Your guide for this transition not downfall of humanity on planet earth.
At The Copenhagen Gates, my mission is to support a transition that benefits not just the Danes but humanity as a whole. While it may seem ambitious, I believe that discovering the gravity of our situation has given me a sense of purpose. Having come to realize that we're at a crossroads in history, with a choice between modern forms of slavery and living freely with personal responsibility, I've felt an inner urge to contribute positively to this critical juncture. My goal is to empower each of us to make an informed decision about which path to take.
As I sit down to write this, it's almost been five years since an event shook me awake to the reality that Denmark was facing serious problems. The emergence of this media outlet coincided with the global pandemic in 2020, which brought our country and the entire world to a standstill. At first, it seemed like just another anonymous force operating in the shadows, but as I delved deeper into the issue by seeking out alternative perspectives outside mainstream coverage, my concerns grew into a profound realization that took hold deep within me. As this understanding solidified, I felt compelled to take action and use my newfound awareness to make a positive impact.
I'm not interested in chasing the latest headlines, as I believe they often provide a superficial view of our situation. Instead, I think it's essential to strike a balance between staying informed and gaining a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. While it's important to stay current with news and events from time to time, it's equally crucial not to let the constant stream of information overwhelm us or lead us down a path of hopelessness and despair. I do intend to stay engaged with the news in some capacity, but I also recognize that our mental state is largely within our control. Ultimately, we get to decide how much attention we give to the news and what kind of emotional toll it takes on us.
As someone who doesn't rely on certificates or degrees to define their worth, my own experiences serve as my qualifications. I've come to realize that it's not about chasing external validation or trying to fit into societal expectations, but rather about being true to oneself and doing what feels right. For me, this means speaking out against injustice when I see it, even if it takes courage. Whether others have reached the same realization or are just beginning to discover their own inner power, my hope is that we can all learn to master our own lives and create a future that reflects our true potential. As someone who has been on this journey, I believe that this newspaper can serve as a guide for those looking to take control of their lives and chart their own course.
Changing of the guards
Just as the ancient city gates of Copenhagen symbolize a sense of being trapped in familiar patterns and frameworks, this moment too can be seen as a chance to break free from those constraints. It's a turning point, an opportunity for all who see it as such. Let us no longer be intimidated by the voices of doubt and fear that try to keep us within our comfort zones. The pressure is palpable in these times, and it's clear that the status quo can't continue. To those who are ready to shape their own futures, I invite you to join me on a journey through one of Copenhagen's historic gates – not just as a physical passage, but as a metaphorical threshold into an uncertain future, free from fear and filled with excitement for what we can create together.
While explaining why I believe the future is worth collecting might require some justification, it's also important to acknowledge the opposing arguments. Indeed, doomsday scenarios are all too easy to imagine. Just flip on the TV or scroll through your social media feeds and you'll find plenty of evidence supporting this pessimistic view. In fact, one could argue that there has been a sustained campaign over many years - one that I've witnessed firsthand since my birth - aimed at eroding people's sense of hope and faith in the world's ability to work out for the best.
What sets this medium apart from others is my personal experience and expertise, combined with the unique way information is presented and processed in our newspaper. Based on insights from psychology, warfare, and mind control, we draw upon these factors to provide a balanced perspective that brings together both mainstream and alternative media voices. Our goal is to foster a common understanding that benefits the greatest number of people possible, ultimately helping to redirect people's perception of reality back onto a more accurate track.
While critics may argue that this approach is subjective and uninteresting, I'd like to challenge their perspective. The truth is, objective news has never truly existed. Every journalist brings their own interpretation to the table, and it's no different today or tomorrow. As someone who values personal experience, I believe that sharing my own story can help readers navigate the challenges we're facing right now. By presenting complex issues in a relatable way, I hope to bring people along with me as we move forward. This isn't about grandeur; it's about recognizing that each of us has our own unique perspective and experiences that can inform our understanding of ourselves and others.
As we navigate the unprecedented propaganda and information war unfolding before us, I believe that history will reveal this period as a transformative moment that has shaped our individual perspectives on what's happening. With this in mind, it becomes increasingly challenging to collaborate on a project like a newspaper, as each of us has developed our own unique understanding of the situation. Without a shared perspective or common ground, finding a mutually beneficial approach is difficult. However, it's not impossible. Our diverse perspectives and emotions surrounding the gravity of the issue have also given rise to a personal sense of responsibility to contribute to creating positive change in this crisis we're all facing.
