Someone is trying to start a civil war, don't let them.

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What is often referred to as "the cabal", or a crime syndicate if you will of entities with aligned interests such as: bloodline families (such as Rothschilds, Duponts, Rockefeller's etc.), secret societies (such as Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Jesuits/Vatican) and supranational organisations and think tanks (such as NATO, UN, WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, Club of Rome etc.) are actively trying to sow division between groups of people in order to start a civil war, the chaos momentum they need in order to push the world in their new world order system. This also happens to be the freemasons motto: Order out of Chaos. They are avid students of the machiavellian technique and employ basic divide and conquer techniques and serve as the hidden hand, the invisible force that is pushing their agenda of the NWO (new world order) through the media, banking etc. empire.

When I was visiting the United States back in 2011, a lot of people it would seem were indicating that the division between americans, especially through the party lines, blue or red, democratic or republic, donkey or elephant, was just too large and opinions about which direction the country should be lead was just too different. What we are seeing now in the united states is that the democrat led states such as California is being run to the ground, delibrately I would say. Again, order of out chaos. Certain people still with a degree of power left, need this chaos momentum to brew their stew of modern slavery that the were/are trying desparetely to lead us into blindfolded by shutting down very systematically our sense of perception and logic through decades of nudging and programming us in the direction they wanted to take not just the United States but our entire planetary structure. Thankfully this will not happen, but the US still serve as a bright example of a place this cabal, the entities mentioned previously, is trying to start a civil war.

Just recently during the summer of 2024, led by Tommy Robinson who is, most likely, a controlled opposition agent designed to sow division and rally the british people to violence in order to justify the elite to set in the police/military? in order to maintain order and balance would the demand in from the british press most likely be. The PM Keir Starmer is associated with the World Economic Forum which is in our sense of the word an evil international think tank, which is part of the NWO push. I say evil because it speak with two tongues trying to make the regular folk believe that they want to help them but their true intentions are masked. They served their own interests first and that of their extraterrestrial masters, or whatever is left of them at this point. 

I do believe this core group of cabal players, and their puppets (sorry to put it so bluntly), intentionally or otherwise, are trying to start this civil war revolution in many countries. This is why it's important to understand that humanity will transcend this experience, is what resonates with me, if we lay down our pitchforks and unite as brothers and sisters who all care about the well being of this planet and it many inhabitants. This is not to be conflated with the new world order. They don't have a monopoly on us getting together and building a strong vision of unity around planetary citizenry. We, humanity, will win this spiritual, informational, physical battle that will go down in our history books as being very much multidimensional in it's planes of warfare, if we do not behave violent or agited thereby playing into the cabals hands, but rather, though it may sound cliche to some, love one another instead and turn this experience into one that makes us band together even stronger than before. Where the evil, the actions of this cabal has run out of steam, money power, influence. The veil has been lifted, the old wizard(s) of OZ has been exposed, and we can begin to rebuild anew.

Daniel Lehmann

Daniel Lehmann

I'm the creator of this news outlet and I hope you like it thus far.

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