Den ultimate form for kontrol er over en persons tanker. Hvis man kan styre disse, kan man diktere efter behov hvad personen skal og ikke skal gøre. Man bliver til en marionet dukke på en snor. Først under kodenavnet projekt Artichoke, som herefter blev til det mere velkendte navn MKUltra, har CIA, blandt andet på danske børnhjems børn og i kælderen på Frederiksberg hospital, foretaget ulovlige tanke kontrol eksperimenter på uvidende forsøgspersoner.
A possible case of mind control during Britney Spears interview
In an interview with the famous pop star singer Britney Spears, during the interview you can see a possible and potential example of mind control, where she switches when she says the word "weird." Mind control can be implanted in a subject with trigger words, among other techniques, and I believe this potentially could be what has happened in this case. It looks like in this clip that she switch states or alters which could lead to degrees of what is known as dissociative identity disorder (DID) in victims who have experienced this kind of abuse.