I've often heard people say, "No way, if you believe X or Y, I'm out." The foundation for collaboration is surprisingly fragile when intentions are mixed. That's why I think it's essential to stand alone with one's convictions and not compromise. For me, personal priorities take precedence. Specifically, I prioritize sharing my unusual experiences publicly, standing firm on what I've gone through, not just for myself but also for those who have been harmed in similar programs. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to them.
At the same time, I'm open to continually questioning and challenging my own experiences. However, I'll always keep in mind that I was once a child affected by these events. Only after acknowledging this comes my desire to collaborate with others on projects and initiatives that can benefit humanity and our collective understanding of the wars we face.
Contents of the newspaper
The newspaper will take a logical and analytical approach, providing a guide for those who want to help create a better future for Denmark and the earth. To achieve this goal, we'll focus on what modern news media should contain. This requires each of us to continuously question our own understanding of reality - just as I do every day.
I believe it's impossible to emerge from our current life unscathed without being exposed to massive propaganda, brainwashing, and psychological warfare - regardless of where you get your information or turn for news. It's a reality we're all familiar with and will likely continue to face for some time. As someone who wants to help others navigate this landscape, I aim to create a guide that not only provides insight but also encourages personal growth and collective action.
I'm deeply passionate about sharing stories that inspire reflection, challenge perspectives, and deepen understanding of reality - especially for those who've come to realize they want to know more about what's going on and are driven to satisfy their sense of inner discontent. These readers can look forward to exploring in-depth case studies that will help them gain a better grasp of the issues at hand.
- Overview: This section offers a comprehensive news overview, powered by artificial intelligence, that synthesizes the key developments from both traditional media and alternative sources. This daily briefing is updated three times a day - morning, noon, and evening - providing a snapshot of the top headlines so you can stay informed about current events.
- National: This section brings together all the essential stories with a focus on Denmark, covering a range of topics from current debates to historical perspectives and exploring how different stakeholders envision tomorrow's society. From thought-provoking discussions to often-overlooked angles, we provide a comprehensive look at the issues shaping Denmark's future.
- World: From this perspective, I look outward at the global landscape, but my focus begins with what I see as the epicenter of change: the United States. It's why I believe we're experiencing so much turmoil - the changes unfolding in America and their political actions are having far-reaching consequences.
- Culture: Understanding society and culture can be complex, but one powerful indicator is the role models we look up to - often found in music, film, and television. In this section of the newspaper, I'll delve into these cultural touchstones, analyzing films, TV shows, music, and more to gauge where we stand on our cultural compass, which spans from inspiring figures to dark undertones.
- Meta: This section serves as a philosophical space where ideas can flow freely, intersect, and converge in a rich tapestry of thought. Written reflections and video essays will be used to present these insights, allowing readers to engage with complex ideas in a dynamic and multimedia format.
- Library: I discovered the depth of issues in Denmark by hearing others' perspectives firsthand. Here, I gather insights from various sources to weave together a comprehensive narrative that has helped me re-examine and refine my own understanding of reality.
- Downloads: I acknowledge that this section won't resonate with everyone. However, it's intended for those who are willing to look inward, explore their own inner workings, and cultivate a sense of curiosity about themselves. This includes the idea of "downloads" - experiences or insights that can come from unexpected sources, such as encounters with non-physical beings or memories from past lives.
- Cabal: One of the most crucial sections is the one that attempts to reveal the identities of those who have betrayed their own humanity and waged a shadowy war against their own kind. This is something that has affected us all, regardless of age or background. The purpose of this section is to shed light on these individuals and their actions, which would not withstand scrutiny if examined closely through their distorted lenses. However, it is essential that we confront this reality head-on, integrate it into our understanding, and work together to make sense of the weight that has hung over us since birth. Yet, many of us have gone about our lives without critically examining these issues, leaving us with no choice but to address them now.
- Vlog: Inspired by the personal touch of James Cameron's Avatar film, where Jake Sully shares his thoughts directly with the audience through a video diary-style narrative, I'll share my update on the newspaper's current state and its promising trajectory for the near future.
While the organization of these sections may undergo changes as the project evolves and incorporates reader feedback, this is the current structure that has emerged from multiple iterations and attempts to categorize and make sense of the various dialogue areas.
