in Jackson Township, K. L. and M. were forced to participate in a wedding ceremony with their father. During the ceremony, Eddie engaged in a French kiss with the girls. Appellant was present, and took pictures of the ceremony."... "In the camper in Florida, appellant and Eddie gave Kim and Chris little red pills and Nyquil to ingest every evening, despite the fact that neither had a cold." The mother and father inflicted "shaving rituals" on the girls. "On one occasion, K. did not ingest the medicine, and saw appellant fondling C's. penis while he was asleep."..."While living in Jackson Township, L. and M. were forced to experience a similar shaving ritual. Lana was taken to the master bedroom for the purpose of punishment. Once inside the room, appellant held L. down, while Eddie shaved her entire body with a razor. While shaving her, Eddie cut her leg, put the blood on her finger, and made her sign a paper, saying that she was selling her soul to the devil."... "C. received beatings from both appellant and Eddie. Eddie would beat C. once or twice a week, while appellant guarded the door. The beatings would often leave bruises. Appellant and Eddie also punished C. by having him stand against the wall for five to six hours, holding a penny against the wall with his nose. During this punishment, C. was not permitted to go to the bathroom. At age twelve, C. was forced to participate in weekend parties involving the family members in which he was given beer to drink."In a previous appellate opinion describing Mrs. Sexton's case, Ohio vs. Estella Sexton one of the children at that time stated that family members were involved in satanic rituals, invoking spirits, and "baby thingies and things like that."

November 1997, India; Dharam Vir arrested for the ritual murder of his son.

Overview: A father chopped off his son's head and offered it to the Hindu goddess of destruction, Kali, in a belief that a human sacrifice would earn him divine favors. He ordered his son to lie on the ground and then beheaded him. The police said he murdered his son because he was driven by his own religious beliefs. See, "Man beheads son in Ritual Murder in India", Agence France Presse, November 14, 1997


Conviction for first degree murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder affirmed. Death penalty affirmed.Overview: Pike killed another female she felt rivalry with and carved a pentagram into her chest. The court found that this murder involved torture, and medical experts thought the injuries were inflicted when the victim was still alive. A group of "others" were named who helped her but Pike didn't give information about them. The pentagram she was wearing was admitted as evidence. "A witness stated that as the Defendant described hitting Slemmer in the head with a piece of asphalt and carving a pentagram in her chest, she danced around in a circle, smiling and singing." The psychiatrist involved thought there were satanic elements to the crime but that Pike was just a "dabbler" in Satanism.A few years later..."A Knox County judge imposed consecutive prison terms Thursday for a young Memphis man who took part in the torture slaying of a Knoxville Job Corps student. Criminal Court Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz said public safety concerns dictate that Tadaryl D. Shipp be imprisoned as long as the law allows. Shipp, 21, had no regard for human life when he helped murder Colleen A. Slemmer, 19, the night of Jan. 12, 1995, the judge said. He treated her with "gross cruelty" while at least partly satisfying an interest in Satanism, Leibowitz said." See, "Orange County woman to die for Tenn. killing," THE_NEWS_&_OBSERVER " and  "Judge orders Shipp to serve life in slaying, then another 25-year term " Knoxville News-Sentinel, March 12, 1999

April 1, 1996 ADOPTION OF QUENTIN & others. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS; 424 Mass. 882; 678 N.E.2d 1325; 1997 Mass. LEXIS 104 DISPOSITION: Order granting petition to dispense with consent to adoption of three children affirmed.

Overview: Department of Social Services planned to adopt out the parent's children, the parent's appealed and the court briefly describes Social Services case for neglect, sexual molestation and statements of the children. While describing the past history of the father, the court writes: "In 1983, the father joined a religious organization called Orlo Templi Orientis and studied the so-called 'Satanic Bible.' In January, 1984, he was convicted of grave robbing, and sentenced to two months in jail. After release, he returned to his transient life-style, alternating between Los Angeles and San Francisco." "The eldest child, E. was diagnosed as suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. During an interview with Dr. O'Connell, she stated that "her 'Daddy's a witch;' that 'bad witches took my picture with no clothes on;' that '[Paul, a friend of the father] calls me his girlfriend;' that [Paul] took pictures of her with no clothes on; that [Paul] said not to tell; that she and her mother were tied up together with no clothes on while her father had no clothes on;and that the witches 'shared weenies' and tried to touch her with their weenies but that she ran away."

July 1996, In Interest of P.J.M, 926 S.W.2d 223, Missouri Court of Appeals, Termination of Parental Rights Affirmed.

Overview: This self-described satanic family had been in and out of social services for many years. Parental Rights were terminated as to three of the children. There was constant and severe domestic violence; the father continually abused the mother, including using a cattle prod to electrically shock her, shot her with a gun, cut her with a razor blade and violated her with a baseball bat. The mother then claimed she made up the story, although physical evidence was discovered, she had a stab wound in her side and she was bleeding internally. Both parents had been arrested for the rape of a teenager, but the witness wouldn't testify so the charges were dropped. Both parents had tried to commit suicide and were involved in drug usage. The mother admitted to sacrificing animals in front of her children and giving them drugs to forget the ceremonies. The children also stated that this occurred.

December 1996, Damien Wayne Echols and Charles Jason Baldwin v. State of Arkansas, 936 S.W.2d 509, Convictions and sentencing for murder affirmed.

