Royal families of europe and the transgender ideology has roots in satanism. The reason is that everything is turned upside down in satanism. Bad is good and good is bad. A boy is a girl and a girl is a boy. This is what is practiced in secret societies because it is a ritual designed to hurt a human being. And this practice has to be stopped and not accepted into society.

The Jeffrey Epstein Mossad/CIA Blackmailing Operation and International Trafficking Ring
(Made before his death in 2019) This is the disturbing tale of Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender and billionaire who thus far has escaped any major consequences for performing sexual acts on teenage girls. Despite facing criminal charges a decade ago, Epstein was able to dodge any major repercussions and prison time. Now, with a federal lawsuit looming on the horizon, the truth about Epstein may finally see the light of day. To date, this lawsuit, and the chance to publicize the truth, offers the best chance at Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein.