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    George Green presents: "The Big Picture" - A former investment banker speaks out
    George Green presents: "The Big Picture" - A former investment banker speaks out

    The truth is that we as humanity have been divided into two camps. The initiated and the uninitiated. George Green was a former investment banker who, behind closed doors, in all the finest company, has insight into how some of our fellow humans, with enormous power influence, planned depopulation, FEMA camps, as forms of modern concentration camps, and general self-annihilation of their own human race. The hope here is that even the initiated, when they heard of these plans, were horrified by them and have actively worked to prevent these plans from coming to fruition. Including, George Green.

    George Green presents: "The Big Picture" - A former investment banker speaks out
    George Green presents: "The Big Picture" - A former investment banker speaks out
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    George Green præsenterer: "Det store billed"
    George Green præsenterer: "Det store billed"

    Sandheden er at vi som menneskehed har været opdelt i to lejre. De indviede og de uindviede. George Green var en tidligere investeringsbankmand som bag lukkede døre, i alle fineste selskab, har indsigt i hvordan nogle af vores medmenneske, med en enorm magtindflydelse, planlagde depopulation, FEMA lejre, som former for moderne koncentrationslejre, og generel selvudslettelse af deres egen menneskerace. Håbet heri ligger, at selv de indviede, når de hørte om disse planer, var forfærdet over dem og har aktivt arbejdet på at forhindre disse planer skulle komme til virkelighed. Heriblandt, George Green.

    George Green præsenterer: "Det store billed"
    George Green præsenterer: "Det store billed"
  • Thoughts

    Who Was King James Really?
    Who Was King James Really?

    For the last three centuries Protestants have fancied themselves the heirs of the Reformation, the Puritans, the Calvinists, and the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock. This assumption is one of history’s greatest ironies. Today, Protestants laboring under that assumption use the King James Bible. Most of the new Bibles such as the Revised Standard Version are simply updates of the King James. The irony is that none of the groups named in the preceding paragraph used a King James Bible nor would they have used it if it had been given to them free. The Bible in use by those groups, until it went out of print in 1644, was the Geneva Bible. The first Geneva Bible, both Old and New Testaments, was first published in English in 1560 in what is now Geneva, Switzerland. William Shakespeare, John Bunyan, John Milton, the Pilgrims who landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620, and other luminaries of that era used the Geneva Bible exclusively.

    Who Was King James Really?
    Who Was King James Really?
  • Thoughts

    The Plan 2000 (Armageddon)
    The Plan 2000 (Armageddon)

    The Global 2000 report to the President, prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State begins as a STUDY for the “PROBABLE CHANGES IN THE WORLD’S POPULATION, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND ENVIRONMENT THROUGH THE END OF THE CENTURY.” The report concludes that the stresses are already severe enough to deny many millions of people basic needs for food, shelter, health, and jobs, or ANY HOPE for betterment. At the same time, the earth’s carrying capacity – the ability of biological systems to provide resources for human needs – is eroding.

    The Plan 2000 (Armageddon)
    The Plan 2000 (Armageddon)
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    The Georgia Guidestones
    The Georgia Guidestones

    On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates the world in which we live.

    The Georgia Guidestones
    The Georgia Guidestones