This newspaper covers a wide range of news, from domestic developments in Denmark and abroad, with a unique focus on the experiences of Americans during these times. I believe that as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, this perspective will have a ripple effect, influencing other parts of the globe. Our starting point for the future will be the collective experience gathered by our team, which we'll use to take cautious steps towards a new way of living – one that balances freedom with responsibility and enables us to care for the consequences.
Resistance – it matters
Reflecting on World War II, I find it amusing to think about the challenges faced by Denmark's press at that time. With German forces occupying our country, the Danish media was subject to strict censorship. Today, many of those same major news outlets – Politiken, Berlingske, and Jyllands-Posten among them – still exist. During the war, they were forced to operate under heavy restrictions imposed by the Danish-German government. In response, clandestine resistance groups emerged, such as the Printers' Boys and the Free Danes, which attempted to circumvent censorship by distributing illegal publications containing news from Allied countries.
Reflecting on the 2020 pandemic, it's clear that the enemy is not always easily identifiable, unlike during World War II when an occupying force was visible. In today's war, information and psychological warfare are crucial components, fought in areas where people focus their attention – namely social media and the internet. As a result, we're experiencing the endgame of a third world war, with censorship being a key aspect. Just as Danish press faced censorship during World War II, I believe that during the 2020 pandemic, anyone who challenged the mainstream narrative by seeking alternative perspectives and knowledge would have been subject to similar restrictions.
Just as during World War II, it's crucial to share critical information and perspectives with one's countrymen in times of war, as a means of strengthening their resolve and challenging the enemy's seemingly invincible forces. As I've learned from my own experiences, the Nazis didn't necessarily lose the war; instead, they chose to regroup, restructure, and continue their research and struggle in the United States and elsewhere. This is a chapter that needs to be rewritten another day. It's essential to remember that propaganda was a frequent tool used by the Nazis during World War II, just as it was during the 2020 pandemic.
These patterns repeat themselves across time and context. Whether it's 1941 or 2020, whether the illegal magazine is called 'trykkedrengene' or 'de kopenhavnske porte', I can only hope to make some impact, no matter how small. The emergence of confusion, hopelessness, and lost morale is a constant theme, regardless of whether the war is physical or psychological. In both cases, the ultimate goal is often the same: modern slavery in a new world order. Throughout history, we've seen people forced to work hard and communicate what's really happening, despite being cut off from accurate information. This is because knowledge is power, and it always has been. The enemy can corrupt essential functions like the media, turning them into another weapon in their arsenal.
As times have changed, many have disconnected from traditional media like TV, but what about the Internet? Has it become the new TV, dominating our attention with endless streams of information? The information war is being waged online, where new stories, angles, and influential voices emerge constantly. But are these voices genuinely working for the greater good, or are they driven by hidden agendas and financial interests tied to the "cabal" – a term I use to describe the real enemy of humanity? These questions will be explored in-depth within the pages of this newspaper. The goal is to help readers become wiser about the situation we face and empower each individual to transform it by acknowledging and accepting the current state of affairs, rather than rejecting or resisting it.
The practicalities
I won't bore readers with details on the frequency of articles here. Instead, I've done some calculations and compared myself to other influential individuals globally and nationally. This data will be shared soon. On average, I write and publish around 1 article per day. The reason is that each piece typically requires significant research, which serves as the foundation for a well-crafted article. Just like a tree needs rich soil to grow strong roots, an article requires thorough groundwork to establish credibility and engage readers. This process can take up to 1-2 hours, depending on the complexity and word count. Speaking of length, it's interesting to note that mainstream media articles typically range from around 600 words.
In today's world where social media algorithms control what we see and read, it's crucial to counterbalance this by writing longer articles that provide depth and substance. I've found that 1000-word articles are a reasonable length for achieving this goal. Unlike social media feeds, which often prioritize brevity, longer articles allow you to delve into topics in a way that leaves a lasting impression on readers. When I'm well-prepared and know what I want to write about, it takes me around an hour to craft 1000 words of engaging content. It's like creating a fine book collection where each piece fits snugly against the next, with one paragraph flowing seamlessly into the next.
By summarizing our observations, we can gain a clearer picture of what it takes to make a meaningful contribution to today's information landscape as an individual with their own small platform. With high expectations, one might reasonably anticipate publishing approximately 1 article per day for several months, rather than just a week or two. This frequency shouldn't be limited to written content alone; videos can also play a significant role in engaging audiences and sparking interesting discussions. In fact, many people enjoy watching videos featuring people discussing topics of interest in front of a camera, which can create a sense of informality and authenticity that's reminiscent of traditional news formats.
