Marvin Minsky who was a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence and laid the groundwork with his research into what he called in his book perceptrons, which later became the bedrock of modern AI, machine learning. In this ted talk, however, he discusses the total amount of people that our planet can sustain which is around 200 million people. The reason I find this important is because he frequented Jeffrey Epstein's Island and the Georgia Guidestones estimated 500 million people to be the optimal carrying capacity for mother earth and it's inhabitants in order to reach an equilibrium you might say. This, and other topics are discussed in his presentation.

A Message of Hope in Turbulent Times: Unite Against the Forces of Division
What is often referred to as "the cabal" or a crime syndicate is a group of entities with aligned interests, including bloodline families (such as the Rothschilds, Duponts, and Rockefellers), secret societies (like the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Jesuits/Vatican), and supranational organizations and think tanks (including NATO, the UN, WHO, WEF, Bilderberg, and the Club of Rome). These entities are actively trying to sow division among groups of people with the ultimate goal of starting a civil war, which would provide the chaos and momentum they need to push the world towards their new world order system. Interestingly, this aligns with the Freemasons' motto: "Ordo ab Chao" (Order out of Chaos). These entities are skilled practitioners of Machiavellian tactics and employ basic divide-and-conquer strategies as the hidden hand or invisible force that drives their agenda for a New World Order through the media, banking, and other sectors.