
Don’t let the deep state cause the division
Initially, I was busy researching another story entirely, about how the industrial military extra-terrestrial complex (MIEC) and the Intelligence Community (IC) have partnered up with private tech companies, such as Google, since their very inception. However, I then stumbled upon research from a journalist who had done extensive work on the connections between the Department of Defense (DOD) and intelligence agencies like CIA, revealing that both had funded companies like Google and Facebook - just a few examples of startups that have risen to stardom and fame through these funding schemes facilitated by deep state actors. The journalist's research caught my attention, but I was also drawn in by his own background, including some of the articles he wrote, places he appeared, and one article in particular that stood out. So, I will temporarily set aside my ongoing research on privatized public partnerships with DOD and IC and tech giants like Google to explore this detour, which I hope can serve as an illustration for my point: we need to redefine who the real enemy of humanity is.