No. 18 - Handbook for the New Paradigm

The day begins anew as your planet tuns on its axis and mankind sleeps under the influence of the forces of darkness. Their plans seem to move in an inexplicable focus of disaster and only those few faithful ones appear to be awake and recording the movement of doom upon this lovely world of green and blue. The magic of the beauty becomes blurred and the very home upon which you depend is shutting down around you and still, if noticed, it is ignored. The final days descend into the abyss while your TV, sports and potions of sleep drug you figuratively and literally.

What now can you few do to stem the tide of blackness as it deepens more and more quickly? Shall we recount again all that you already know and groan and beat upon your breasts, as did the photos of old and cry out for “God” to save us? Millions are already doing that as a Creator they think ignores their cries to answer their prayers. It is in the perception of victims that desire rescuing that they ask and cannot receive answers to such prayers. Indeed, only. Those prayers that ask for empowerment within the framework of Creation can be answered. Do you think that the stars stay up in your heavens by casual request of a god being? Indeed not! They are within the design of balance and mathematical laws that underpin All That Is. Man continues in his mindless begging and blocks the very help he desires by being unwilling to participate except in ways that are contrary to the very Laws that support his unhappy existence. The story of these Laws surrounds them in what remains of nature, but in his misery he blinds himself. The scientific learned ones analyze the components but no the process of Life within the manifested structures of Life that surround them. The mental analysis of the mind deludes him into arrogant belief of his superiority over his surroundings rather than his brotherhood and kinship within it. How can those be helped the are becoming more and more blind to the very process within which they exist?

The victim cannot be rescued, but must pull himself up by his own boot straps and rescue himself by being responsible for his own rescue. Man is made in the essence of his Source. He is a tiny holograph of this Source. A holograph is a tiny fragment of the whole that has the potentiality of projecting the whole from which it came. Though the concept of the holograph has been encompassed in part, it has not been “analyzed” with application to the essence of Life that is within all self-aware beings. It is the refocusing of this fragment toward its source of existence that determines the degree of the totality of the Source that is brought forth into the known reality of each fragment’s experience.

If you consider the degree of the focus that has brought forth the planet Earth from the fragment of it Source, you can begin to get the picture. Look at the magnificence of the human body that is the vehicle of your experience here. A vehicle capable of housing a self-awareness that can contemplate its Source if it but will, because that Source contemplates itself and in so doing fragments itself so that it can further contemplate Itself through manifestation of experience. Within it is the freewill to do this. Since freewill is the vehicle for this contemplation, then it is manifest within each holographic fragment. This freewill allows for all experience within a further enhancement of this Self-contemplation process. This is the polarity that enables the recognition of that which serves the contemplation process and that which does not, so that the balance of these allows the completion of each exploration into the return of the fragment originally projected to its Source. To follow this process as presetned, there is a spiral of understanding as this is contemplated by the mind reading this information. Each fragment returns itself to the Source that projected it. Thus you are lead to understand the framework of the process you are within, for each of you are a holographic fragment of the Source of all that is in the process of self-contemplation. Ah, panic, you will become as nothing if you follow the path of the return. Indeed not! With each returning phase toward the Source of your entry into experience, your own self-awareness grows and it becomes greater and greater until you have the absolute potential to being a total equal within the greater Totality of that Source contemplating Itself.

Does that boggle your finite minds? Indeed it should not. It should be the most comforting news that you have ever encompassed. Could there ever be a brighter picture of your future ever painted? What possible pleasures could ever compete with a future like that? Let me assure you that there are no fleeting pleasures of the body.incarnate that can compare with those that await you as the fragmentary self-awareness begins to ascend the spiral of experience toward the ultimate goal. The problem is bridging the gulf of misunderstanding that has been set as a trap by ones that have become caught up in the distorted misuse of the aspect of freewill. These pitiful ones have become so caught up as to perceive themselves as powerful enough to reach not only total equality with the Totality of the Source of All, but they they can reach a place of Superiority. Even the distorted psychiatric paradigm of your time would consider this insanity if they could but encompass the scheme in its totality. Within this distorted power grab, it is necessary to have a distorted replica of the process. A counter part to that which exists, Humanity is but one building block of this, for they cannot create from a negative potentiality. Try as they have, it will not work, so they are left with the process of converting what already exists from what you term positive into its opposite, a negative counterpart. Now, this is not a recent event in your linear counting process. How much have they accomplished? So as to not overwhelm you completely, let us say that it has reached a critical stage. To allow it to continue would jeopardize more of manifested experience by the Source than is comfortable. Enough to bring a focus of the awareness of this “awesome totality” of Source to bear upon the problem. The potentiality of this Focus for bringing balance back into the totality of the process as explained above is awesome to contemplate, even within the limits of 3rd dimensional perception

We have attempted to explain before that there is help available, the it is powerful and have even understated it. However, the key key to the release of this awesome force lies within that which has created the situation in the first place. FREEWILL! If you were not of the exceptional value beyond being the vehicle of change, other means of ending this could employed. The fragment from which each and every individual fragment of that Focus is a portion must be accounted for in order for the balance of all to be maintained. You cannot be simply written off. That would create a flaw that would cause unacceptable repercussions. All fragments must return to the Source from which they were focused (projected) in order for that Source to remain in the balance of wholeness. That is not to say that those that have perpetrated this distorted experience to the extreme will not have some interesting educational experiences, for certainly they shall. Your perception of time does allow you to contemplate such a process, so do not attempt to do so.

It is important that you gather into your awareness the wholeness of this situation so that you can begin to contemplate the understanding that even those of darkest behavior patterns are valuable to the Source that you call God. They are a part of the totality of all that the word Source implies. Simply telling you that they are a part of “All That Is” has not brought with it compression that encompasses the necessary understanding and so another approach to it has been attempted here. A back to basics lesson in your vernacular. Let us hope that this has now been accomplished. If not, perhaps the re-reading of this will bring it about. It is not that we wish a softening of your attitude toward what is being perpetrated which would further their negative cause, but that you understand why simply destroying the whole experiment is not an option, or why just messing up their plans is not enough. The Source, the Big Boss, wants it resolved and who are we to argue? We have this key issue to resolve. So, let us get on with it.


Benevolent Beings

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