Ellen P. Lacter interviews satanic ritual abuse survivor Trish Fotheringham

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The above video is the first part of a three part interview.

You can find part 2 here:

And you can find part 3 here:

In an interview of almost three hours with Dr. Ellen Lacter, Trish Fotheringham inspires hope and courage for extreme abuse survivors. She gives direction and guidance for the healing journey, not only to survivors but also to the people who help them, including psychotherapists, clergy, and loved ones.

Trish Fotheringham’s years of ritual abuse and mind control remained secret, even from herself, until she was thirty years old, reaching conscious awareness during college social work classes about child abuse. The decade-spanning healing journey that followed led Trish to discover truths that have culminated in her life purpose of sharing her experiences to spread understanding, hope and inspiration.

Beginning when victims are very young, perpetrators of ritual abuse and mind control use torture and manipulation of the mind’s capacity to form dissociated (separate and compartmentalized) identities in an attempt to forever use, control, and silence their victims.

Defying her abusers’ machinations, in this interview, Trish describes the process of mind control torture and tackles some of the most difficult challenges survivors face as they work to resolve their trauma. She describes how she worked through her abuse and integrated her dissociated identities into a cohesive whole sense of self. She also displays artwork illustrating her previously dissociated personalities, her inner world, and her breaking free of the bonds in which her abusers sought to trap her.

Speaking out to promote peace, happiness and love in the world helped Trish Fotheringham give value to the nightmarish hell in which she grew up and to the huge amount of hard, lonely work it took to become healthy, happy and whole.


Ellen Lacter, Ph.D., is a psychologist in San Diego, California. She has treated victims and survivors of ritual abuse and mind control since 1995. She is an activist on behalf of victims, working to educate therapists, law enforcement, clergy, and the general public about these forms of abuse and their effects on victims.

Dr. Lacter met Trish Fotheringham through their both having contributed chapters to the book, Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-First Century, published in 2008 by Robert D. Reed Publishers. Learn more about the book and order it here.

Trish Fotheringham’s chapter is a comprehensive description of her mind control programming, “Patterns in Mind-Control: A First Person Account.” Listen to Trish read an excerpt from the epilogue to her chapter here.

Dr. Lacter co-wrote her chapter with Karl Lehman, MD, entitled: “Guidelines to Differential Diagnosis between Schizophrenia and Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Traumatic Stress.” Listen to an interview with Dr. Lacter about ritual abuse here.

Daniel Lehmann

Daniel Lehmann

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