Overview: Echols and Baldwin were jointly tried and convicted for killing three 8 yr. old boys. Their accomplice, Jessie Misskelley, confessed and implicated both Echols and Baldwin in the murders. Misskelley was tried separately. In an appellate opinion dated July 17, 1995 (902 S.W.2d 781) Echols had previously appealed his case but filed a motion specifically waiving all points concerning his death sentence. The appellate court ordered the case back to the lower court to address Echols competency to waive an appeal of the death penalty. Echols finally decided to appeal his death sentence but the sentence was upheld. One jury member received a death threat, another had received a threatening phone call during the trial. In the courts overview of the sufficiency of the evidence arguments, there were detailed descriptions of the three victims bodies, including evidence of forced sex, they'd been beaten and stabbed, and there were injuries to the genital area evidencing forced oral sex. There was evidence of castration regarding child victim, Christopher Byers. "The skin of the penis had been removed, and the scrotal sac and testes were missing."When asked by police how he thought the boys had been killed, Echols gave them statements not yet publicly known. On the witness stand, Echols testified that he'd read these facts from the newspaper. When the newspapers were shown to him, Echols admitted the information he was referring to was not in them and he didn't get the information in question from the newspaper after all. Two witnesses testified they overheard Echols admit he killed the three boys and that he was going to kill two more. The state thought the killings had been performed in a satanic ritual and an expert witness on the occult gave that opinion also. Echols admitted to being involved in the occult, items in his home included journals that had references to "morbid images, spells, and dead children." His parents had concerns about his involvement in "devil worship". Medical records contained statements by Echols about his belief system: "People are in two classes, sheeps and wolves, and the wolves eat the sheep." He thought he obtained power from drinking the blood of others, especially from his sexual partners. In regards to whether the field of Satanism has scientific validity, the court notes: "Echols next contends that Dr. Griffis should not have been allowed to testify that the murders had the 'trappings of occultism' because there was no testimony that the field of Satanism or occultism is generally accepted in the scientific community. The argument is without merit, as the trial court did not allow the evidence to prove that Satanism or occultism is generally accepted in the scientific community. Rather, the trial court admitted the evidence as proof of the motive for committing the murders." In regards to Jason Baldwin, a witness testified that Baldwin spoke of the murders. "He told me he dismembered the kids, or I don't know exactly how many kids. He just said he dismembered them. He sucked the blood from the penis and scrotum and put the balls in his mouth."

April 1996, Jessie Lloyd Misskelley, Jr. v. State of Arkansas, 915 S.W.2d 702, Convictions for first and second degree murder affirmed.

Overview: Companion case to the above. Three 8 yr.old boys were brutally murdered, raped, and mutilated in Arkansas by Misskelley and two other accomplices-- Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin. The case against Misskelley was primarily based on his confession and supporting circumstantial evidence. "Misskelley stated he had been involved in a cult for three months, they met in the woods, they engaged in orgies and,as an initiation rite, the killing and eating of dogs. At one cult meeting, he saw a picture that Echols had taken of the three boys. Another witness testified that she had attended a satanic cult meeting with Echols and Misskelley. A doctor offered testimony that the type of cuts in one of the victims genital area required the use of 'skill and precision.'"

October 1996, Ohio; Nathan Brooks found guilty of the mutilation slaying of his parents and sentenced to two consecutive life terms.

Overview: The 18 yr. old perpetrator decapitated his father and his mother was hacked to death. Brooks told the officers he used the head in a Black mass ritual that he believed would increase his satanic powers. He said he had also planned to kill a younger brother, but the youngster was visiting a friend. See, "Satanic ritual killer sentenced to life," United Press International, October 24, 1996.

February 1996, Suzanne Hughes v. Department of Social Services Arlington County, Court of Appeals of Virginia, Termination of Parental Rights Affirmed. Record No. 2345-94-4.

Overview: A baby was removed from the custody of the mother after evidence of abuse. The mother was eventually diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder. The child was returned to the mother, but after further incidents of abuse and neglect she was taken into custody again. The mother's counselor testified that the mother stated she was involved with a satanic cult that killed adults and babies, and they had threatened her. She stated she was involved with them since she was 7 yrs. old. She reported members of the cult abducting and raping her. Under cross-examination, the mother was asked about the maternal grandparents failure in reporting her own abuse, and the court was concerned that she was living at the maternal grandfather's home. The trial judge also expressed concern over the continued existence of the satanic cult, appellant's inability to help the police prosecute a member of this cult, appellant's continued residence in the same family home where she had been verbally and physically abused as a small child, and lack of family support that was missing when appellant was an abused child. The appellate court found that the evidence of appellants participation in the cult described was relevant to the proceedings.

December 1995, Jimmie Lee Penick v. State of Indiana, 659 N.E.2d 484, Conviction for murder and enhanced sentence affirmed

Overview: Four practitioners of Satanism conspired and planned to murder a prospective member of their "Satanic Church." They were concerned that the victim, William Ault, knew about a prior murder. They took him to what he thought was an initiation..."Ault was asked to lay down on a door, which was being used as an altar. Keith Lawrence read an invocation to Satan...Goodwin and the Lawrences also made cuts on Ault's chest and abdomen in the form of an inverted cross, as well as other cuts...Penick's own words describe how the victims chest and abdomen were cut open, how Goodwin tried to cut out victim's heart before he died, and how the victim remained conscious throughout this and responded to questions from the defendant." Aggravators were that Penick dismembered the victims head and hands and Penick admitted he removed the head to give the skull to a friend. Penick's defense was that he acted under the influence of his strong beliefs in Satanism but that he had converted to Christianity while in prison.