The reader can find this newspaper on social media such as:
- Telegram
- Twitter/X
While it's true that I use these media to reach a broader audience, my presence on them is crucial for being part of the online reality where people live their daily lives. A reminder I constantly give myself is that I'm not the audience; I write for a specific group, with a specific purpose in mind. My goal is to connect with individuals who can then choose to accept an invitation to explore new perspectives and worldviews, all while still holding onto what's familiar - just like they always have.
Besides that, you can find this newsspaper on the following websites:
-, for the danish edition.
-, for the english edition.
I've also observed that many influential figures I admire are striving to balance two key priorities. On one hand, they aim to connect with their fellow citizens in their respective countries, sharing messages that resonate locally. At the same time, they're working to reach a broader, international audience by communicating in English and speaking to global issues.
Everything on my platform is free, and I don't earn a significant income from my work. While I'm not opposed to those who do succeed financially, my passion project is a labor of love that allows me to express myself creatively. By maintaining a job alongside this endeavor, I can keep my creative juices flowing and support myself while working towards creating a medium that challenges the status quo and promotes knowledge that empowers us.
As an advocate for information, I believe it should be freely accessible, unencumbered by economic barriers or vested interests. This is particularly important in the context of state-sponsored media, which often prioritizes financial gain over truth and transparency. Instead, I champion "energy philanthropy," as Marina Jacobi calls it – giving without expectation of reward, fueled by a deep desire to help others. As the Coca Cola commercial so beautifully puts it: "You give a little love, and it all comes back to you!" This philosophy of selfless generosity is what drives me to share my thoughts and ideas with the world.
Currently, I am the sole writer for this newspaper, making it my personal passion project. I've invested significant time and energy into developing a format that benefits those seeking truth in their own lives.
While this newspaper is mine to manage, its structure allows for open contributions from anyone and everyone who wants to share their ideas. I'm committed to providing a platform where diverse perspectives can be heard, regardless of the ideological leanings behind them.
My home serves as my workspace, and I'd be delighted to invite you to visit me there for a casual conversation over a cup of coffee and a sweet treat – perhaps even a dream cake! If you're affiliated with the police or PET, we can even share a lemon moon moment.
This project is constantly evolving, and I regularly reflect on it to avoid getting stuck in outdated habits that no longer serve me. To move forward, we need to break free from old patterns and explore new ways of living together. One way to achieve this is by establishing connections within local communities. While this took some time and focus away from The Copenhagen Gates, I believe it's essential for fostering norms and facilitating meaningful discussions about how we want our society to be organized.
To further facilitate community engagement, we've introduced a feature that allows you to post announcements in your municipality, which others can read and comment on. You're free to share any information, set up meetings, or seek help from like-minded individuals, regardless of where you live.
In addition, I'd like to establish regular meetings here where people can gather and discuss topics that matter to us all – from global issues to local concerns, such as the latest news from our community's duck pond. By creating this space for dialogue, I believe the newspaper can make a positive impact on the community it serves, specifically the Danes who benefit from its existence.
Final remarks
I've struggled to find my unique voice and tone in my newspaper column, so I've restarted from scratch multiple times. As a result, I've removed, rewritten, or archived previous articles that didn't quite fit the mark. What's more, I've been on a continuous journey of self-education, seeking to understand how I can contribute meaningfully to the broader conversation about humanity and its challenges.
It wasn't my intention to follow in my father's footsteps as an investigative journalist and press photographer. As a child, I recall helping my mother deliver newspapers to Græsted, including our then-prime minister's doorstep every Sunday. He would demand a copy of each paper to stay up-to-date on current events. Fast forward to today, after much contemplation over the past few years, I've come to realize that it makes sense for me to continue down this path and build upon this project we're working on together now. It's not just about making a positive impact in our current situation, but also about being able to look at myself in the mirror when the truth is finally revealed, a new adventure begins, and I'm ready to face the challenges that come with it.
I'd like to express heartfelt gratitude to all those who've supported me on my journey and made it possible for me to be here today. Without their selfless efforts, my path would have likely ended much sooner. To those who gave their lives so that I could share this moment with you, thank you is insufficient; I will strive to honor their sacrifice by doing everything in my power to tell the truth and share what I've witnessed. This medium serves as a tribute to them, and I'll aim to channel their unwavering spirit, sense of justice, and indomitable courage into this platform, ensuring that their legacy lives on.