November 15 1995, Steven Brian Alvarado v. State of Texas, 912 S.W.2d 199, Convictions and death sentence affirmed.

Overview: Alvarado killed two people, a mother and son, during a drug deal. A year or so prior to the murder Alvarado had been in the hospital. The psychologist stated he was considered "violent and dangerous and that he had a full-blown antisocial personality disorder."... he had "no concern for the rights of others, and that he admitted selling illegal weapons, abusing and selling illegal drugs, sexually assaulting a woman, mutilating human infants in satanic rituals, and committing numerous other crimes. He was discharged after twelve days in the hospital because he was felt to be a danger to the other patients and that he was not suffering from a mental illness that was treatable, and, therefore under the mental health code had to be discharged."

August 1995, Edward Bennett v. State of Nevada, 901 P.2d 676, Murder conviction affirmed.

Overview: Bennett was sentenced to death for killing a girl. Writings were seized showing that the murder was "ritualistic and satanic." Some of these statements included: "There's a problem in this country and has a lot to do with being white. There's too many people with ugly skin."... "I need to kill somebody or tear someone apart. I got to satisfy my need, cure this thirst for blood. So as I make the sacrifice by doing it just for you and kill this child, for it is a first born, I'm giving you my soul, Satan. Where is my reward? My thirst for blood is now calm, but it shall rise again. My power is so strong I need to cause some death. For Lucifer's inside of me, and I don't want to let him out. I look in the mirror, I see him in my eyes. I feel his heart beating in my chest, and I know it is not mine. For I feel so privileged for I'm with number one. I'm so f_____powerful and my reigning has just begun as I kill and kill again. I feel my rewards come on. My power's growing even greater. I'm so f___ strong for I am the devil's right-hand man. I carry out his every chore. I make this sacrifice in his name, Lucifer the Great, blood splattered on my face from the kill I've just done.

July 1995, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA v. MICHAEL ALAN PARKER, SR. NO. COA94-1045 COURT OF APPEALS OF NORTH CAROLINA 119 N.C. App. 328; 459 S.E.2d 9; 1995 N.C. App. LEXIS 523 July 5, 1995, Filed. Convictions for multiple counts of child molestation affirmed.

Overview: The defendant thought there should be a mistrial for several reasons, one of which was witness testimony that he threatened to bomb the woman's shelter his wife and family were staying at. Appeals court describes children testimony: "... Defendant pulled down S's pants and threw her on the floor and inserted a spoon into her vagina and moved it around. Defendant took blood that was on the spoon, put it in a cup and drank it while the others were standing around singing with lit candles."..."S testified that when defendant took her to the woods behind her grandmother's house and abused her in front of several people holding lit candles, another young girl, A Robinson, "started screaming at first and then she jumped up and she had no clothes on and she started running and her dad jumped up and started chasing after her through the woods." One of the children also described molest by the grandmother. In news articles she's named as the co-defendant. A news article relates that the children testified that Parker raped and sodomized them in the family's trailer near Saluda and in nearby woods, often while other people wearing black pants and white shirts stood around chanting. See, "Dad guilty of Abusing children Sexually, Eight Life Sentences" Greensboro News & Record, Feb. 6, 1994

June 1995, Athens, Greece; Satanic Cult leader Asimakis Katsoulas and Manos Dimitrokallis were found guilty of kidnapping, raping and murdering a 30 year old woman and a 15 year old girl during  occult ceremonies. They were sentenced to life imprisonment. Dimitra Maryetti was found guilty of complicity and sentenced to 23 years.

Overview: Katsoulas and his "high priestess" confessed to leading a 20 member satanic cult, which had conducted animal and human sacrifices for three years. The first victim was killed at her initiation ceremony. Katsoulas claimed he was the vehicle for "ancient demons." Another witness was abducted when the murderers told her they were police officers who wanted to question her. See, "Two young men confess to Rape, Murder of two women as part of a satanic cult ritual, police said"; AP, Dec. 28, 1993 and "Court convicts, sentences two to life terms for murder", AP, June 30, 1995.

December 1994, IN THE MATTER OF: Heather BARKER, NEGLECTED CHILD, COURT OF APPEALS OF OHIO, Case No. 441 SEVENTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, HARRISON COUNTY, LEXIS 6100, Juvenile Court Decision to Grant Permanent Custody to DHS Affirmed

Overview: At the age of 5, Heather was taken into custody by DHS due to physical injuries to her genital area. Cumulative testimony proved to the court that she'd been sexually molested by clear and convincing evidence, although there wasn't any obvious perpetrator to hold accountable. The mother was cited for neglect and was given 18 months reunification services but they did not alleviate the problems which brought the child into custody. Social Services didn't think the mother could protect the child. The child was prone to "trance-like" states after unsupervised visits with the mother and other unusual behavior. A treating psychologist and social worker thought the child had been ritually sexually abused based on her statements. A trial took place contesting these matters and the court amended the abuse complaint, based on clear and convincing evidence, to a finding of neglect as well.

April 1994, In Re: Chrystal and Tasha, Superior Court of Connecticut, Juvenile Matters, Lexis 1061. Termination of Parental Rights Affirmed

Overview: Appellate opinion cites that these children were in several placements over a period of 4 years after a finding of neglect in juvenile court. The mother was in and out of prison due to drug usage and sales. One of the children had been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and had been subjected to Satanism. It was not clear whether the incidents took place with the biological mother or in the foster homes the child was in over the years where allegations of abuse had been confirmed. Further exploration revealed that the child connected terrifying experiences in a ritualistic, abusive church and sexual abuse with her biological mother. Contact with her mother was suspended when the child began exhibiting negative behaviors after visitations or after other types of communication.

March 1994, State of North Carolina v. Patrick S. Figured, 446 S.E.2d 838, Convictions affirmed for first-degree sexual offenses involving 3 children.

Overview: Figured had entered an Alford Plea of guilty to all three charges. The state agreed to dismiss charges against his girlfriend, Sonja Hill. The DA reindicted Sonja Hill and on April 15, 1991 wanted his guilty plea set aside on the grounds the DA had violated the agreement. The motion was granted. On March 9 1992, a grand jury re-indicted Figured and he was convicted of all charges. A news article reports that parents of two of these victims filed a civil suit against Sonja Hill and her mother who ran the daycare center. The parents alleged that their children had been forced to participate in Satan worship while being abused. The kids spoke of having to drink blood, their abusers burned Bibles and wore masks and capes. Hill and her mother did not answered the lawsuit, and a Johnston County jury awarded a $10.5 million judgment to the parents who didn't believe they'd ever collect the money but wanted other people to know that these acts do occur. See, "Johnston couple win child sex abuse suit" News and Observer, Mar 27, 1990

Dec. 1993, Washington D.C, United States. On December 27, 1993, U.S. News and World Report cited that the Justice Dept. was reinvestigating the "Finders case." 

The news article mentions that some of the unresolved questions are allegations that the Finders Group are linked to the Central Intelligence Agency and whether or not the investigation into their activity had been closed inappropriately.Overview: "The many unanswered questions about the Finders case now have Democratic Rep. Charlie Rose of North Carolina, Chairman of the House Administration committee, and Florida's Rep. Tom Lewis, a Republican, more than a little exercised. "Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That's what all the evidence points to," says Lewis, and there's a lot of evidence."... "Law enforcement sources say some of the Finders are listed in the FBI's classified counterintelligence files."As background, in early Feb. 1987 six children were taken into custody in Tallahassee, Florida. Two men were charged with child abuse, but charges were dropped. The men said the children were "transporting these children to Mexico and a school for brilliant children" Their mothers were located in a group called the Finders. At the same time, Washington, D.C., police and U.S. Customs Service agents raided a duplex apartment building and a warehouse connected to the group. Customs Reports cite that among the evidence seized were detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknown purposes around the world, child trafficking, instructions to keep the above six children moving and how to avoid detection, several photographs of nude children that appeared to "accent" the child's genitals; photographs of children involved in animal rituals, an altar, jars of urine and feces, and a staging area, all of which appeared to the Custom's Agents as an "indoctrination" center. Custom's agents were told to drop their investigation because it had become a "CIA internal matter" and that is documented in their report."Officials of the U.S. Customs Service, called in to aid in the investigation, said that the material seized yesterday includes photos showing children involved in bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains. Customs officials said they were looking into whether a child pornography operation was being conducted." See, "Officials Describe 'Cult Rituals' in Child Abuse Case", The Washington Post, Feb. 7, 1987 and, "Through a glass, very darkly: Cops, spies and a very odd investigation," U.S. News and World Report,December 27, 1993/January 3, 1994

November 1993, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA v. RICKIE JAY GADDIS, Appellant NO. 00561 PITTSBURGH, 1993 SUPERIOR COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA 432 Pa. Super. 523; 639 A.2d 462; 1994 Pa. Super. LEXIS 963, Argued March 22, 1994

Overview: In the judges own words, "These consolidated appeals are taken from the judgments of sentence imposed on February 9, 1993. Appellant was found guilty in two separate trials of more than 150 counts of aggravated assault, 18 Pa.C.S. ¤ 2702; recklessly endangering another person, ¤ 2705; terroristic threats, ¤ 2706; endangering the welfare of children, ¤ 4304; corruption of minors, ¤ 6301; false imprisonment, ¤ 2903; simple assault, ¤ 2701; prohibited offensive weapons, ¤ 908; rape, ¤ 3121; statutory rape, ¤ 3122; involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, ¤ 3123; aggravated indecent assault, ¤ 3125; indecent exposure, ¤ 3127; incest, ¤ 4302; and criminal conspiracy, ¤ 903.Overview: "These charges arose from the horrific sexual, physical and emotional abuse and neglect by appellant, Rickie Jay Gaddis, of his minor children." Gaddis was sentenced to 235 years (plus) in prison. The appellate court affirmed his sentence but vacated his fine. There had been concern he was going to capitalize on his crimes by selling a book. The police stated at the time that the children were subjected by their parents and neighbors to ritualistic torture that included bloodlettings with a sword, satanic ceremonies, hot needles under their fingernails, sodomy, stretching and tattooing. See, "Pa. couple is charged with torturing children; Police say neighbors also took part in abuse", The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, November 26, 1991; and "Pennsylvania Couple Charged With Brutalizing Their Children," The Washington Post, November 26, 1991: and "Parents charged with Torturing their Children", Associated Press, Nov. 25, 1991

November 1992, Austin, Texas; People of Texas v. Frances and Daniel Keller, Case #924217, Convicted for aggravated sexual assault on a child; Sentenced to 48 years. Both cases upheld on appeal No. 3-92-603-CR, and No. 3-92-604-CR on Oct 26, 1994.

Overview: News articles chronicling the trial cited more than one child thought to be abused at "Fran's Day Care" in Austin, Texas, operated by the Keller's, but this particular case cites their conviction of only one child, while news reports say other charges with other children are pending. Tears were found in the child's vagina. Douglas Wayne Perry, the ex-husband of one of the two other alleged perpetrators who were former deputy constables, confessed that he, along with the constables and the Kellers, engaged in "beer and sex parties, during which several children were sexually assaulted by the adults while photographs were taken." He recanted his confession but then pleaded guilty to a charge of indecency with a child. He confessed to tearing a head off a doll and threatening the children that if they told, their heads would come off the same way. The children described ritual acts, being terrorized in a graveyard, seeing animals killed and bodies dug up and mutilated with a chainsaw.A 6-yr-old child, who also claimed to be a victim, testified on the behalf of the 3 1/2 year old and called Fran's Day Care, "Fran's Hate Care." The defense lawyers used videos showing some the younger child recanting, saying the abuse never happened, to try to undermine the case. The parents claimed that one of the perpetrators was flashing threatening hand signals during the child's testimony. The defense also stated that the claims were "too outlandish to be believed" because the children also spoke of going on airplane rides and seeing a baby killed. A child led an investigator to a graveyard where they found animal bones. Parents of two children, who said they were abused, have filed a civil suit holding three people accountable (the three described above) for not reporting the abuse.  Another mother said "I put my son in a mental hospital as a result of this abuse (by the Kellers), and it's only been through over a year of intensive psychotherapy that he's begun to partially heal." See, "6-yr-old testifies he witnessed abuse of girl", Nov. 24, 1992 , and "Kellers found guilty of sexual assault", Nov. 26, 1992, Austin American Statesman

October 1992, Earnest v. State, Supreme Court of Georgia, 422 S.E.2d 188, Conviction for murder affirmed.

Overview: Earnest was convicted of malice murder. A self-described high priest of a satanic cult performed a satanic ritual over the female victim. Evidence of Satan worship and evidence of the cult's involvement in church vandalisms was admissible as evidence as to motive for the crime.

September 1992,  Eastland County, Texas. The STATE OF TEXAS VS. PHIL STANLEY ROGERS; Case No. 18, 738; Charged and pleaded guilty to "Indecency with a child, younger than 17 years, committed during the course of a ritual." Jury sentence - 99 years.

Overview: A news report [no date yet], cites that the rituals began with the purchase of a Ouija board. Items taken as evidence included books covering satanic topics, pentagram symbols, candles, daggers and wands.

April 1992, In the Matter of the Welfare of J. M. P., C9-91 -1899, COURT OF APPEALS OF MINNESOTA, Lexis 436. Termination of Parental Rights Affirmed.

Overview: By the mother's own admission, her past included "years of sexual and physical abuse, parental neglect, early and long-standing addiction to numerous drugs, serious mental health problems, and involvement in a satanic cult." Her child was taken into custody after two hospitalizations due to overdosing. The mother was involved in four incidents, three involving criminal convictions, which caused harm to children, including J.M.P. The mother tried to commit suicide, and was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

March 1992, Orlando, Florida; Margie Wright pleaded no contest to three charges of attempted sexual battery and two charges of attempted lewd acts and was sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison. Jim Wright was convicted of raping and fondling five children.

Overview: Three news articles describing the case cite that this couple were charged with molesting children in the context of satanic rituals. The parents of three of the victims moved residences and the prosecutor expressed concern because the children had been threatened by the cult not to testify. The victim's parents met the Wrights through their Church. The children reported that they saw Wright sacrifice a stray dog, slit its throat and stomach and remove some entrails. Sheriff's investigators found the dog's skeleton near the Wright's trailer. The Wright's molested children during their "Magic Show." The victims said he pulled a gun out of a hat and made their underwear disappear. They stated that Jim Wright put a "bad curse" on them and said "devil words." The children described satanic symbols, chalices filled with blood and a box containing a corpse. They had been told not to tell or their parents would be killed. Maggie Wright testified against her husband while she pleaded no contest to reduced charges. See, "Convict's Wife Sentenced for Trying to Molest Kids", Orlando Sentinel Tribune, May 9, 1992; "A Family Fears That Satanic Cult will try to Silence their Sons," Orlando Sentinel Tribune, August 10, 1991; "Child Abuse Suspect TradesTestimony for Lesser Charges", Orlando Sentinel Tribune, January 31, 1992

January 1992, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON V. Paul Ross Ingram, NO. 13613-9-II Division Two, Confession to sexual molestation and 20 yr. exceptional sentence affirmed.

Overview: Paul Ingram, former Thurston County chief civil deputy sheriff and 16-year law enforcement officer, was arrested November 28, 1988 following allegations of sexual abuse made by his daughters, then about 18 and 22 years old. Ingram waived his right to counsel and made incriminating statements. After six months of further investigation and interrogation, Ingram was charged by amended information with six counts of rape in the third degree, three counts per daughter covering July through October 1988. He tried to withdraw his guilty plea but that was denied.Note: It's been widely reported (by the officer's involved) that Ingram also confessed to ritually abusing his children in the context of satanic ceremony, which his daughters also claimed took place. Richard Ofshe of the FMSF tried to talk Ingram out of his confession by claiming he confessed in a "trance-like" state and "proved" that by suggesting to Ingram a case scenario which very well could have happened. In reality, Ofshe's experiment was not proof of "false memories" or proof of a false confession, and the court rejected these claims. Both Ofshe and Elizabeth Loftus of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation also testified at Ingram's clemency hearing trying to help obtain his release. According to news articles and the Clemency Board Transcripts, Ingram's son also attended that particular hearing and asked the board to keep his father in prison, as did other members of the Ingram family, which the board did. See, "Felons hope for a parting gift from Lowry", Seattle Times, Dec. 12, 1996

Feb 1992, San Francisco, California; Michael A. Aquino, Plaintiff-Appellant v. Michael P.W. Stone, Secretary of the Army, 957 F.2d 139, 768 F.Supp. 529 - Dismissal of lawsuit affirmed.

Overview: Michael Aquino, the founder of a Satanist group, Temple of Set, was a Lt. Col in the Army Active Reserves. After the Presidio Day Care case, he sued the Army after they "titled" him under an investigatory report for indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing, and for his dismissal from the active reserves. The documents state:"Aquino contends that evidence collected by the Army CID did not justify its creating an investigation report titled under his name and that those involved with the investigation were motivated to remove him from the Army because he is the founder of the Temple of Set, a Satanist religion.""Aquino filed suit in the district court under the Privacy Act, U.S.C 552a(g) to compel the Army to amend the investigatory report about him and for damages resulting from his discharge from the service, which he attributes to the inaccurate records about him."{1} In 1990 a continuation board of the Army Reserve recommended discontinuing Aquino's service in the Reserve, and he was processed out of the Army."Aquino was never criminally charged and the Army released its report and titled him 3 months after the criminal statute of limitations ran. Aquino's lawsuit against the Army was dismissed.Note: Aquino claims to have received a Meritorious Certificate from the Army in 1994.

Sept. 1988, Santa Rosa, Calif; People v. Daryl T. Ball, Court No. 14750-C, Pleaded no contest to lewd and lascivious acts with 6 child victims.

Overview: The case involved brutal sexual assault of these children in the context of a "devil worship club." The two main culprits, Charlotte Thrailkill and Daryl Ball, were caught and sentenced to prison. The Criminal Investigative Division of the Army interviewed some of these same children in their "titling" investigation of Michael Aquino of the Temple of Set. (Case above). This case was described by the prosecutor as involving multi-victims/perpetrators and ritual abuse, although Ball and Thrailkill were the only ones charged. The prosecutor described the extreme terror the children experienced and the difficulty for them to testify. During the 18 month preliminary hearing, the children testified that they were threatened to keep quiet or the perpetrators would eat their mothers hearts and make them eat it. They described being given injections (or were bled), and being tied up. Daryl Ball threatened witnesses to keep them from testifying. The children also described being molested while being filmed with a banner in the background reading "Super Duper Child Molest Day." They were forced to watch the video of their own molest afterwards. A plea bargain was struck, reportedly to spare the kids from having to testify further.**In Sept. 1998, Charlotte Thrailkill was declared a violent sexual molest predator--the first female to have that distinction in California. See, "Thrailkill a sexual predator, Ex-SR woman first in state with designation", Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Sept. 9, 1998

July 1991, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Jason L. Enders,et al, 407 Pa. Superior Ct. 201, Conviction Affirmed.

Overview: Defendants were convicted of false imprisonment stemming from their participation in a Satanic cult ritual. Victim stated he wanted nothing to do with them but he was forcibly taken to an abandoned barn and tied to stakes in the ground over a pentagram drawn in the dirt. A satanic ritual was performed over him. He had a leather collar with nails placed around his neck. One of the defendants punctured his neck by pressing on the nails and placed his fingers in the victim's blood and then to his lips. He was released after being warned he'd be killed if he told anyone. The appellate court stated admitting evidence of belief in and involvement in Satanism at the time was relevant and probative. Skulls and books were taken from their homes as evidence.

April 1991, Montana. State of Montana v. Leon Lloyd Whitcher, 810 P2d 751, Conviction Affirmed.

Overview: A 30 yr. old self-described "high priest" of a satanic cult had sexual intercourse with a 14 yr. old without consent. Prior to the assault, he asked her a series of questions about initiation into his satanic cult, whether she wanted "power," and if she'd "obey a high priest." He told her to change into a black robe, lie down, and stare at a pentagram painted on the ceiling before he assaulted her.


Overview: According to Roland, he murdered his friend after becoming involved in Satanism, began using drugs, and listening to groups like "Megadeth" that "advocated sexual and physical violence." He began hallucinating, practiced self-mutilation, tortured and killed animals and "chanted" to Satan for power. He developed a mentor relationship with another teen Satanist and they both decided to sacrifice Steve Newberry by clubbing him to death. Roland believed this human sacrifice would "cause Satan to appear and give them power." Roland wanted the defense expert on the occult to testify about the effects of Satanism on the mind. The court let the expert testify to other aspects of the occult but didn't feel that he was qualified to testify on psychiatric aspects of the case.

Oct 89, People of the State of Illinois, v. Andrew Kokoraleis, No. 65229, Supreme Court of Illinois, 547 N.E.2d 202. Conviction for murder and death penalty affirmed.

Overview: Four members of a satanic cult, including Robin Gecht, were perpetrators in a series of gruesome murders, rituals, and acts of cannibalism over a number of years."Thomas Kokoraleis told investigators that the room had contained an altar, made from a board covered with red cloth, where cult members cut up animal parts, and sometimes human parts, for sacrifice. See, "GRUESOME CLUES LED TO AN ALTAR IN AN ATTIC", Chicago Tribune, October 12, 1987

Dec. 17, 1990, Conviction for first degree murder perpetrated by torture affirmed; No. C-92-1523 EFL UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 1995 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 19425 - habeas petition denied; June 1985, San Francisco, Calif., People v. Cliff St. Joseph, 226 Cal. App. 3d 289,

Overview: A body was discovered in San Francisco, California on June 15, 1985. "John Doe" had multiple stab wounds, genital injuries, and a pentagram had been carved into his chest. The court notes that there was "substantial evidence" that it was a sadistic, ritualistic human sacrifice consisting of whipping with a chain, slashing the victim's lips, dripping wax into the victim's eyes, burning and carving the victim's flesh with a knife, multiple stabbings, tying the limbs with guitar wire, and genital mutilations. The identity of the victim was never established. The case was solved when the police arrested 4 people for disturbing the peace, one of whom was a Ricky Hunter. Hunter claimed St. Joseph and the others had held him against his will and assaulted him; there was talk of satanic worship and the other three people had been speaking of "sacrificing" him. One of the offenders stated he had been present when St. Joseph had "John Doe" in his home and he helped St. Joseph dispose of the murdered victim described above. The court found that there was sufficient evidence proving that the injuries had been inflicted on the victim while he was still alive. The Coroner testified that some of the wounds inflicted were consistent with sadomasochistic practices, but the Court made a point of highlighting that the manner in which the victim was murdered, along with inferred intent, indicated that this was a ritualistic sacrifice.

February 1990, Utah. STATE of Utah v. Alan B. HADFIELD, 788 P2d 506 Convictions for sodomy and child molest; remanded back to court for evidentiary hearing.

Overview: A. Hadfield was convicted of sodomy and sexual abuse of his children after his children testified against him. He appealed based on claims of "newly discovered evidence." This was an allegation by a paralegal who stated that the therapist involved in counseling his children and others in this Mormon community was the common factor in these cases, and inferred that the therapist was responsible for the allegations. The appellate opinion cites that at "least fifteen adults and fifteen children were identified as participants in various unusual sexual activities, including instances of group abuse of children by adults. The activities described by the children involved satanic ritual, costumes and masks, photography equipment, men dressing in women's clothing, and frequent episodes of playing with and consuming human excrement. A specific instance of abuse related to Dr. Snow by W. and described by her at trial for example, involved defendant's removing feces from Ex.'s rectum with a spoon and forcing him to play with it." The appellate court remanded the case back to court for an evidentiary hearing if the affidavit by the paralegal had merit.Note: According to the prosecutor, the judge reviewed the information and found that there was no evidence to support the claims of the paralegal. Alan Hadfield's conviction still stands and he was released from probation in 1998.

April 1989, Harold Glenn Smith v. The State of Texas, No. B14-86-00659-CR, Lexis 794, Conviction for murder affirmed.

Overview: A group tricked one of their friends into accompanying them to a cemetery where they tortured him. A witness testified that Smith compared the planned murder of his victim with animal sacrifice rituals he had carried out before. The prosecution presented evidence of his satanic belief system.

1989, New York. Monika Beerle, a dancer in New York was dismembered by her boyfriend, Daniel Rakowitz. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity but was sent to a mental institution. In 1992, Randy Charles Easterday, 27, was charged as a participant in the crime.

Overview: Reportedly, Monika's boyfriend was involved in a satanic cult and he had served a human finger in soup to homeless people. News report states, "the group to which Rakowitz and Easterday belonged has been identified by NY Newsday as a cult of devil worshipers who operated out of the Church of the Realized Fantasy. Police sources claimed they butchered her in a ritual sacrifice and a satanic offering." See, "New arrest in Swiss dancer slaying raises cult specter.", UPI, Feb. 18,1992 and "Acquitted 'cannibal killer' to stay put", UPI, Oct. 25, 1995

November 1989, Gibreville, Gabon. Mba Ntem was found guilty and sentenced to death for murder and leading cannibalism rites.

Overview: Several members of this religious cult were found guilty of aiding in "cannibalism ceremonies by serving human flesh to worshippers." A victim's mutilated remains were found in another town, and a photo was published of the high priest with a knife in his teeth and a jar containing pieces of a victim's tongue in his manacled hands. In the ceremony led by Ntem, members of the cult ate the victim's stomach, liver, heart, lungs, tongue and genitals in what their leader called a "sacred plate." Some of the worshippers were unaware of the contents, Ntem told the court. The court prohibited other details from being released. The news article states that "Animism" is a loose religious belief popular in central Africa and other parts of the word that a spirit or force resides in every animate and inanimate object. See, "Death Sentence for High Priest in Cannibalism Trial," Associated Press, November 26, 1989.

December 1988, State of Ohio. v. John L. Fryman, Case No. CA87-10-125, Lexis 5296, Conviction for murder affirmed.

Overview: Fryman took a woman to his "sorcery room where he had erected an altar for satanic worship". He shot her. The next day he cut off the woman's legs above the knees and disposed of them behind an old church. The rest of the body was never found. Fryman claimed that he had killed her because she had insulted him by bringing another magician to his trailer, and that he disposed of her legs behind the church because "it was the place he practiced magic. By throwing her legs there he increased the power of that spot."

November 1988, Singapore. Three cult members hanged formurder

Overview: Adrian Lim, 46, his wife, Tan Mui Choo, 34, and his girlfriend Hoe Kah Hong, 33, were convicted in 1983 of murdering Agnes Ng Siew Heok, eight, and Ghazali Marzuki, 10, in 1981. The three perpetrators belonged to a cult that believed sacrificing children could bring good luck. The three drank the children's blood after suffocating them in a bathtub. Another news report writes that the "macabre ritualistic killings included drinking the children's blood, trances, and electric shock 'treatments.'" See, "Three Singaporeans Hanged for Cult Murder of Children", Reuters, November 25, 1988 and "Three hanged in Singapore for ritual killings" UPI, Nov 25, 1988

July 1988, New York, In the Matter of DANIEL "DD" et al., Alleged to be Abused and Neglected Children, 530 N.Y.S.2d 314, July 7, 1988. Finding of Neglect Affirmed.

Overview: The mother was appealing an order from Family Court finding she had neglected her children. She had allowed visitations to continue between the father and his girlfriend even though she knew that the girlfriends children had been removed from the home for sexual abuse, and she did not question the situation until the father and girlfriend were arrested on sexual abuse charges. Social Services had investigated the case. All children had been forced by threats of physical abuse to "engage in acts of sexual intercourse...among themselves and with adults." In addition, they described participation in forced acts of bestiality, as well as involvement in satanic rituals involving the sacrifice of animals and the drinking of blood. The court cites there was evidence that the mother may have been involved in these activities as well.

August 1986, State of Maine v. Scott Waterhouse. 513 A.2d 862, Murder conviction affirmed

Overview: Waterhouse was convicted for the murder of a 12 yr. old girl. Evidence of Satanism and excerpts from the "Satanic Bible" were admitted at trial for purposes of showing motive and intent. During taped conversations with detectives, Waterhouse described his beliefs about sex and destruction rituals.

March 1986, Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Carl H. Drew, 489 N.E.2d 1233, Murder conviction affirmed.

Overview: Drew was convicted of the first degree murder of one of his satanic cult members in Fall River. The victim, Karen Marsden, was identified by a portion of the skull, clumps of hair, clothing, and jewelry. Evidence was admitted describing Marsden and another woman who worked for Drew as prostitutes. Another prostitute, Doreen Levesque was killed. According to witness testimony... "the killing was performed as a diabolic ritual during which the soul of Marsden was purportedly given to Satan." Earlier, Marsden had tried to sever relationship with the cult. Drew threatened to kill her on several occasions, which he finally did. "Murphy dragged Marsden by the throat and hair into the woods. As she did this, the defendant walked alongside while Fletcher and Davis followed close behind. Murphy and the defendant then began striking Marsden with rocks. After further brutalizing Marsden, the defendant ordered Murphy to slit Marsden's throat and Murphy complied. The defendant then tore the head from the body and kicked it." Drew later told another person that he had killed Marsden because "she wanted to leave the cult and that he wanted her to feel pain." The court specifically stated Drew's involvement in Satanism and the victim's desire to leave the cult was evidentially important to detail the context of the crime to the jury, as opposed to viewing the murders as just random acts of violence.

February 1986, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, v. Frank G. Costal, Jr., 505 A.2d 337, Murder conviction affirmed.

Overview: Expert testimony regarding Satanism and mind control was admitted into the court record to explain the killings of a mother and her 4 yr. old daughter. The killings appeared to be in retaliation for the mother's interference in a drug deal and homosexual relationship between her husband and Costal. The state submitted evidence that the murders were performed in a "ritualistic manner." The victims were stabbed in a similar fashion, in the same pattern. Ceremonial robes, books, posters, plastic skulls and bats, and marriage licenses drawn up by Costal and signed by him as a "high priest" of Satan were seized from his apartment. A witness testified that Costal told him of attendance at human sacrifices and that 17 was the number of stab wounds required at these ritualistic killings.

December 1983, Detroit, Michigan. Arzell Jones was convicted of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, single counts of kidnapping and using a firearm during a felony. Linda Greene was convicted of two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct.

Overview: Arzell Jones, a private investigator, and Linda Greene, a Detroit policewoman, were convicted of sexually assaulting a 31-year-old woman who was held for more than three days and forced to take part in satanic rituals. The prosecutor stated the woman was a victim of some "cultism, some ultimate psychological warfare". See, "Judge Says Victim was Subjected to 'Reign of Terror' Man, Policewoman Guilty of Sexual Assault in Satanic Rituals," Detroit Free Press, December 3, 1983.

May 1982, William Smith v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 436 N.E.2d 377, Immunity for witness was affirmed..

Overview: William Smith contested immunity for witness who was to testify against him for a murder. The appellate opinion states "these murders were among a series of ritual killings performed in the Fall River area by members of a Satanic cult ...The witness described the ritual that accompanied the murder, and named various participants." The witness also recantedseveral times before finally testifying.

September 1979, Philippines. A couple were charged with murder for "eating" two brothers..

Overview: Police reported that a couple, whose names were not disclosed, belonged to a sect which believed that cannibalism confers supernatural powers. The brothers were kidnapped from a city 650 miles from Manila. They were allegedly beheaded by members of the sect, then photographs of the beheadings were taken by a leader of the cult and sent to the widow of one of the victims. Officials stated it took a long time to bring charges because witnesses were too fearful of testifying due to fears of reprisals by the cannibal sect. See, "A man and his wife have been charged by Philippines police with eating two brothers." Reuters, September 20, 1979

This archive was compiled by "Karen Curio Jones".

If there are any corrections or updates that need to be made, please contact


Diana Napolis

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